Would you like a new one for the warm season this yearGarden arrangement of pretty flowersand plants together, we recommend you consider the ice begonia. It is offered in different colors and by this we don't just mean the flower colors, but also the leaves. The latter are thick and fleshy and can be green or bronze in color, while the flowers vary between white and dark red. These hybrids are easy to care for and well adapted to our climate. However, if you want to combine ice begonias, it is advisable to choose plants that not only go well with them visually, but are also similar in terms of needs. Which varieties are suitable?
The ice begonia is slightly drought-resistant and doesn't like waterlogging, only needs a moderate amount of fertilizer and loves itshady to semi-shady location. To ensure that your arrangement really works, you should choose plants that have the same location, nutrient and moisture requirements. So what could you combine ice begonias with?
As mentioned, ice begonias are quite versatile when it comes to color choices. If you are not sure which other plant colors and flowers you could combine the ice begonias with, you can use the following tips and examples of plants and flowers. They are suitable for the garden in beds and containers, as well as when youfor grave plantingWant to combine ice begonias:
Silvery tones– Begonias with dark leaves and metallic, silvery tones go well with equally dark and silvery plants such as:
- Schlangenbart 'Blackening' (Ophiopogon planiscapus) – Grass with dark blades of grass
- Lady Fern 'Ghost' (Athyrium) – young plant silvery; becomes darker and silvery-green over time
- Silberregen ‘Silver Falls’ (Dichondra argentea) – long, silvery stems with small, silvery leaves
Green and bronze tones– If the leaves have such colors, plants with similar shades are recommended. For example, you could combine ice begonias with the following plants:
- Taro ‘Black Magic’ (colocasia) – Large, dark leaves with green to silvery leaf veins
- Frauenhaargras (Isolepis cernua) – Fine, thin stems and tiny, white flowers
Warm, chocolatey or yellowish color castsArrange with equally yellowish plants, such as:
- Kelchiges Johanniskraut ‘Brigadoon’ (Hypericum chalice) – Small, yellow leaves that appear orange-gold in the sun
- Sonnengold ‘Persian Chocolate’ (Lysimachia congestiflora) – Dark, burgundy leaves and yellow, bell-shaped flowers
- Sword Fern 'Rita's Gold' (Nephrolepis elevated) – Green fronds and golden tones
Emerald green and yellowish huesIt is best to combine ice begonias with light-colored plants:
- Yellow Larkspur (Corydalis lutea) – Pale green leaves and yellow flowers
- Pennywort 'Aurea' (Lysimachia nummularia) – Greenish-yellow, round leaves and yellow flowers
- Small periwinkle 'Illumination' (Vinca minor) – Yellow leaves with green edges
Planting ice begonias – ideas for arrangements
Ice begonias combine with coleus
Coleus has similar care requirements to the ice begonia and is a perfect partner in this respect. In addition, the coleus impresses with its interesting leaf shapes and colors and complements those of the ice begonia. Coleus can be combined with ice begonias in beds as well as in pots or buckets. For example, in the picture above you can see two small beds that impress with their variety of colors and textures and decorate the entrance area. In addition to the ice begonia with pink flowers, they also contain coleus and caladiumand hibiscus.
Here you can see another example of how you can combine ice begonias with coleus. This time the arrangement is in a pretty bucket.
A) Eisbegonie ‘Bayou Pink’ (Begonia semperflorens)
B) Buntnessel ‘Christmas Candy’ (Coleus)
C) Purpurglöckchen ‘Palace Purple’ (Heuchera)
D) White tomentose ragwort 'Dusty Miller' (Jacobaea maritima)
E) Epheus 'Eve' (Ivy helix)
F) Dragon Tree (Dracaena marginata)
This impressive arrangement was once again displayed in a pretty stand. It contains a combination of various begonias, coleus and harp bush (Plectranthus).
In the bucket with rose
Like oneKind of ground coverHere the begonias work in a pot in which a rose tree was also planted. With this idea you can wonderfully spice up a relatively bare pot. This also has another advantage: the potting soil dries out more slowly and the frequency of watering can be reduced. You can see in the picture:
A) Rose ‘Baby Blanket’ (Rosa), cut like a tree
B) Begonie ‘Prelude Pink’
C) Periwinkle 'Coconur Cooler' (Catharanthus)
With fuchsia and ferns
The rosefrom the example above is ideal for adding height to the flower arrangement, but by no means the only option. There are plenty of plants that grow tall in pots or beds. These include, among other things, grasses and ferns. The latter can also be found in this example.
A) Begonia
B) Fuchsia ‘Hidcote Beauty’
C) Wurmfarn (Dryopteris clintoniana)
With ice begonia, ivy, pigeon nettle (Lamium), Steinkraut (Alyssum) and ornamental asparagus (Asparagus setaceus)
Simple arrangement with dark leaf begonias with red flowers and the creeping jenny plant