9 easy-care houseplants that grow lushly even at home

Do you like growing plants, but unfortunately haven't had much success with them in your home? Do you always choose great and easy-care houseplants, but they just don't want to thrive in your home? Don't despair on the first try. We would like to reveal the secret to you right away: most of them are very demanding, and inexperienced amateur gardeners actually need extensive knowledge to properly care for them indoors.

The right choice

Today we have selected for you 9 easy-care houseplants that you would definitely like to have at home and that really arerequire little plant care. They will definitely thrive for you too. And don't feel guilty if you fail the first time. You can try again. After all, practice makes perfect. And in addition, by trying them out, you can best determine which types of plants and care needs best suit your free time.

Der Geldbaum (Crassula ovata)

We would like to briefly present 9 of the most popular plant species here. They don't need any special care or special conditions to grow really well. With this you will surely have your first success!

This undemanding house plant is perennial. Their original homeland is South Africa. It has thick, evergreen leaves in different shades that create an interesting look. The money tree can reach a height of up to 2.80 m if it is grown in a sufficiently large pot. It is adorned with small white or pink flowers in the cold winter months. The money tree is watered moderately often, while in winter watering can even be stopped.

Growing spathiphyllum at home

Spathiphyllum or in German sheath leaf, leaf flag, single leaf or peace lily comes from the moist tropical forests of Asia and America and is one of the unpretentious plant varieties. It has been proven that the plant can significantly reduce the concentration of pollutants in the air. Spathiphyllium is very popular as a houseplant because it blooms all year round. This houseplant prefers frequent watering and you should definitely not place it in direct sunlight. It is also recommended to protect the plant from drafts.

Aloe vera

Aloe vera is one of the most popular succulents. This thrives very well in bright rooms and with moderate humidity. After all, it inhabits hot areas and is therefore used to longer dry periods. In winter, the room temperature should not fall below 10-12 degrees, while watering should be done about once a month.

Aloe, as an easy-care houseplant, also has another advantage. It is known for its healing properties. The leaf juice soothes burns and other wounds, but can also be used for facial care by making your own creams. Some species are even edible and can be used for healthy drinks.

Aloe vera creates a cozy atmosphere with an exotic flair, while its easy-care nature makes it very popular in many households. The plant is a wonderful option if you want to start with something particularly simple. It multiplies very quickly, so you can soon decorate many corners of the room with it and care for your skin. You can choose between different types with different leaf shapes and colors.

Chlorophytum (green lily)

The spider plant is a very undemanding houseplant, originally native to South Africa. It grows well in a cool and dark place as well as in a bright and warm room. The spider plant does not tolerate excessive moisture. If you have a cat as a pet, we recommend finding a high, inaccessible location for the plant to avoid finding your beautiful houseplant in poor condition one morning, as cats like to chew on spider plant leaves. Since the lily looks better as a hanging plant, this isn't a problem at all.


Having a succulent as a houseplant is not a problem because this perennial plant genus thrives quite well in home conditions. Add some sand and compost to the soil to help your succulents develop better. They prefer warmth and humidity. Some species produce wonderful flowers in bright red to purple in spring. The stonecrop is very popular, as is the houseleek. A larger container that you can plant with different species is also highly recommended. This creates a beautiful mix of colors and the care requirements are also reduced to a minimum. Maybe you'll even soon feel like making a vertical wall garden out of succulents.


A great type of cactus is the Easter cactus, which is also available as a Christmas cactus. Both species differ from each other in their leaf shapes. But they both have one thing in common and that is the beautiful flowers that delight the eye once a year - either at Christmas or Easter. This plant requires a little more water than a standard desert cactus, but is otherwise very easy to care for. Of course, the cactus should be fertilized every now and then like any other plant to guarantee its growth, beautiful leaves and lush inflorescences.

Spring asparagus

This is also a perennial plant that grows well at home and won't cause you any worries. However, keep the plant away from pets if you don't want it to be eaten. Spring asparagus grows in lots of fresh air, so you can place it near a window that you open every now and then for ventilation, and it likes moderate soil moisture. Water the plant with room temperature water. To do this, simply fill a container and leave it for a few hours. This is better for the plant.

Mammillaria (Nadelkissen Cactus)

The pincushion cactus is widespread in Mexico and Central America and is also one of them. It blooms all summer long. It needs to be watered very rarely, which is typical for cacti. It is also not that demanding when it comes to fertilizing, which makes cacti generally perfect for beginners or people with a lot of work stress or who travel often. The pincushion cactus thrives wonderfully in dry soil. You can grow this cactus at home in small shallow pots, this way you are sure that your pincushion cactus can thrive. In summer you can also put it on the windowsill or on the balcony. He will feel even better in the fresh air.

Dracaena (green lily)

The dragon tree is a medium-sized plant with beautiful, thin leaves, the edges of which are colored in different shades such as yellow, green, red, white. The Dracaena can be placed in bright and partially shaded areas that are not exposed to direct sunlight and drafts. Water this sought-after houseplant with a little water in the warm season and rarely in winter. Then she feels perfect!

Schefflera (Small Radiant Aralia)

Schefflera or the small ray aralia has very specific leaves whose shape is reminiscent of stars or rays. This species needs a medium amount of light, so it should be protected from prolonged and direct sunlight. At room temperature, the plant only needs to be watered when the top layer of soil has dried out. Cooler and wet rooms with temperatures of up to 20 degrees are ideal for Schefflera. Then the leaves can form and develop perfectly, forming a lush plant.

By the way, Spathiphyllum is not only available with dark green leaves. Variants like the one in the picture above with multi-colored leaves are also very popular and are undoubtedly pretty to look at. With ideal conditions that even beginners can guarantee, uninterrupted flowering is guaranteed. But even when there are no flowers, easy-care houseplants like these simply look attractive.

We hope this information was interesting and useful for you. Now you can choose your favorite plant for your home and care for it properly. If you are really a beginner and don't really dare to have a plant, try just one before filling up the whole room. You will quickly realize that care is much easier than you thought and you will be able to better assess whether you still have time for a second houseplant.