10 green plants for the apartment that are both pretty and easy to care for indoors!

Green houseplants breathe life into a room in a special way and give it a calming aura. But green plants for the home are not only a good choice for decoration lovers, but can also improve your health. They can improve the air quality in your home and improve your overall well-being, whether you place them on a windowsill or in a shady corner of your living room. If you're a beginner and anything but a green thumb, there's good news: The best houseplants for your home are actually very easy to care for.

Die Exotin Monstera Deliciosa

Monstera Deliciosa, also known as the Swiss cheese plant, is native to Mexico and Central America. This tropical plant has leaves with holes that give it an exotic feel. It needs moderate watering and indirect light (preferably bright to medium light). Its architectural qualities, ease of cultivation and tolerance to a wide range of conditions make it an ideal plant for indoor use.

Rubber tree for rich shine

You can't go wrong with this easy-care plant native to Asia. With consistent pruning and little indirect light, you will witness their beauty. You should only water when the soil is dry (about once a week).The leaves havea rich, waxy shine and add color wherever you want to show it off.

Dragon tree is easy to care for

One of the easiest plants to care for, the dragon tree is a fabulous indoor air purifier. It requires little maintenance and brings beauty and elegance to any room it decorates. You can't go wrong with buying a dragon tree: they really are as easy to care for as they are beautiful! The striking prickly tree comes from Madagascar and is known as an entry-level plant for home gardeners.

The ZZ plant, officially named Zamioculcas zamiifolia, is native to East Africa. The species, known as the queen of indestructible plants, can tolerate the dangerous trio of plant killers: drought, little light and very low humidity. Because this plant thrives even when neglected, it is a good choice for frequent travelers, those who occasionally forget to water, or for the office.

Yucca loves the sun

The recipe for a happy yucca is simple: sun, sun and more sun. Plant them in a container deep enough to accommodate the woody stems and water sparingly. Yucca plants are showy and easy to care for - the perfect combination foran ideal houseplant. We're talking years of no-fuss greenery: slow-growing, drought-tolerant and pest-resistant. And because they're so easy to propagate, you can share the love with your friends.

Green plants for the apartment: elephant ear

Elephant ear plants get their name from their large, arrow-shaped leaves. There are numerous varieties that differ slightly in the shape and color of the leaves. Most are blue-green in color. Elephant ears can grow quite tall, but are easy to care for and easy to grow. They are generally grown outdoors but also grow wellin pots in the household. Once established, elephant ears don't need much attention, although they eat and drink a lot. They also prefer well-drained soil, especially when grown in a pot.

Ficus Benjamina grows quickly

Another very easy-care plant is the Ficus Benjamina. It originally comes from the subtropics, so it's no wonder that it prefers high humidity and lots of light! A special feature of this plant is its rapid growth, its leaves are relatively small and can take on different colors depending on the type of ficus, the trunk diameter is unusually small at a maximum of 50 centimeters, although the ficus itself can grow up to 10 meters high! But don't worry, most houseplants don't grow over your head so quickly!

Cast iron plant is resistant to pests

If we have green onesPlants for the apartmentSpeaking of which, the cast iron plant is a popular houseplant that is almost impossible to kill. It thrives even when neglected and tolerates low light. It also produces long, arched, deep green leaves that can grow up to one meter long. Cast iron plants are perfect for beginners or people with a notoriously brown thumb. Not only are they easy to care for, but they are also resistant to many common pests and diseases.

Green plants for the apartment: Kentia palm

This drought-tolerant plant is a good choice for beginners. The Kentia palm is an uncomplicated houseplant that is easy to cultivate. It is drought tolerant and produces arched, palm-shaped fronds in a deep green color. They're great for a sunny corner and add a touch of old-school elegance to a room.Kentia palms arealso adaptable to their environment. They do not have extreme soil preferences and can tolerate a wide range of lighting conditions. It should be protected from direct light to prevent the leaves from burning. The most common problems with Kentia palms include pests such as spider mites and mealybugs as well as potassium deficiency.

The extraordinary ruffled fan palm

The leaves of this plant can grow up to 0.5 m wide. It needs water when the top inch of soil is dry. Partial shade to full shade is perfect for the plant. The ruffled fan palm has incredible, heart-shaped, wrinkled foliage that resembles a paper fan. The edges of these leaves are sharp and certain areas of the palm are covered with spines. Its unique appearance makes it a popular houseplant, but it can be difficult to get one.