Plant a garden pond: Choose the aquatic plants depending on the pond zone!

No garden pond is complete without the right aquatic plants. But which are the right species depending on the pond zone and what should you pay attention to? In today's article we will give you useful tips and list several species that thrive in your home garden all year round!

Photo: Shutterstock / Zoonar GmbH photo agency

Planting a garden pond: the most important things summarized

Aquatic plants are much more than just an eye-catcher in the garden. They provide shelter and hiding places for insects and animals, supply the water with oxygen and shade the pond with their leaves. The right combination of plants turns a pond into a biotope.Some design tipshelp with:

1. Buy the plants depending on their maximum growth height and width. Especially in small ponds, fast-growing and broad-leaved species can spread and displace other aquatic plants.

2. Every pond plant has special requirements when it comes to pond depth. Some feel comfortable at the edge of the pond, others can stand in the water all year round. And there are also swimming species.

3. When you plan the planting, make sure that a maximum of half of the pond area can be planted.

Photo: Shutterstock / Viacheslav Lopatin

4. Add oxygen plants. Species such as water star, pennywort or common pine fronds supply the water with oxygen.

5. Avoid invasive species – it is difficult to control their growth and spread. To this end, all new plants should first spend a month in quarantine to ensure that they have not introduced invasive species.

The different pond zones and the appropriate plants

Photo: Shutterstock / MZinchenko

Je nach TeichzoneThere are various plants that are suitable. They are divided into the following groups:

1. Riparian plants. They tolerate high humidity and have a higher water requirement. In principle, however, they are completely normal garden plants that will also thrive in flower beds.

2. Plants in the swamp zone and shallow water zone - these species can be partially submerged. They are planted directly on the edge of the bank.

3. Plants in the deep water, diving leaf zone and floating plants grow in the pond itself. They can be completely covered with water.

Aquatic plants in the deep water and underwater zones

Photo: Shutterstock / Kornelia Lauren

The diving water startolerates cold, prefers partially shaded locations and can survive short periods without water. However, it feels most comfortable in a pond with nutrient-poor soil and running water. Can tolerate hard water well. Suitable for ponds with a depth of at least 1.5 m and a width of at least 2 m.

The hornleafis also an important oxygen plant that is particularly suitable for the koi pond. Suitable for depths from 30 cm to 2 m. An underwater plant for ponds in partial shade.

The spring mossis a plant that thrives in swamp and deep water zones. She feels particularly comfortable in the sun. The perfect planting position relative to the water level is between -20 and -80 cm.

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The water featheris a plant for the underwater zone. It remains completely submerged in water along with its leaves and produces beautiful purple flowers. The recommended planting position to the water level is between -20 cm and -60 cm. This pond plant produces oxygen and inhibits algae growth.

Milfoilis a popular floating plant whose leaves protect fish and invertebrates from the sun and natural enemies. It inhibits the spread of algae in the garden pond.

Swamp plants create a seamless transition between pond and garden

Foto: Shutterstock / Lyona

The marsh plants that are planted at the edge of the pond can be divided into several groups.

1. For water depths of up to 10 cm, the following are available:

  • Grass Kalmus “Ogon”(reaches a maximum height of 25 cm, has light green leaves),
  • Sumpfdotterblume:It blooms in golden yellow, reaches a maximum height of 20 cm and prefers sunny, nutrient-rich and lime-poor waters.
  • The Japanese Irisis a perennial with blue-green flowers that prefers sunny locations. The optimal soil for the swamp plant is nutrient-rich and acidic. It can stand in a few centimeters of water in the warm months, but in the cold season it prefers moist soil above the water level.
  • The swamp forget-me-notslooks very similar to the popular garden plant. Its light blue flowers open in May and the flowering period extends into autumn. It provides food for bees and butterflies all summer long.
  • The fluttering rushis a 70 cm high pond plant that retains its attractive green color even in winter. Bonus point: this native species is snail resistant.
Foto: Shutterstock / Lyona

2. For water depths of up to 15 cm, the following species are possible:

  • Gold buttonsgrows up to 20 cm high, has a compact growth and is therefore ideal for the swamp zone at the edge of the pond. Their yellow flowers attract butterflies and bees. Their leaves serve as a hiding place for numerous insects.
  • The stiff sedge “Aurea”has a dense habit and thrives both as a marsh plant and as a plant on the banks.
  • The mock cypergrass sedgeis a very hardy native plant that thrives both in the pond and at the edge of the pond. It is around 50 cm wide and around 70 cm high, making it suitable for medium and large ponds. As long as you cut it back in spring, it will grow strong and healthy.
  • The swan flowerproduces light pink flowers from June. The swamp plant prefers nutrient-rich ponds with calcareous water. It thrives in full sun and can grow up to one meter high.

3. The following thrive in water depths of 15 cm to 40 cm:

  • The pike weedis a deciduous, flowering plant that thrives in both sun and light shade. It should be at least 30 cm, and ideally even 40 cm, deep in water so that the roots are protected from frost in winter by the ice cover.
  • The giant marsh marigoldis a 90 cm tall perennial with upright stems and yellow flowers. The native plant can improve the microclimate in the pond and filters out pollutants from the pond water. It attracts insects and adds color accents.
  • The arrow leafis also a native species. It bears white flowers above the water level. Most leaves remain submerged, except for several floating leaves.

Beautiful plants for the riparian area

Foto: Shutterstock / TalyaPhoto
  • Houttuyniais a beautiful ground cover for the riparian zone. It can be planted directly at the edge of the pond and can easily thrive in waterlogging as long as its foliage is above the water level.
  • The water lobeliafascinates with its fire-red flower clusters that decorate the edge of the pond from July to September.
  • Also certain onesgarden plantsare perfect for the shore zone. These include miscanthus, pampas grass, viburnum and rose primrose

Water lilies as eye-catchers - species for every water depth

The minimum water depth for theQueen of the pond – the water lily– is – 10 cm. However, it can vary greatly depending on the variety.

1. For water depths of 10 to 30 cm, varieties “Pygmaea Helvola”, “Pygmaea Rubra”, and dwarf water lily are possible.

2. For water depths between 30 cm and 45 cm, varieties such as water lily “Aurora”, “Caroliniana Nivea”, “Charlene Strawn”, “Ellisiana”, “Fire Crest”, “Indiana”, “Lucidia” are available.

3. For water depths of 45 cm to 80 cm, “Gonnere”, “Rose Arey” and “Masaniello” are ideal.

4. “Amabilis”, “Attraction” and “Gladstoneana” thrive above 80 cm of water depth.