Cucumber leaves turn yellow: what are the causes and the corresponding treatments of the plants?

Cucumbers are refreshing summer treats that provide an abundance of vitamins, minerals, and moisture. As one of the most commonly grown garden vegetables, the plants can grow and produce powerfully under the right conditions. However, if the leaves start to turn yellow, it may be time to examine your growing situation. Cucumber leaves turning yellow? You shouldn't worry because there are several reasons and solutions to this common garden problem.

Why are the leaves of your cucumbers turning yellow

Yellowing of cucumber plants is no small matter. In some cases, the plant may die before it bears fruit. Below are some reasons why the leaves may have yellow spots:

Comply with lighting conditions

Light may be the main reason for yellow cucumber leaves. Whether you grow the plants indoors or outdoors, make sure they get enough sunlight. The plants need six to eight hours of sunlight every day. So, place the plants in a location where they will receive six hours of light. If you are growing the plants indoors, use additional LED or fluorescent lights.

Water level is crucial

Your cucumber plants need theright amount of waterreceive. Overwatering leads to a lack of oxygen in the roots. This also causes the cucumber leaves to turn yellow and begin to wilt. Insufficient water supply can also be responsible for yellowing of the leaves. Remember that the plant needs an inch or two of water every week. If the soil has drainage issues, try loosening it up by mixing in sand.

Cucumber leaves turn yellow because of pests

Pests are also one of the reasons for leaf discoloration. The most common pests that affect cucumbers include potato leafhoppers, spiders, aphids, mites and whiteflies.Here you getmore information about these pests and how to get rid of them to save the plants.

Diseases that damage plants

Bacterial and fungal diseases are often responsible for yellow spots on leaves. They can also cause plants to die. Common cucumber diseases include the following.

a) Mosaic-Virus

The mosaic virus affects more than 150 plant varieties, including cucumbers. It lives in the soil and can therefore infect other plants all year round. The virus causes the leaves of plants to fold or bend downward and have yellow or brown spots. If you leave your infected plants unattended in the garden, the virus will be spread by grasshoppers and aphids. What should be done? There is no way to treat plants infected with the virus. Eliminate the infected yellow cucumber leaves or plants as quickly as possible to prevent spread. Destroy diseased plants as soon as you detect the virus.

b) Downy mildew

Downy mildew isone of the most destructive leaf diseases. It is caused by Pseudoperonospora cubensis. Telltale signs include yellow spots on the leaves and gray mold underneath. These spots later turn brown. Remember that damp and cool conditions favor the development of this disease. What should be done? Improve air circulation around your plants using trellises. Keep your garden free of debris to solve the yellow leaves problem. Try to keep the leaves dry using drip irrigation or wide row spacing. Eliminate infected plants.

c) Fusarium-Which

Fusarium wilt is a soil-borne disease caused by the fungus Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cucumerinum is caused. This fungus can thrive in soil for long periods of time. It causes the leaves to turn yellow at the edges and then towards the inside. The virus develops on older plants and leaves. What should be done? Remove infected plants and debris immediately. Protect your plants with light row covers to prevent future outbreaks.

d) Anthracnose leaf spot

The fungus Colletotrichum Orbiculare causes anthracnose. Anthracnose infection begins with irregular, water-soaked leaf spots. These spots turn yellow and then turn brown in color. This disease develops in humid and warm environmental conditions. What should be done? Remove infected seeds and plant debris immediately. Leave plenty of space between plants. Cut off weeds and excess leaves regularly.

Cucumber leaves turn yellow due to lack of nutrients

Cucumbers need lots of nutrients to thrive and grow. When they don't get enough of these nutrients, chlorosis occurs. To determine whether your plant is suffering from a nutrient deficiency, you should have your garden soil tested. Below are the most common defects that can cause yellow cucumber leaves.

a) Nitrogen

Nitrogen is an important nutrient for plant growth. Leaves turn yellow at the tips and along central veins as nitrogen levels drop. Nitrogen deficiency also inhibits plant growth. What should be done? Purchase a quality soil fertilizer that has the correct dilution rate. Add a two-inch layer of compost to increase nitrogen levels. Add a tablespoon of ammonium nitrate when you see the plants blooming. You can work it into the soil again three weeks later.

b) Phosphor

Do you see bronze or deep yellow cucumber leaves? If so, this indicates a phosphorus deficiency. Phosphorus is essential for the normal development of reproductive organs and roots. A lack of phosphorus can stop fruit formation and stunt growth. Plants deficient in phosphorus are stunted and have weak roots. What should be done? Supplement your soil regularly with fertilizer. Conduct a soil test to determine the phosphorus status of the soil.

c) Potassium

The potassium deficiency first appears on the older leaves. It causes the leaves to turn yellow at the edges and tips. It then spreads between the main veins towards the center of the leaf. Young leaves tend to look dull and small. The fruit appears narrow at the end of the stem. This gives the fruit a club-shaped appearance. What should be done? You can feed your plants with a balancedSupply fertilizerto eliminate the problem. Treat the soil for alkalinity or acidity. Bury citrus peels around affected plants.

d) Zink

Zinc deficiency causes cucumber leaves to turn yellow and limp. The leaves also become very small. It also inhibits the growth of cucumbers. What should be done? The easiest way to solve this problem is to spray with zinc sulfate solution or organic seaweed.

e) iron

Iron deficiency leads to interveinal chlorosis in young leaves. This is yellowing with green veins, but the older leaves remain green. What should be done? There are two ways to fix this: either treat the soil or treat the plants. You can spray liquid iron on the plant's foliage. To treat the soil, use chelated iron in powder or granular form. Note: You can also test the soil pH and amend it to get it below 7.

f) Calcium

If plants grow in humid conditions, they may also become calcium deficient. Growing leaves look distorted and may bend downward. What should be done? Limit the use of ammonium-based fertilizers. Apply lime on acidic soils.

g) Magnesium

Magnesium deficiency leads to yellowing and vein formation in older leaves. If there is a severe deficiency, the yellow areas will brown slightly. In addition, the fruit yield decreases. What should be done? Spray soluble magnesium nitrate. You can also spray Epsom salt solution to treat your yellow cucumber leaves.