With theBeginning of springIt's getting greener outside and the topic of garden design is becoming more and more important. Aside from blooming flowers, you can also use various shrubs to design your garden. Green is not the only color that nature can “paint” the leaves with. Garden shrubs with red leaves look unusual and always attract attention. Below we will introduce you to beautiful plant species that are characterized by their interesting red leaf color and can therefore be found in many gardens. Create colorful eye-catchers in the various beds.
Garden shrubs with red leaves are a real eye-catcher in the garden
Iresines (Iresine Diffusa Brilliantissima) grow as climbing or upright shrubs and, depending on the species, can have smooth or hairy leaves. ThePlant is not hardyand therefore needs to be properly overwintered. That's why it's best to use it in a pot or dig it up again at the end of the season. Alternatively, you can simply replace the plant with a new one next spring. Great carpet beds can be created with Iresin, where it will stand out wonderfully in the midst of green or contrasting flowering specimens.
They look beautiful in all seasons
Loropetalum chinense var rubrum is a plant with dark red, hairyLeaves and flowersin bright pink to pink. It blooms from February to March, with wonderfully fragrant flowers and must be placed in a sunny or semi-shady location. The location of these garden shrubs with red leaves should also be protected from the wind and, above all, safe from the first ground frost. Their sensitivity to frost requires a warm wintering location where the temperature is between 8 and 12 degrees.
Beautiful varieties of theColognelilienwith a wonderful dark red color
Palm trees give your garden an exotic look and if they also have such an unusual color, they quickly become a striking accent. The Cordyline Australis club lilies come from Australia. The location is not a problem even in summer - they can also thrive in full sun. But this also means regular and abundant watering, because the root ball should not only be well moistened. It should never dry out completely between each watering. In addition, attention should be paid to waterlogging. The water must be able to drain well to prevent the roots from rotting. A warm place to overwinter with a temperature of at least 12 degrees should also be planned.
The beautifulDwarf blood plumdecorates the garden
The dark red, shiny leaves of the dwarf plum contrast beautifully with the small white flowers during the flowering period, which usually lasts about 3 weeks in May. The botanical name of the plant is Prunus X Cistena. It can grow up to 2 meters high and needs lots of sun, regular cutting and nutrient-rich soil. In addition, the shrub is also cold-resistant. The flowers are by no means the only thing that impresses these plants. In autumn, the plants also delight the eye with red fruits that are even edible and tasty.
DieSouth Sea myrtlestands out with its small pink flowers
The South Sea myrtle (Leptospermum Scorparium) comes from Australia and New Zealand and prefers bright locations without direct sunlight. It does not tolerate extreme cold and must be kept in rooms where the temperature does not fall below 3 °C. You can enjoy the small pink flowers, which also emit a pleasant scent, from March to June. It should be watered abundantly in the hot summer days. Otherwise it does not need any special care. With regular pruning you can keep the fast-growing plant in any size and shape.
The wig bushbloomsstrong in June and July
The wig bush (Cotinus) is an ornamental shrub that is extremely resistant to heat and drought. It needs a calcareous, loose and permeable soil with a high PH value. It grows up to 2-3 meters high and is frost hardy, so it doesn't have any special propertiesCare in winterneeds. The garden shrubs with red leaves tolerate cuts. However, these are not absolutely necessary as the shrubs are characterized by uniform growth. It is best to plant this type of shrub so that the sunlight shines through the leaves from behind and their red colors are shown even better.
Elderberry brings a lot of benefits to themHealthand looks beautiful in the garden
The black elderberry (Sambucus nigra) is a species of plant that belongs to the genus Elderberry (Sambucus). Some varieties such as “Black Lace” and“Thundercloud” have beautiful dark red foliage and many flower umbels in pink shades that smell wonderfully of lemon. ThePlant is very undemandingand thrives in any soil. It is best planted in autumn or spring. However, if you missed this season and don't want to wait until fall, any other period in between is also suitable.
The leaves of theBlutberberitzechange their colors with the seasons
The blood barberry, up to 0.5 meters high, is perfect as a ground cover for smaller areas. The botanical name is Thunbergii Atropurpurea Nana. The plant produces small dark red leaves in spring, which turn a bright red color in autumn. The small shrub feels best on yousunny or partially shaded locationand is winter hardy. The barberry is an equally undemanding shrub that even beginners can try. The flowering time is in May, whereyellow inflorescencescreate a contrast to the leaves. The bright red berries appear in autumn, providing color in the garden well into winter.
TheMiracle tree
The botanical name of the miracle tree – Ricinus Communis – comes from the Latin word for tick. Other names the plant is known by are dog tree, lice tree and cruciform tree. The miracle tree, which comes from North Africa, likes a lot of sun and grows very quickly. In winter it needs a bright, humid place where temperatures do not fall below 10 °C. Hardy species die above ground but grow back again in spring. It is important to know that the seeds are poisonous. Keep this in mind if you have children.
Black and red onesHemlock (Fagus Sylvatica Purpurea Pendula)
The black-red beech (Fagus Sylvatica Purpurea Pendula) is an attractive variety of copper beech. It is characterized by shiny, dark red foliage, thrives best in a sunny location and has no other special requirements. The bushy look attracts everyone's attention in the garden and can be used either as a background in a bed or, as here, as a single plant in the middle of the garden. With regular pruning you can also shape these plants nicely and keep them in check in terms of size.
Lambertshasel(Corylus Avellana Purpurea)
The Lambert Shasel (Corylus Avellana Purpurea) is a medium-tall shrub that can reach a height of 2-3 meters. It is very similar to the common hazel - only the leaves are dark red. A soil rich in nutrients is required, while a location in the sun is preferred. The nuts are small, round and edible when they ripen in the fall. Usually the moisture that the rain brings is sufficient for the plant. However, additional watering can be carried out during longer dry periods in the hot summer. Otherwise, there is nothing special to note about these garden shrubs with red leaves. Whether in the middle of a green bed or in combination with other red-leaved shrubs, the hazelnut bush definitely creates a beautiful accent in your outdoor area.
WeigelFlorida “Midnight Wine”
You can often see the lovely weigela in the gardens as it is a great ornamental shrub. Some varieties like “Midnight Wine” have beautiful dark red leaves and small pink flowers that appear from April to June. The plant originally comes from China and Japan, grows at heights of up to 2 meters and is frost hardy. Choose a sunny or at least partially shaded location, as well as fresh, nutrient-rich soil that is permeable to avoid waterlogging. Irrigation can be done sparingly, but care must be taken to avoid long periods of drought, as the plant cannot tolerate this. You also don't get the shadow at all.
The narrow-leaved sticky seed, variety “Tom Thumb”
The narrow-leaved sticky seed (Pittosporum tenuifolium) is a decorative, evergreen shrub that can grow up to 1.5 meters high. It should be watered regularly and fertilized with special container plant fertilizer every two weeks from April to September. The narrow-leaved sticky seed is only partially frost hardy - it can withstand temperatures down to -5 °C. For this reason, it depends on the region whether thePlant in the gardencan be planted. Otherwise, partial shade or a sunny location is preferable. Short dry periods are harmless.
The blood plum
The blood plum (Prunus Cerasifera Nigra) belongs to the rose family (Rosaceae). Their original homeland is in the Balkans, Asia Minor and Central Asia. The low tree or shrub bears edible small fruits and is hardy.
TheViburnum-leaved bladderwort
The snowball-leaved bladderwort (Physocarpus opulifolius) is an upright shrub up to 3 meters high that is still very soil-tolerant, wind-resistant and frost-hardy. The “Diabolo” variety has dark red to brown leaves and white flowers that contrast beautifully. The plant prefers shade and should not be cut too heavily.
The Japanese maple
The varieties Acer palmatum, Acer japonicum and Acer shirasawanum 'Aureum' can be assigned to the Japanese maples. All of these are among the most popular garden plants because of the fine shape and strong colors of the leaves. The maple only needs to be cut rarely and watered regularly in summer.
Salbai Purpurascens
Salvia officinalis 'Purpurascens', also known as red sage, stands out particularly because of its aromatic, two-colored leaves. Their color ranges from brown-violet to gray-green, with the youngest leaves being particularly strongly discolored. The violet-blue flowers appear in summer.
Essigbaum(Rhus typhina)
Staghorn sumac is a small tree or large bush whose fern-like leaves turn bright crimson in October. The ornamental tree also produces very interesting, fine-haired inflorescences in early summer.
RedHartriegel(Blood horn)
The red dogwood is a large shrub with light green leaves that turn scarlet in autumn. It produces creamy white flowers from May to June.