Pruning anthurium: What benefits pruning brings and how to prune the houseplant correctly

If your anthurium is damaged or looks unsightly, pruning can solve these problems. While pruning isn't one of the most important tasks in anthurium care, it can help redirect your plant's energy into new growth while improving its aesthetics. In this article, we'll look at how to prune an anthurium with simple step-by-step instructions.

Foto: Marcio Mattos / shutterstock

Why prune your anthurium

Pruning is an important task for all houseplants. Some need pruning more than others, but everyone doesHouseplants benefitat some point from this procedure.

Anthuriums need to be pruned regularly. You should remove any yellow, brown or diseased leaves as well as wilted flowers. This promotes growth and makes the plant less susceptible to pests and diseases.

A topiary can also be done once a year in spring, but no more than a third of the plant should be removed at a time.

Foto: Artsaba Family / shutterstock

The most important reason for pruning is thisRemove damaged or wilted leaves and flowersto give the plant more energy for growth. When yellowed leaves or wilted flowers remain on the plant, they deprive the plant of energy that could be used to grow new leaves and flowers.

Weak and aging leaves are also more susceptible to common pests and diseases, so removing them is critical to your plant's health.

Pruning also helpsto maintain the shape of the plant. Some leaves may become unruly, grow in the wrong direction, or cause the plant to become crooked. Pruning improves the aesthetics of the plant while encouraging new growth and flowering.

Also read:Anthurium not blooming? We share the 5 most important factors and the appropriate solutions to the problems!

What time of year is best to cut an anthurium?

Photo: Ekaterina Bagautdinova / shutterstock

The timing of pruning largely depends on the purpose of the pruning. If you want to rid the plant of yellowed, brown or diseased leaves, it is best to prune as early as possible. Any time of the year is suitable as long as you don't remove too many leaves at once.

Early spring is the best time to prune to shape the plant or stimulate new growth (also the best time to transplant or propagate an anthurium). This ensures early recovery and accelerated seasonal growth.

Avoid pruning in winter when growth slows. The plant will then need more time to recover and may be more vulnerable at this point.

Also interesting:Does your anthurium have brown leaves? How to save the flamingo flower!

How to prune anthurium: important tips

Photo: ZWDQ / shutterstock

To avoid shock, do not remove more than a quarter of the leaves at a time. To shape your plant, follow these steps:

  • Cut off any leaves that extend beyond the plant's natural shape. Cut them off at the base to create balance.
  • Do not try to cut off new leaves or those closer to the top of the plant as this will affect growth the most.
  • If you need to cut back the leaves, remove the old leaves first.
  • Cut the leaves back as much as possible without damaging the center of the plant or other leaves. Excessively wilted leaves can simply be cut off without the need for pruning.
  • Remove spent flowers to the base of the stem to make room for new flowers.
  • If you spot diseased leaves, cut them off immediately and dispose of them in the trash can. Check the underside of the leaves for pests. Then clean and disinfect the scissors to prevent the problem from spreading to the rest of your houseplants.
  • Once the plant has reached the desired shape, place it back in its original location.

Note: Turn the pot once a week to ensure all areas are lit and to avoid uneven growth in the future.

Also read:Anthurium gets green flowers: why is it and what can you do if the flamingo flower loses its color?