Anthurium gets green flowers: why is it and what can you do if the flamingo flower loses its color?

The anthurium is one of the easiest houseplants to care for. If the location is right, it doesn't need much more care to thrive and bloom long-term. The beautiful red flowers are a real eye-catcher in the home, contrasting aesthetically with the dark green leaves and creating beautiful accents. If the anthurium has green flowers and loses its color, there may be something wrong with the care.

Regardless of whether you bought a flamingo flower yourself or received it as a gift, it is worth knowing how to properly care for the plant. Especially if it has problems, such as green flowers orbrown leaves, you should find the cause and eliminate it.

How long do anthurium flowers last?

An explanation first: The large, colorful, shiny part of the anthurium flower is actually a modified leaf called a spathe. The true flowers are the tiny knobs that cover the small projection - called a spadix - that grows from the center of the colored leaf. Commonly we will call the red leaves flowers.

Before you panic at the sight of green flowers, remember that this is just part of the plant's normal life cycle. Anthuriums can actually bloom year-round, but that doesn't mean your plant will bloom every day of the year.

Under good growing conditions, a healthy anthurium will typically bloom about every three months, with blooms lasting for 2 to 3 months. Then it has to rest for about the same amount of time before it blooms again.

It is normal for the color of a red leaf to fade somewhat as it ages. The overall tone becomes duller and darker, and some green creeps in at the edges.

Even if this is not a sign of poor health, it is a good idea to remove these fading blooms. This way, the plant doesn't have to expend energy supporting dying flowers. Instead, she can focus on producing fresh and colorful blooms.

However, if your anthurium flowers are less than two months old and are already strangely colored, you may be dealing with a deeper problem. Let's look at some of the other reasons that can cause color changes in anthuriums.

Anthuriums that have turned greenare a common complaint, which is due to greenhouse practices in which the plant is often forced to flower even though it is not yet ready to bloom. The plant may respond by losing color as it ages. The bracts (spatha) can also turn green if the plant does not receive a sufficiently long rest period during the second flowering period. This means that it did not receive the correct light intensity and duration. The flamingo flower responds to this with faded or green flowers.

Other cultivation practices can also make the plant unhappy and cause color changes in anthuriums, such as: B. improper watering, too much nitrogen fertilizer and inappropriate temperatures. The decorative houseplant requires daytime temperatures between 25 and 32 degrees Celsius, but at temperatures above 32 degrees Celsius the flowers begin to fade.

Why does the red anthurium have green flowers and what can you do about it?

Lack of sunlight

Anthuriums are native to tropical regions and need bright, indirect sunlight to thrive. If your plant doesn't get enough light, the leaves will turn yellow or brown and the flowers will turn green.

This is what you can do:Move your flamingo flower to a brighter location. If possible, place them near a south-facing window.


Anthuriums like to be kept moist, but not too wet. If you water your plant too often, the roots will begin to rot and the leaves will turn yellow or brown. The flowers may also turn green or fall off the plant entirely.

This is what you can do:To avoid overwatering, allow the top inch of soil to dry out before watering again. You can also add a layer of mulch around the base of the plant to retain moisture.

Watering tips:

  • Water regularly and allow the potting soil to dry out slightly between waterings.
  • In general, anthuriums require more water in the warmer months and less water in the cooler months.
  • If your plant's leaves begin to droop, it's a sign that it needs more water.


Anthuriums are heavy feeders and need to be fertilized every two weeks during the growing season. If you don't fertilize your plant enough, the leaves will turn yellow and the flowers will turn green.

This is what you can do:To remedy this, fertilize your anthurium every two weeks with a balanced fertilizer. You can also add a layer of compost around the base of the plant to improve nutrient supply.

Tips for fertilizing:

  • Use a balanced fertilizer every two weeks during the growing season (spring and summer).
  • Reduce fertilization to once a month during the fall and winter months.
  • If your plant's leaves turn yellow, this is a sign that it has received too much fertilizer. Try reducing the frequency of fertilization or using a weaker solution.

Make the flamingo flower bloom

Your anthurium originally had dark red flowers with yellow ears that have turned green over time? Then you can get the decorative houseplant back into top shape.

If your anthurium had green flowers and has not produced new flowers for a long time, you can try a method to get the plant to bloom again. This process is not very easy and requires a six-week rest period in a cool room with temperatures around 15 degrees Celsius. Only give a little water during this time and take the plant outside when the waiting time is over. This breaks the dormancy cycle and signals to the plant that it is time to produce flowers. This is best done in spring.