Essential oils to repel snakes? This is what experts say about it

We often encounter snakes in natural environments, whether hiking, camping or working in the garden. While some snakes are harmless, there are also poisonous species whose bites can cause serious health problems. Many people are looking for natural methods to protect themselves from these reptiles, and essential oils are proving to be a promising option. Studies show that these oils are strong irritants to snakes.

The key points summarized:

  • Studies show that essential oils are effective snake repellents.
  • U.S. agencies such as the Wildlife Services use essential oils to deter snakes.
  • It is applied by spraying the snakes directly.
  • Homemade snake anti-snake sprays are easy to make and can be effective.

Essential oils for snake repellent – ​​scientific findings

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One a yearStudy published in “Pest Management Science” in 2002investigated the defensive effects of essential oils and natural compounds against brown maw snakes (Boiga irregularis). The researchers identified chemical irritants that could serve as effective snake repellents.

Essential oils such as cedarwood, cinnamon, sage, juniper berry, lavender and rosemaryproved to be strong irritants that, upon exposure, led to intensive, non-directional movement behavior in the snakes. These findings suggest that essential oils could potentially be useful for repelling snakes, although further research is needed to confirm their effectiveness in different conditions.

Use of essential oils by US authorities for snake control

Photo: / New Africa

Essential oils are one of the approved methods used by theWildlife Services and the US Department of Agriculture (USDA)be used. Essential oils are used to keep brown snakes away from airplanes, airports and cargo holds in Guam and the Northern Mariana Islands and to prevent their spread to other countries.

In their report from November 2023areCinnamon oil, clove oil and eugenol(which is actually derived from clove oil) effective snake repellents. When snakes are sprayed directly with these oils, they will retreat and leave cargo holds or other enclosed areas where these oils have been introduced.

To make your own repellent spray, combine the following ingredients in a spray bottle (250 ml):

  • 1% active ingredient (cinnamon oil, clove oil or eugenol), 2, 30 ml or about 50 drops
  • 1% sodium lauryl sulfate powder, 1/2 teaspoon
  • 98% water, about 230 ml


Spray the mixture directly onto the snake, especially the head, to trigger escape behavior.

This method is only effective if the mixture is in direct contact with the snake. Applying it to hard surfaces does not prevent thisIntrusion of snakes into certain areas.

Because clove oil and eugenol are known fish anesthetics, they should not be added directly to the water.

Vinegar is also often discussed as a natural repellent against snakes. What methods there are, you canread in this article.