Ground covers are low-growing plants that serve many different purposes in the landscape. These are leafy and flowering plants that spread along the bottom of the beds, forming a carpet that fills any gaps and suppresses weeds. They stabilize slopes and can add structure to your front yard. In addition, unlike lawns, they do not need to be mowed. We give you tips on which ground cover plants you can use for the front garden so that you can make your outdoor area in front of the house really beautiful.
Some ground cover plants like a lot of sun, others thrive better in shady places and there are those tooPlants for the front garden, which are evergreen. We briefly introduce some ground cover plants.
Typically, these plants are planted at the front of the beds to create a carpet leading up to the path or lawn, with medium-sized plants behind and larger shrubs and plants at the back. This type of planting is a great way to structure all beds and borders and create a perfect picture that will impress your friends and family. They can also be used at the base of individual trees or large shrubs to transform your larger plants into impressive features.
Plant the front garden with evergreen ground cover plants
Sand thyme – popular ground cover for the front garden
There are dozens of varieties of thyme that make suitable hardy groundcovers and stay green all winter long. Since most varieties are cold tolerant, flowering thyme deserves a place in almost every garden. Depending on the variety, thyme grows between 2 and 20 cm high and is fragrantLeaves of culinary varietiescan be used to season dishes.
The sand thyme (Thymus serpyllum) remains evergreen in areas with mild winters and is therefore classified as semi-evergreen. It is drought tolerant and has woody stems with tiny, oval, bluish-green leaves. Although hefragrant leavessand thyme is not suitable for culinary purposes. The bell-shaped, purple flowers attract pollinators in the summer months.
Common Ivy – Cascade Plant
The common or common ivy (Ivy helix) is a fast and aggressively growing perennial ground cover plant. In some areas it is considered invasive and toxic to humans and animals. On the plus side, it makes a great ground cover if you need to quickly fill in a difficult spot. Common ivy is a cascade plant that loves to climb and has waxy, leathery, lobed leaves with white veins. In late summer it produces small yellow-green star flowers, which develop into berries that birds like to eat.
Evergreen candytuft as a ground cover for the front garden
The evergreen candytuft (Iberis is evergreen) is an extremely popular front garden plant. What's not to love about an evergreen that spreads relatively quickly, is covered in clusters of white flowers, and is loved by pollinators? The only sticking point with this plant is that it needs well-drained soil and full sun. Pruning the plant after flowering will keep it even more compact, but this is not necessary.
Ground cover for the sunny front garden
Beautiful carpet phlox
The carpet phlox (Phlox subulata) is a semi-evergreen, creeping perennial that forms a low, dense mat and grows to less than a meter tall. The pink, star-shaped flowers bloom in early summer and obscure the delicate, evergreen foliage. Carpet phlox does not tolerate colder climates. The plant thrives in a variety of soils, from acidic to alkaline, but does best in well-drained soil. It is easy to care for and, like many other ground cover plants, loves full sun.
Creeping juniper
Creeping juniper (Juniper horizontal) is a short, surface-dwelling plant that is excellent for controlling soil erosion on sunny slopes and perfect for the front garden. These plants are toopretty easy to care for. You can cut them back in spring if you want to prevent them from spreading or if there is a diseased or dying part. Also ensure the plant has consistently moist soil until it matures. The creeping juniper has dark green, yellow-green or blue-green foliage, likes full sun and dry to medium moist, well-drained soil.
Ground cover plants that tolerate shade
Common hazelroot in the outdoor area in front of the house
Few evergreen ground covers are as striking as the common hazelwort (Asarum europaeum). The thick, glossy, round, heart-shaped leaves of this low-growing plant create a lush ground cover. Although the plants grow slower, they are worth integrating into the front garden. The common hazelroot, which tolerates even the shadiest locations, grows up to 15 cm high. The flowers are inconspicuous. Avoid planting hazelwort in hot southern climates where it will not thrive even in shade.
The fat man at your door
Although this plant is botanically consideredPachysandra terminalisAs is known, its more common name is fat man, and it is an absolutely fantastic ground cover. It is a perennial that you can easily grow as a classic shade source.
If you have oneArea in front of your houseor want to cover a shady area, the fat man is one of the classic options you should consider. It is a perennial plant that remains evergreen all year round. The fatman is low-growing and slow-growing, meaning you don't have to worry about it taking up more space than you intend - which can always be a problem with ground cover plants. When the flowers bloom in March and April, they are beautiful but plain white. Contrasting with the glossy green foliage and creeping stems, it may not be a showy ground cover, but it is an effective and efficient shade plant.