Texture is a special feature in any exceptional garden, composed of many different layers. Texture offers you new discoveries with every new visit to the garden. We all know what natural texture is, but sometimes we have difficulty defining the term. Texture is the feel, appearance, or coherence of the interwoven elements.
Many plants show a lot of texture. Think of switchgrass and how the grass sways in the wind. Conifers show more structure than mostPlants in the garden. To prove this to you, we have put together an interesting photo gallery for you today and some great examplesGarden design with conifersselected. Shall we continue with it?
Garden design with conifers – Softwoods improve the look of your garden
From pointy and prickly to soft and fern-like, conifers display interesting textures. The Colorado blue spruces (Picea pungens cvs) are in the background of this garden landscape and have a rough texture, while the white pines (Pinus strobus cvs) and the Alberta spruces (Picea glauca 'Conica') bring a soft texture that we particularly like . The chartreuse juniper grows low in the foreground but is deceptively soft and airy as it is in fact less pleasant to the touch.
It is the artistic mix of these structures that gives this garden depth and interest. It makes you pause to take a second look. Designing a garden like this really requires your creativity, but also some specialist knowledge. We want to help you with a few useful tips.
Garden Design with Conifers – Some of the most popular species
Evergreen cypress trees. Cypress trees exhibit a texture similar to that of a coarse fabric. But they also have interesting colors, with blue and chartreuse dominating. So they only improve the look in our gardens.
Thuja The tree of life is another member of the cypress family. It creates natural flair and plenty of green texture in any garden. Like the false cypress, the tree of life usually has fern-like foliage. Pictures usually show larger pyramid-shaped thujs, but there are many other varieties, for example several dwarf thujs and those in round shapes. So ask specialist retailers for the necessary information about the different Thuja varieties that are available.
fir trees. These conifers are widespread in Europe and have short, upright needles that blend well with the drooping foliage on somePine treesand cedars contrast. Additionally, some chartreuse firs can have leaves that brighten a slightly shady garden.
Evergreen garden landscape
Spruces. These conifers generally have stiff, short needles arranged in a 360-degree pattern around the branch, unlike pine needles, which are generally softer and only grow on the upper portion of the branch. Additionally, spruce needles have four sides and are easy to roll between your fingers; Pine needles have two sides. All spruces show a lot of texture.
Japanese cedars. Cryptomeria japonica is the national tree of Japan. Legend has it that the spirits of ancestors live in the trunks of these majestic trees. Japanese cedars are generally characterized by soft, dense, dark green foliage arranged in a cloud-like pattern. Some are large and pyramid-shaped, they can reach up to 25-26 meters in height, while some are spherical and wide, they can only reach 1 meter in height. It is best to plant the Japanese cedars together with blue spruce in combination and you will get an interesting structural design in your garden.
Juniper. This group of shrubs and small trees is not particularly popular among gardeners. Many junipers have sharp leaves, they remind us of painful childhood memories of hiding in the bushes.
Garden design with conifers – a challenge for your creativity
Many of the newer juniper varieties are user-friendly and highly recommended. For color and texture, junipers are unmatched. You can plant these with spruces or firs to achieve more contrast in your garden landscape.
Don't be afraid to plant different conifers in close proximity to each other. Your garden will later give you a beautiful look.
Prickly or fine, the richly textured softwoods bring unexpected interest and plenty of charm to the garden landscape.