Flowering houseplants: These lesser-known specimens deserve a place in the house!

While it will soon be very dreary in the garden, luckily we can add some color indoors with colorful flowers. There are plenty of flowering houseplants and you can also find permanent bloomers and varieties in a wide variety of colors - sometimes easier to care for, sometimes more demanding. Would you like to spruce up your rooms with new plants for the winter and the years to come?

With the huge selection of possible flowering plants, it is of course difficult to choose, even if the location limits the selection somewhat. However, we have still tried to list a few beautiful specimens for you and here we don't mean the classics like orchids and single leaves, which everyone already knows (although these are also beautiful and recommended).

Flowering houseplants for the whole year

Some species bloom in summer, but others also decorate rooms during the winter. The following examples are perfect for making your rooms appear more lively:

Sawfly Cactus: Beautiful leaves, beautiful flowers

Sawfly cactus (Epiphyllum angular) are white-yellow flowering houseplants that not only impress with their large flowers, but also with their attractive leaves. But don't let the name fool you, because the plant definitely needs water, otherwise the leaves will shrivel. But at least it doesn't punish them with stinging spines, because this beautiful plant doesn't have any. The leaves grow longer and longer over time, so that they are basically...hanging houseplants, which also bloom.

The plant can easily be described as a permanent bloomer because flowers appear again and again between May and August. In addition, they also smell pleasant. It is also interesting that they open at night and only then show their full splendor.

The shining gerbera

This beautiful flower is well known, but is mostly used on the terrace or balcony and often ends up in the trash after the warm season. Gerberas also make wonderful flowering houseplants and feel like a piece of sunshine in the room in the dreary winter. It should be sufficiently warm in the room, around 20 degrees is optimal. Since the location should be as sunny as possible, gerberas are ideal as flowering houseplants for south-facing windows. In winter the location can be a little cooler, it is even recommended. In the summer, the flower can go outside again, where you can fertilize it every two weeks during the growth phase.

Pink flowering houseplants – The beautiful Medinilla

Large, shiny, beautifully shaped leaves in dark green and, in contrast, delicate, drooping flowers in pink that hang slightly down. For this reason it is recommended to use the Medinilla (Medinillamagnificent) should be placed a little higher or in a taller planter. This little-known beauty deserves a place in your home, but it is not that easy to find as it is only bred on a limited basis. The plants, also known as grape flowers, can turn into ever-blooming houseplants if you cut off the spent flowers and stimulate new flower shoots.

Chinese rose marshmallow for the pot

It often decoratesMarshmallow our gardens, but there is still the Chinese rose marshmallow, which wouldn't survive our winters, but is perfect as a houseplant. In summer, however, this plant also prefers to be outside in the sun, where it produces wonderful flowers, either cup-shaped or double, depending on the variety. The plant is quite thirsty, which you should keep in mind when it is outside and especially in the sun. The sun-loving rose marshmallows are ideal flowering houseplants for sunny locations.

Don't forget about flowering houseplants, which are more famous

Although the above specimens rarely decorate rooms and therefore look particularly interesting, you should not underestimate the more well-known flowering plants for indoor use. Maybe you like these flowering houseplants after all:

  • Bergpalme(Chamaedorea) – flower spikes possible after 2 or 3 years and particularly likely if the plantoutside in summercan stand
  • Single sheet(Spathiphyllum) – perfect flowering houseplants that need little light; white flowering; very thirsty
  • Flaming Käthchen(Kalanchoe blossfeldiana) – flowering houseplants in winter with many flower colors; bright location; Keep moist in summer and little water in winter
  • Flamingoblume(Anthurie) – tropical and best known as red-flowering houseplants, but can also be white or pink; Bright location, but without direct sun and therefore also suitable for north-facing windows
  • Guzman(Guzmania) – flowers once and then dies, usually having produced daughter plants that you can continue to cultivate
  • piston thread(Aglaonema) – Flowers cream-colored to green
  • Korbmaranthe(Calathea lancifolia) – pretty, ornamental leaves; Flowers appear rarely and with perfect care
  • Maranta(Maranta leuconeura) – white to purple flowers; bright, warm location; high humidity; quite difficult to maintain
  • Orchids– more about these plantsfind out in thisand other posts on our site
  • Usambaraveilchen(Saintpaulina ionantha) – bright, warm location, ideally with higher humidity (e.g. bathroom or kitchen); no direct sunlight; Leaves when wateringnotthe isthmus
  • Indoor cyclamen(Peach cyclamen) – cool location, otherwise it will lose its leaves; water once a week, avoid waterlogging; poisonous plant
  • Room begonias(Begonia-Elatior hybrids) – easy-care flowering houseplants in many colors; bright and warm without direct sun; Keep the soil moist, but avoid waterlogging
  • Cylinder cleaner(Callistemon citrinus) – needs location outside in summer, but can decorate rooms in winter; blooms up to four times a year; full sun and moderate watering; fragrant leaves