Beautiful gardens in mini format – that’s the appeal of flower boxes. Whether you lack the time, money, or energy to maintain a large garden, you can still enjoy colorful planting in window boxes. We will give you a few tips on how to plant your flower boxes correctly and what you should pay attention to. Our examples will also provide you with the inspiration you need.
Tips for beautiful balcony boxes
– Make sure the flower boxes have good drainage. This gives the excess irrigation water the opportunity to drain away. Otherwise the roots of the plants will rot.
– Make sure that the filled balcony boxes are not too heavy. You can reduce the weight significantly by using fiberglass flower boxes and filling them optimally. First, a water-conducting layer of expanded clay, gravel or pottery shards is spread. Then the planter can be filled with potting soil to 3-5 cm below the top.
– Choose the plants according to the season and water the balcony boxes regularly.Plants in flower boxesdry out more quickly than bedding plants. Fertilize every two weeks with a water-soluble fertilizer. Or incorporate long-term fertilizer granules before planting.