Make your own rooting hormone for cuttings and promote root formation naturally

Updated April 30, 2024

If you want to propagate your plants, you should simply grow them yourself as cuttings. Most cuttings form roots easily in a glass of water, but unfortunately this method does not always work. However, using a rooting hormone delivers very good results! In today's article you will find out what exactly this is and which natural remedies you can use!

The rooting hormone, also called root activator, shortens the rooting process and helps the cuttings to establish healthy roots. It also prevents bacteria from multiplying. Strong roots allow young plants to absorb more nutrients from the soil, allowing them to grow, flower or produce a good harvest faster.

DIY rooting hormone for young plants

There are many different root activators for cutting propagation on the market, but there are alsonatural rooting agents, used by flower growers. To promote growth and root formation, it is not necessary to use chemicals! You can achieve remarkable results using natural remedies. Today we will show you how you can make a rooting hormone yourself and which natural products are perfect for propagating cuttings.

Make willow water yourself

Willow twigs contain large amounts of auxins. These phytohormones influence the differentiation of cells and are involved in defense mechanisms against fungi and bacteria. Therefore willWillow water as one of the best rooting agentsviewed. We'll tell you how you can make willow water yourself.

First collect suitable willow branches. The willow branches should be small and thin like a pencil. Young branches contain indole-3-butyric acid - a hormone that promotes root formation. You will need about 2 cups of the thin twigs. Alternatively, use the bark from the trunk or branches of willow trees. In this case you will need 3 cups as the amount of hormone is much less. Avoid collecting branches that have already fallen because the hormone is no longer active.

Cut the branches into smaller pieces, about 7cm to 10cm long. If you're working with bark, the pieces should be about 5 to 10 cm long.

Take a pot or container large enough to hold both the willow pulp and 3.5 liters of water. Bring the water to a boil in another pot. Then pour the boiled water over the willow chips. Let this brew steep for at least 12 hours, preferably 24 hours.

Then strain the willow mixture into clean glass bottles. Remove all willow shreds. Put the lids on and stick on labels with the date if desired. The rooting hormone solution is now ready to use. You can store it in the refrigerator for up to two months.

To use the rooting agent, pour some into a small container that can comfortably hold the cuttings. Dip the cuttings into the solution. Leave them for a few hours to allow the rooting hormone to take effect. Then place the plants in the potting soil and water them well!

Cinnamon as a root activator

Cinnamon acts less like a rooting hormone. However, it has a positive influence on plant development because itPrevents the formation of fungi. This increases the chance that the cuttings will become something. Put some cinnamon on a plate or in a glass and simply dab the cut stem end into the powder.

Also interesting:That's why cinnamon is a real miracle cure in the garden!

Apple cider vinegar as a rooting hormone

To prevent fungus formation, you can also use apple cider vinegar. Just be careful as too much vinegar can kill the cutting. Prepare an apple cider vinegar and water solution by diluting one teaspoon of vinegar in 6 cups of water. Briefly dip the cutting into the solution and plant it.

Honey promotes root formation

Some gardeners claim that honey contains enzymes that...Can stimulate root growth of plants. It is rich in vitamins B, PP, C, K, E, ascorbic acid, 35 minerals and other elements. However, its antibacterial and antifungal properties prove to be very useful. In this way, honey can give the cutting a healthy start to growth so that it can grow its own roots. Add some honey directly over the cut site or make a solution with water again. Dissolve a teaspoon of honey in 1.5 liters of water. Dip the stem of the cutting into the solution and let it sit for 12 hours before planting.

Dissolve aspirin in water

Did you know that aspirin and the salicylic acid it contains can inhibit possible pathogens and therefore support the rooting of cuttings? How to proceed:

  • Place an aspirin tablet in a glass of water and wait for it to dissolve.
  • Place the cutting in the water and leave it there for a few hours so that the plant absorbs the aspirin solution. The aspirin can also helpKeep cut flowers fresh longer.

Note: It is better to buy uncoated aspirin tablets. Avoid using the plastic coated versions, the plant doesn't need these chemicals!

Potatoes as a root activator for difficult cuttings

Large potato tubers are also perfect as a rooting agent. Potatoes are very rich in nutrients, plant hormones and sugar and can effectively promote root formation. Even difficult cuttings can be propagated in this way. ThePropagation of roses by cuttings in a potato tuberis very popular, for example.

First remove all germs from the potato. Then make a hole in the potato so that the stem of the rose fits and insert it 2 cm deep. The potatoes and cuttings are placed in a prepared planting hole 15 cm deep. First cover the ground with five centimeters of sand and then add the soil on top. Cut off the bottom of a plastic bottle and carefully place it over the rose branch. With sufficient watering, full roots should appear two weeks later, and a month later - a finished oneRosenstrauch.

Aloe vera-Saft

Aloe juice not only promotes the formation of the root system in the cuttings, but also has a general strengthening effect on the immunity of the future seedling. In addition, aloe vera juice has antiseptic properties, which means that it destroys pathogenic microorganisms. Add 1 tablespoon of fresh aloe gel to a glass of water. Keep the cuttings in the aloe-water solution until root tips appear. This usually takes about a week.

Yeast solution

When ordinary yeast is dissolved in water, substances are released that accelerate the process of root formation. The root system is formed quickly - about 12 days earlier than usual. Dissolve 100 grams of dry yeast in one liter of lukewarm water. The cuttings should sit in the yeast solution for a day, then they are washed and placed in a container with ordinary pure water.

General instructions for propagating cuttings and using rooting agents

The best time to propagate cuttings is in May-June when the plants are in the growth phase. In the second half of summer or autumn, all cuttings are rather difficult to propagate. Especially in autumn, the plants enter a dormant phase.

Stick to the motto: “Less is more”. You shouldn't overdo it when promoting root formation. Whether it's a store-bought rooting hormone or one you make yourself, use it sparingly. Too much can cause growth problems for the cuttings.

For each cutting, prepare a separate container for the rooting hormone. This is done to prevent the transmission of possible diseases to all cuttings.

All cuttings should preferably be planted individually first in a nursery pot or disposable plastic cup. If you are using a plastic cup, make a few holes in the bottom to allow water to flow out. Another plus point: you can easily see the roots in the transparent cup.