Easily make your own garden ideas with old car tires

How to dispose of or reuse old tires is an important environmental issue because they cause problems. They often collect rainwater and become a breeding ground for mosquitoes. That's why we offer you some creative garden ideas with old car tires.Flower pots, stools, tree swings, garden tables - all of these are perfect DIY projects for a weekend.

Used tires can be stacked in the garden and used to create mini gardens forvegetables and flowersto form. There are several advantages. These mini gardens require less water, fertilizer and weeding. Black rubber absorbs heat from the sun. In addition, the Earth warms faster when there isabove the groundis. This extra warmth worksstimulating growthof the plants. You can be the first in the neighborhood to have fresh tomatoes any time of year! herbs, peppers,potatoes and other plantsare also perfect for this.

The stacked tires raise the surface of the garden, allowing disabled people or people in wheelchairs to reach the plants and do gardeningenjoy. The tire flower pots make it possible to have a garden despite steep or rocky areas.

No matter who would choose from our garden ideas with old car tires, you can paint the old tires. Use an oil or shellac primer and then acrylic exterior paint.

Whether in children's playgrounds or in your own garden, the tire swing is a real hit. But if your child doesn't like swinging, you can convert the tire into a seesaw.

First, the car tire must be cut in half, preferably with a circular saw. After it has been thoroughly cleaned, you can spray paint it inside and out. Sand the wooden board and possibly paint it as desired. For good stability, the wooden board can be around 50 centimeters longer at both ends. The board is then attached to the tires with screws and angle connectors. The holes for the safety handles or for a thick rope can be drilled into the board in advance.

The bigger the tire, the bigger the pond will be. A tractor tire is perfect for this project, but a larger car tire will also do. First, the hole for the pond is dug and the tire is placed in it. Fill the edges with soil. The top of the tire is sawn off with an electric saw. Now line the bottom and the edge with pond liner. Place large stones around the pond for decoration.Pour waterinto the pond and he's done. If desired, you can also place a fountain set with a pump in the pond.

Large sculptures are also a beautiful way to add an artistic touch to your outdoor spaceto give grade. A bear figure, for example, can be easily put together from two old tires of different sizes. Things get a little more complicated when you have to cut the tire. But the result is fascinating. With a few cuts you can build a swan or a parrot.

To make a pattern on the edge is not so easy, but it looks much more attractive. First place the tire on the ground and draw the desired pattern on the side with a felt-tip pen or chalk. Then cut out the pattern little by little with a knife. You can cut spikes or waves. Then bend the wave pattern outward. This requires a lot of strength. The plant pot is then ready and can be painted and planted. Painting makes the structure stand out even better.

You can not only beautify a small corner of the garden with colorful stripes. Instead of them like aPlanting raised beds, they can be used as hanging baskets. They can be hung on the wall or on a tree. You can then place the flowers directly inside or add a small wooden board as a shelf. Hanging flowers such as petunias provide an even more beautiful effect. They are an uncomplicated classic that impresses with their rich floral splendor. The rampant Petunia surfina turns every hanging basket into a blooming cloud of flowers.

Of course, several tire objects look particularly good together. You can raise some car tires, hang them or stand them on edge. There are so many possibilities just because of the different diameters.

If you want to invest in a new garden table, you should definitely choose a material that can withstand all kinds of weather conditions. Since tires are heat and cold resistant, they are also perfect for building a garden table. Simply stack them on top of each other and put on a suitable table top. You can't go wrong with metal outdoors.