These 6 mold-fighting houseplants will help you keep pollutants in your home at bay!

Mold is one of the most common indoor pollutants and can have serious health effects if not kept under control. Houseplants are a great way to naturally alleviate the problem and reduce moisture levels in the air. In this article we explain which houseplants help against mold.

What causes mold indoors

Gardening Express experts say: “Mold in the home is caused by excessive humidity. Warm rooms are particularly at risk. Using plants to combat mold is a practical and natural way to control moisture and moisture in your home.”

How well a plant reduces moisture is related to its ability to absorb dew, mist and other moisture through its leaves.This moisturethen travels to the roots of the plant. The beauty of this natural solution is that you can see an improvement while enjoying the beautiful plants.

Which houseplants help against mold

There are some well-known houseplants that can be very helpful to you if you have polluted air indoors because they have the ability to clean the air from mold and harmful gases. Below you will find a list of the most commonly used houseplants to combat mold.

English ivy removes airborne mold

This climbing plant eliminates airborne mold and formaldehyde that can occur indoors. English ivy can remove airborne mold from damp spaces and is a good choice for smaller spaces. The experts say it grows best in bright, indirect light and regularlyneeds to be poured, but remember to keep it away from pets as the leaves are poisonous to them. For this reason, English ivy is ideal as a hanging pot or on a cupboard.

Peace lily thrives in high humidity

The peace lily is an easy-care plant with beautiful white flowers and large palm-like leaves. It absorbs moisture from the air. It loves shade and thrives in high humidity, making it the perfect choice for areas prone to mold. The plant absorbs moisture from the air through its leaves and does not need direct sunlight to thrive - it can also grow under fluorescent lights. They are also suitable for allergy and asthma sufferers, and the plant produces beautiful flowers, but is also poisonous to pets, so keep it out of reach. This beautiful plant can also help remove benzene, xylene, toluene and trichlorethylene.

Indoor plants against mold: snake plant

Also known as mother-in-law's tongue, snake plant is a hardy and adaptable plant and one of the best for condensation or moisture. The plant thrives best in bright light and high temperatures and ispretty easy to care for. It only requires watering every one to two weeks, making it an ideal starter plant for beginners. The plant comes in a variety of leaf shapes and colors, many of which resemble snakeskin. The leaves not only absorb excess moisture, but also filter household toxins. It is important to allow the plants' soil to dry between waterings, otherwise mold can form on the houseplant.

Palm trees keep mold at bay

Palm trees are a good choice when it comes to controlling humidity and keeping mold at bay because they absorb moisture through their leaves. There are several types of palms to choose from, but areca palms, bamboo palms, lady palms, dwarf date palms, and reed palms are best suited for condensation.

Orchids as houseplants against mold

Orchids, which can be found in most supermarkets today, are not only beautiful but also useful for home use. You can contribute tothe humidity in roomsto reduce as they absorb three nutrients from the air around them. Orchids require short dry periods, so it is important not to overwater them.

Spider plants reduce air pollutants

Spider plants are known for their green leaves with a white stripe down the middle. They are suitable for most rooms in the home and are easy to maintain. The spider plant can also reduce air pollutants such as mold and mildew. Be careful not to overwater your plant as its roots may rot.

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