How to make curd wraps, what they do and what they are used for

Quark wraps are a tried and tested home remedy. This is probably known to everyone. Especially atcough and coldQuark is often used to treat sunburn or sunburn. But that is by no means the only complaint for which the miracle cure can be useful. Find out here what quark compresses are suitable for, how to make them and how long they should last.

Quark wraps – what are they good for?

So, what do curd wraps do? Quark compresses have an anti-inflammatory effect due to their cooling properties. Quark wraps are therefore a good solution for inflammation, but also for injuries such as sprains that are accompanied by swelling. The enzymes and lactic acid bacteria contained in quark are responsible for breaking down the body's inflammatory mediators and promoting faster healing.

And this is also confirmed by the State Association of the Bavarian Dairy Industry (LVBM) in Munich, which also gives a few tips on production, which we mention below. Even if youan insect bite plagues, you can use quark to provide relief and relieve the itching or burning.

Quark compresses for various complaints

So it's no wonder that even in rehabilitation clinics, quark is often used successfully for knee pain or other joint inflammation. As a study by the University of Duisburg-Essen shows, wraps have the same effect as pain-relieving ointments.

The cooling effect is again beneficial for inflamed superficial veins, also known as thrombophlebitis. Therefore, only superficial complaints can be treated with curd compresses because the skin does not allow the enzymes and good bacteria mentioned to penetrate deeper.

So, as you can see, curd wraps are effective for inflammation of different types. And although you should have any serious injury or swelling checked by a doctor first, the big advantage of quark is that it is natural and there are no side effects to be expected. So you can't go wrong with him. You often notice an effect after just a few days of regular use.

How do you make poultices with cottage cheese?

So far, so good, but how do you make curd wraps? Simple low-fat quark or natural quark is used without additional ingredients such as herbs. If you take it out of the fridge, wait a while until it is around 18 degrees warm. Quark that is too cold is not recommended. Then spread the warm quark on a cloth. How big this should be and whether one quark pack is enough depends on how large the area to be treated is.

The layer should be about half a centimeter thick. Then fold the cloth together. The quark is now inside the cloth. Now place the quark compress against inflammation, swelling or pain on the affected area. By the way, you can put curd wraps directly on your skin as long as you don'topen woundsare available (e.g. atwidespread sunburneven without a cloth).

Quark wrap – How long do you leave it on?

15 minutes is the recommended duration. You'll probably even notice it yourself when thecooling effectsubsides. Depending on the severity of the inflammation, the wrap can be repeated several times a day. But once a day is the minimum. If the quark is used against inflammation that is very severe, several repetitions of the treatment are possible immediately after the first.

No side effects are expected, which is why there is no limited treatment duration. If necessary, you can apply the wraps over several weeks without any worries. The only important thing is that you wash a used wrap before using it again or disposing of it.

Tips for quark wraps on the knee

This is especially common when you use curd poulticesKnee with severe painor want to treat other joints. Quark wraps on the feet, hands, arms and legs can also be wrapped with fish film. Simply make a compress with cloth as usual, place it on the painful part of the body and then wrap the foil around it.

Quark wraps on the knee with cling film have no additional effect. The film is only intended to guarantee a better hold. If you move during the exposure time, this will prevent slipping.

Tips for breastfeeding mothers – Treat your breasts with curd wraps

Many breastfeeding mothers are familiar with sore nipples, hardened breasts with lumps, engorged milk and even breast inflammation (mastitis). Since quark is effective against swelling, you can also use quark wraps to treat engorgement and other complaints. And how do I make curd wraps for the breast? To do this, lie on your back and let the compress rest on your chest.

Milk blockage curd wrap – how long do you leave it to work?

Here too, about 15 minutes is sufficient or until the curd begins to dry. Quark wraps overnight are not useful because the quark dries relatively quickly and then can no longer be effective.