Plants that you don't have to water: 15 pfel -regulated garden plants that need little water

Maintaining a garden can be an exhausting task. That is why many people opt for a simple outdoor area without much green. Since all plants need water to thrive, irrigation of the garden in summer is one of the most time -scale jobs. Fortunately, there are some plants that can cope well even without frequent irrigation. Plants that you don't have to water are a good alternative to thirsty, green lawns. They are easy to care for and tolerate a lot of sun and drought and you can relax in summer instead of working in the garden.

Plants that you don't have to water: 15 drought -tolerant

We select the plants for our garden by fragrance and color. Some are demanding, others don't need much care. However, there are some species that do not have to be cast often and that are a relief for those who often forget to water their flowers. In the following you will find the best dryness tolerant andheat -friendly plantswith which you can upgrade your garden in summer.

Rosemary: The Mediterranean herb

If you are looking for a pretty, evergreen shrub for your garden, rosemary is just the thing for you. He is a multi -year herb with needle -like leaves and unique fragrance. Since it stores water in his leaves, you shouldn't water it often. Established plants are cast about every two weeks.

With its evergreen leaves, the attractive growth shape and the naturally beautiful bleeding, rosemary is a great addition to your garden. Remember that you should cut the shrub regularly to keep it in shape and get a fresh taste when using it for cooking.

Royal candle: grow the medicinal plant in the garden

The royal candle is a large, upright growing plant with huge, furry leaves and high stems with yellow flowers. This two-year-old plant blooms from early to late summer and is still attractive for months. The majestic royal candle is tolerant of dryness because the rosettes from furry leaves resist the water loss well. It is quite free of pests and diseases and is well suited for cultivation in the garden.

Aromatic sage

The aromatic sage with its gray -green leaves is one of the best dry -tolerant perennials. Therefore, they should watch the soil and natural precipitation and only pour it as needed. He will reward them with simple care and striking, colorful flowers.

The cultivation of sage is a great way to visually upgrade your garden, to attract useful pollinators andFresh leaves for theirTo harvest courts.

Magnificent girl's eye

The girl's eye, also called Coreopsis, is an easy -care plant that is well suited for beginners. However, it is to be cast regularly in the first year, but as soon as it is established, it can tolerate dry conditions year after year. With its shining flowers, the girl's eye is a beautiful asset for every dry -tolerant garden. It blooms all summer and into autumn and attracts bees and butterflies. Just make sure that you choose a multi-year variety, as there are also annual coreopsis varieties.

Colorful poppy

P and poppies are a popular, easy -care garden plant that is incredibly resistant. They are available in a wide range of color that attracts bees and butterflies. Another advantage is that the poppy flowers sow themselves, which means that they grow back in their garden every year.

P and poppies are to be watered often during the seed phase, but their water requirements are greatly reduced after the growth begins.

The blue -building tolerates heat and drought

This dry -tolerant plant has upright stems with a silver leaves and beautiful lavender -colored flower bushes, which open from August. It tolerates heat and low -rain periods and begins to bloom in midsummer.

The blue -bearing thrives in dry soils and only has to be poured when drought continued as soon as it has established itself. She can at the end of theCut back in summerbecome so that a new shoot is promoted.

Plants that you don't have to water: stone herb

The stone herb is a robust, low plant with tiny flowers in pink, white, violet and yellow. It blooms from June to October and has a sweet smell that is reminiscent of honey and attracts pollinators.

The stone herb should be poured thoroughly after the plants and then keep moist for a few weeks until it has established itself. Advanced plants should only occasionally be watered when dry.

The easy -care ground cover: woolen snack

The wool ziest is a pretty ground cover with a fluffy, silvery leaves. It thrives best in sunny places in nutrient -poor, slightly acidic soils. As a dry -tolerant perennial, it is a good choice for rock gardens. Remember that it spreads very quickly in the course of growth and pay attention to the right location when planting in the garden.

Bring color with the sun hat

The happy sun hat can grow everywhere practically and thrive well, even if you neglect it. It tolerates heat and drought and is certainly one of the best flowers that you don't have to water. The less often they bloom them.

You can choose between cream, orange, pink, red and yellow tones so that you will certainly find something that fits your mood perfectly.

Shining torchy

The torchy is real sun lovers who like hot and dry conditions. However, they appreciate good water supply during the flowering period.

You can plant them in every well -permeable soil to enjoy their bright flowers in summer. Dwarf varieties are also available that are very attractive for birds and pollinators and can also be grown in buckets and pots.

The fathenne is dryness tolerant

This drought -tolerant succulent is available in a variety of colors, sizes and shapes. From low -growing species that are perfect ground cover, to high -growing species that attract bees and butterflies, there is a fathenne for every flowering garden.

This easy -care plant prefers a well -permeable soil and hot, dry conditions. Her meaty leaves help her store water and thrive during low -rain periods without irrigation.

Colorful portula guns

The portules are a one -year, dry -tolerant succulent that grows in dry soils and are native to Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay. Thanks to its thick, succulent leaves and deeply growing roots, this plant can thrive for a long time without water. It is a popular addition to every garden and its breathtaking, shining flowers decorate the flower beds from June to August.

Wolfsmilch (Euphorbia) plants

The wolf milk, also called Euphorbia, is an easy -care plant that does not need special attention and can thrive for a long time without water. It produces a toxic milk juice that causes severe skin irritation.

In spring, the plant shines in the garden when the light green leaves are decorated with yellow leaves. When the location is correct, the leaves turn red in autumn.

Yarrow tolerates dryness

The yarrow is a multi -year flourishing plant that is native to Europe. It is very easy to care for and thrives in sunny places in well -permeable soil. It is a good choice for rock gardens.

The yarrow tolerates heat and drought and even blooms more if you only pour it occasionally in summer.

Bergenie for shady location

Bergenie is another tolerant of dryness that thrives in the shade and needs little water. Plant your mountains to a shady location in the garden and you can get by without water for a long time.