Are you looking for inspiration on what to plant in September? Now that we are enjoying the last warm days of late summer and the main growing season is gradually winding down, it is the perfect time to plant plants in the garden for the coming seasons. Whether you want to incorporate trees and shrubs into your garden ideas, brighten up spring and summer flower beds, or grow short-lived vegetables and winter crops, there's plenty to do. What do you plant in September? Read on to find out!
What to Plant in September – Flowers for Spring Color
What can you plant in September? There are many hardy annual plants to choose from. Sowing seeds in the fall often results in sturdier plants that have a small head start and will bloom earlier next spring.
Marigolds are suitable for planting in autumn
The hardy annual marigolds, or calendula, are a cheerful splash of color in beds and borders, and their deep orange petals can also be used raw in salads. Sow calendula seeds in September where you want them to bloom. Start by amending the soil with well-rotted compost, or use a peat-free general purpose compost if planting in pots. If sown in autumn they should bloom in May.
Plant a daffodil in autumn
Daffodils, the harbingers of spring, fill beds and borders with their gently nodding yellow or white flower heads or can be planted in lawns and meadows. With the countless varieties available, you'll be spoiled for choice when deciding whatYou in Septemberwant to plant. You need to plant the bulbs deep so that they grow strong stems, but also so that the bulbs are not damaged when you plant new plants next year.
The best winter flowers – pansies
Winter pansies can breathe new life into your fall garden, brightening up garden beds and containers during the colder and darker months with their pretty blooms, which come in a variety of colorful combinations. They require minimal care to have a very long flowering period. Begin planting in September to give their roots enough time to survive the winter.
September is a rich harvest month, so it can be difficult to think about future harvests. However, there are many vegetables that can be planted in the fall. Take advantage of the opportunity to plant vegetables that provide winter harvesting and earlier spring and summer harvesting and are also suitable for small vegetable gardens.
Sow spring onions
Sowing spring onions now is a great way to start your spring harvest. You can sow in a seed tray, and later transplant the seedlings to their final location when they are large enough toto edit them. If you have a shady garden, green onions are also one of the easiest vegetables to grow in the shade.
Growing garlic in autumn
Garlic is such a versatile vegetable, used as an ingredient in so many dishes, that it's worth growing. Growing garlic takes time because it requires a long growing season to thrive. After sowing in the fall, it takes about 10 months until you can harvest your home-grown garlic bulbs and replenish your supplies of this important kitchen ingredient.
Plant shallots
Shallots have a long growing season, so you should plant these seeds now to ensure a summer harvest. Space them 20cm and 30cm apart between rows. Cover the bulbs with fleece or netting to protect them from birds.
Grow spinach in a raised bed
Plant hardy spinach varieties that are tasty, nutritious and easy to grow in the fall for a winter harvest. The versatile vegetable is ideal for refining warming curries, pies or stews. The key to success when growing spinach is to enrich the soil by incorporating high-quality garden compost. You can harvest spinach leaves within 6 to 10 weeks. Spinach is also good for growing in containers.
What to plant in September – radishes
Fall-grown radishes can be bigger and better because they don't shed as quickly as their spring-grown cousins. It is important that they have a sunny location in moist, well-drained soil - as long as these conditions are met, they can cope with most types of soil. September is an ideal month for sowing radishes. They grow quickly, so you should sow radish seeds sparingly but often,around in the falland winter to obtain a continuous harvest.
Growing beets in a vegetable patch
If you plant the beets early in the month, you still have time to sow them for a fall or winter harvest. This fast-growing plant is best sown little and often. Plant them in cool, moisture-retaining soil in a sunny spot or in large containers to harvest as baby vegetables - wonderful for roasting or salads.
Which shrubs and trees should you plant in September?
Early fall is nature's planting season - so when deciding what to plant in the fall, choose evergreen trees and shrubs. Trees and shrubs planted at this time require little care as the roots grow well while the soil is still warm and moist.
Cotinus smoke bush
Cotinus varieties offer a wide range of leaf colors, ranging from green to purple, with beautiful fiery yellows to deep scarlet in fall. Because of the delicate pink summer flowers that are reminiscent of clouds of smoke, the cotinus is also called the smoke bush. It can grow quite large, but its size can be limited by pruning.
What can you plant in the garden in September – hydrangeas
Hydrangeas are a beautiful color choice throughout summer and into fall and do best in partial shade. Plant hydrangeas in swathes of mixed shades or repeat varieties to enhance the impact. As their name suggests, hydrangeas love moisture. Therefore, give the new plants a layer of leaf mulch to retain moisture in the soil.
Japanese maple
Varieties of Acer palmatum or Japanese maples offer a wonderful range of colors in autumn and the trees have a variety of shapes. They are among the trees with the best autumn color. For a Japanese garden, plant the maple plants in a sheltered, slightly shady spot in September.
Plant herbs and salads in autumn
At this time of year, the warm soil, cooler weather and moisture in the soil help herb and lettuce plants establish quickly. There are some herbs that do better as part of your herb garden in the fall than in the spring because they don't die as easily in less warm weather. This means that September is a good time tocertain herbsto plant.
How to Grow Coriander
Growing coriander is easy: it can be sown directly into the ground in autumn. Choose a spot near the kitchen so you can regularly harvest the leaves of this popular herb and use them in many dishes. It is best to sow the seeds little and often.
Growing arugula in autumn
Even though we typically associate them with summer dishes, don't overlook lettuce leaves when considering what to plant in the kitchen garden in September. Spicy and peppery arugula leaves are a good choice. Sow a small amount of seeds every few weeks in a sunny, weed-free bed with well-drained soil so you can harvest gradually. The leaves can be harvested about 4 weeks after sowing.
Lettuce can be planted in fall
If you sow lettuce every few weeks in September and October, you should be able to enjoy fresh leaves until spring. Growing winter lettuce is no different than growing lettuce in spring and summer. Lettuce germination and growth rates are even better when planted in September.