Let your garden become an expression of your personality. Make decorations from your old things to ensure your garden art is unique. TheGarden ideas with old household itemsarecountless. Or keep your eyes peeled when visiting the flea market. Consider the overall shape and design of the item to decide where it would fit in your garden. If you have a fence, you can hang birdhouses, mirrors or chairs on it. If not, you can find space for your art right under your garden plants.
DieGarden ideas with old household itemsare an artistic way to turn your “junk” into treasure. Examples of this “garden junk” include the use of old ladders asflower stands, decorating with clematis over old shutters like a curtain, or filling an old cast iron bathtub with potting soil and then planting white and purple petunias. A junk garden is environmentally conscious because you recycle and use trash to beautify the garden instead of taking up space in a landfill.
Garden ideas with old household items – hanging figure
DieGarden ideas with old household items or decorative treasures from the flea marketare limited only by the gardener's imagination. There are endless possibilities in everything from old shoes to car rims. Check out our ideas and walk through the world with your eyes open!
Garden idea with bottles
Pretty wheelbarrow
blue clay pots with pansies as wall decoration
Concrete armchair
Flowers made from car rims
Bricks like books
old teapots as vases
old door reused
beautiful wooden wheelbarrow with flowers
Shoes as flower pots
Garden ideas with old household items – vintage mirrors
Grater as a flower washer
old shopping carts
Garden ideas with old household items – old ceramic bowl and log
Tin buckets in tiers