Practical cultivation in PET bottles: How to prepare them (including bonus trick)

Many hobby gardeners turn to homemade alternatives when it comes to growing containers. Why spend money unnecessarily when you already have the right materials at home? It is already a common practice to use egg cartons for this. But did you already know about growing in PET bottles?


If not, you should definitely try it out. Because they are not only perfect for simply watering fully grown plants, but also for growing plants, because you get a nursery pot and greenhouse in one!

The advantages of growing in PET bottles


Young plants are quite sensitive and the soil in the nursery pots dries out quite quickly, but this should definitely be avoided: growing vegetables and flowers can sometimes be a bit time-consuming. However, with PET bottles you can make the initial care quite a bit easier.

The plastic bottle method supports you:

  • The soil remains permanently, moderately moist.
  • They do not water from above, which prevents the seedlings from snapping due to the heavy drops of water. Immediately after sowing, this prevents the seeds from being washed away.
  • If you later use the upper part of another bottle as a hood, the seeds will receive a warm, humid climate that is optimal for germination and the subsequent growth of the seedlings.
  • Despite the hood, a lot of light still reaches the seedlings - an important prerequisite for growth.

Watering with PET bottles is also any method to make gardening easier. How this worksread here.

This is how you prepare the special growing pots correctly

Photo: Kristine Rad/Shutterstock

You need the following things for growing in PET bottles:

  • PET bottles with lids
  • potting soil
  • Fabric ribbon, preferably made of cotton (e.g. from an old tea towel) or rope
  • Carpet knife, cutter or scissors
  • Drill or awl
  • Together
  • Water
  • optional: cable ties to attach three bottles together

How you can mix potting soil yourselffind out here.

Make the pot for growing in PET bottles

  • Take bottle and cut off the top half or a third. Plastic bottles usually have a slightly narrower design in one place for a better grip. You could also use this hollow as a guide.
  • Drill a hole in the lid. This works easiest if you don't unscrew it first.
  • Cut the fabric ribbon if you haven't already.
  • Insert it through the hole in the lid and tie a knot on the inside. Make sure the fabric on the other side is long enough to reach the bottom of the other bottle part.
  • Fill the bottom part of the bottle halfway with water.

Also interesting:Practical tricks for sowing: growing vegetables made easy!

  • In the part with the lid, add potting soil, which you can also moisten thoroughly.
  • Once the excess water has drained off, you can place the lid side down on the part with the water.
  • The belt will soak up the water and transmit it to the earth. In this way, the future plants always receive exactly the right amount of water. Waterlogging is prevented because no more water reaches the earth than it can absorb.

Yours is readyDIY cultivation pot for growingof vegetables and flowers!

A notice:If you should put on a hood, be sure to take it off once a day for 10-15 minutes to ventilate your mini greenhouse and prevent mold from forming.

Roses can be easily propagated in plastic bottles. How exactly,find out here.

Bonus trick: additionally stimulate root formation

Photo: Kristine Rad/Shutterstock

You can ensure even stronger plants by additionally stimulating root formation. How does this work?

Periodically add a small amount of new soil to the plants. A small part of the stem is covered, from which lateral roots then sprout. This is the same principle as piling up in the garden. It makes the plant stronger, which also benefits the fruits later.

Would you like more craft ideas with PET bottles?Take a look here!