Good questions and answers about garden design and care

For good landscape planning and attractiveGarden designseveral factors are crucial. Here you will find answers to frequently asked questions relating to design aspects and garden maintenance.

What is the best grass for the garden?

If you want to create a beautiful lawn, there are a few requirements to consider. If you want to use the green area as a playground, it is better to choose artificial turf. But if a lawn is for reasons of beauty as an optical oneAccent in the gardenis created and you wouldn't step on it, perennial ryegrass, meadow panicle, red fescue, sleeping fescue and bentgrass are ideal for this case. Most of these species are undemanding and easy to care for and can also be planted as a mixture. Pampas grass (Cortaderia selloana) is a good background for theGarden design.

Garden design with the right plants for the location

Which perennials are drought tolerant?

The good oneGarden designdepends on choosing the right plants. Some flowering perennials even cope with dry soils and shady or very sunny places - Artemisia pontica - Roman wormwood, Acanthus hungaricus - Balkan hogweed, Adonis vernalis - Adonis rose, Anthericum liliago - branchless grass lily. They still need care and some care, especially in the first year.

How do you protect your privacy in the garden cheaply and attractively at the same time?

If you want to protect yourself from unwanted looks in the garden, you have several options for privacy protection.Bamboois suitable for theGarden designalso as a boundary and as a privacy screen in outdoor areas and is relatively inexpensive.

How do I keep birds away from the berries?

A light net can be easily attached around the berry - birds cannot land on it.

Which flowers are suitable for a rock garden?

If you dream of flowers in the rock garden, you can create great effects in your garden design with carpet-forming perennials. Achillea ageratifolia – Dalmatian silvery sheaf, Alchemilla faeroensis ssp. pumila - dwarf lady's mantle, Anaphalis triplinervis 'Silberregen' - pearl basket, silver immortelle are ideal for use in sunny rock gardens.

Silver immortelle

Plant species for rock garden – Liliago

Pampas grass as an accent in the garden

Patio and garden privacy screen made of bamboo