From uncooperative behavior or substance abuseSafety concernsup tohealth emergencies– the decision to kick a passenger off a plane is, in most cases, a pretty big oneunderstandable. However, few people have probably thought of some of the reasons. And once you find yourself standing in front of closed airplane doors, whining and pleading and pleading doesn't help. So be careful in the following situations:
1st reason why you can be refused boarding: barefoot is a no-go
It should actually be in self-interest, in publicto wear. But they actually exist – people who prefer to go barefoot, always and everywhere. Even in oneand in one. If you're unlucky, you're not allowed on board without shoes.
2nd reason why you may be denied boarding: inappropriate clothing
For many airlines it isone Question of respect, how to dress for a trip. You don't have to wear a suit, but especially if you're going to a Muslim country, you should be dressed appropriately. If you dress too sexy, you may have to stay at home.
3rd reason why you can be denied boarding: terrible smell
Who has ever been in one?(worst of all, a long-haul flight!) next to a strong onesmelly fellow travelerswho knows how bad a trip like this can be. But not just an unpleasant body odor, but also a strong onesmelly carry-on luggagecan result in being thrown off the plane. However, experience shows that transport is rarely refused for this reason.
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4th reason why you can be refused boarding: your waist circumference is too large
For overweight people, a flight is often an unpleasant experience. After all, airplanes are being built to save more and more space and seats, aisles and toilets are kept as small as possible. If you notice on the plane that a passenger is himselfwith belt extensionIf he can't buckle up, the flight attendants can take him outsecurity reasonsrefuse to fly.
5th reason why you may be denied boarding: appearing heavily pregnant
Of course, pregnant women are allowed to fly - but only up to a certain point. Then it becomes too dangerous for mother and child. Whoheavily pregnantlooks and nomedical AttestIf you cannot show evidence of your week of pregnancy, you may be refused boarding. ThisRiskis too high for many airlines.
6. Reason why one may be refused boarding: visible illness
Flight attendants can call in sick with a simple cold - it can get too badhealth Risksbe on a flight when your nose is stuffy. Anyone who has ever had severe pain in their ears during takeoff or landing knows this. Passengers can also be refused a flight if they look like they need to be on the same page when they boardhand overor because of yourselfFevercan barely stand on my own feet.