It may seem difficult for home gardeners to properly care for bromeliads, but these showy plants are actually easy to grow. In addition, the tropical-looking epiphyte is easy to care for in average living conditions. The plant also offers a range of stunning colors and textures. The so-called air plants do not require soil and can cling to trees. They can even be stuck to objects or grown in flat soil. In addition, such pineapple plants do not require any special tools or fertilizers to grow. So if you are considering growing bromeliads, here are some useful information and tips.
Beneficial bromeliads with care without much effort
Bromeliads have vibrant floral displays, but they only bloom once during their lifespan under the right conditions. Once the flower fades, you should cut off the flower stalk at the base. After flowering, the plant usually produces baby cuttings of new plants. In addition, many species of Bromeliads are known for their beautiful foliage. They have multicolored leaves in red, green, purple, orange and yellow, some with bands, stripes, spots and other features. To those like thisHouseplants for beginnersinclude those of the genera Guzmania, Neoregelia and Vriesea.
Bromeliads are relatively slow-growing plants that take one to three years to mature into flowering plants. Some plant species can grow up to 45 cm tall. Most of these need bright, indirect sunlight or dappled shade. Direct sunlight should therefore be avoided as this can burn the leaves. In addition, bromeliads arenon-poisonous plants, which can be an advantage for people with pets or small children in the household.
Are bromeliads really easy to care for houseplants?
Bromeliads generally need fairly specific conditions to flower, varying from genus to genus and even from species to species within a single genus. In addition, their flowering times depend on day length, temperature, humidity, water and nutrients. As houseplants, most bromeliads can be planted in a mixture of potting soil and sand. Watering is carried out either by moistening the soil or by filling the central depression formed by the rosette of leaves. However, you can also grow bromeliads without soil by attaching or gluing the plant to an object. This allows them to stay upright.
Ensure the right lighting conditions
When caring for bromeliads, make sure they receive bright, indirect light daily, unless you know your plant prefers a different light level. For example, different genera of bromeliads tolerate different light levels. In general, varieties with soft, flexible, thornless leaves usually prefer lower light levels, while varieties with stiff, hard leaves prefer bright indirect light. Some of these can even withstand full tropical sun, while others scorch quickly. Plant varieties that turn yellowish may be receiving too much light, while dark green or elongated varieties may be receiving too little sunlight. Increasing exposure to light can help the bromeliad bloom, provided other conditions are appropriate.
Provide the correct soil conditions
Bromeliads grown indoors thrive in fast-draining potting soil that retains moisture but drains well. A mixture of two thirds peat soil and one third sand is often the ideal combination if you want to properly care for bromeliads. You can also use orchid substrate, charcoal, or soilless potting soil. Many epiphytic bromeliads can be planted in containers. You can also try growing them as authentic air plants on boards or tree trunks using ribbons or glue to attach them.
How Watering Can Provide Bromeliad Care
Although native to tropical, humid environments, some bromeliads tolerate drought but prefer moist but not waterlogged soil. In a typical apartment, it is usually not necessary to keep the plant's central pot constantly filled with water. However, this is an option when lighting conditions and temperature are excessive. Therefore, if you centrally water your bromeliad, be sure to rinse the central cup from time to time to remove any accumulated salts.
In general, however, it is sufficient to water these plants through the soil very sparingly on a weekly basis during the growing season and to reduce watering during the winter dormant period. Never leave the plant in standing water as bromeliads are prone to root rot. Wait until the top two inches of soil feels dry before watering. Plants that you grow as epiphytes also need more attention. Simply mist such species with a spray bottle and give them a good water bath by submerging them in water once a week.
Optimal temperature and humidity
Bromeliads are also tolerant of temperature changes, but most plant species need protection from the cold. If you want to add such plants to your garden but live in a climate with freezing temperatures, consider planting bromeliads in pots to overwinter indoors. In addition, bromeliads prefer temperatures between 25 and 30 °C. Although somehardy plant varietiesWhile they can survive in temperatures up to 20 degrees, they generally should not be exposed to temperatures below 30 degrees.
Bromeliads grow well indoors with 40-50 percent humidity. In many climates they can be brought outside in the summer. Above all, remember that bromeliads grow natively or on trees in tropical, moist, shady forest floors. With that in mind, you can try to mimic these conditions for your houseplants.
Tips for fertilizing and growing outdoors
Such pineapple plants are not heavy feeders. Therefore, you can use a liquid fertilizer diluted by half during the growing season to maintain bromeliad care. Avoid feeding adult plants in winter or when the plant begins to bloom. As mentioned above, these plants can also be grown outdoors. They thrive best in tropical environments, so you'll need to bring your bromeliads indoors during the colder months.
If you are placing the plants outside, you can grow them in a flat-bottomed container on a shady patio, under a shade tree, or a larger plant that will provide some shade on a bright, sunny day. Otherwise, direct sunlight can burn their leaves. Plants planted in containers also dry out more quickly than plants grown in the ground. Therefore, they will need more water outdoors as the soil dries out, although you should also give it a good soaking. In addition, the irrigation water should be able to drain easily from the drainage holes. You can also water the plant's natural shell, which consists of the plant's leaves at its base.
Trick to make bromeliads bloom earlier
While it can be difficult to accurately reproduce the conditions a particular bromeliad needs to bloom, some research has shown that the plants can be forced to bloom through exposure to ethene. So if you want to make your plant bloom faster, you can place it with a ripe apple in a tightly sealed, clear plastic bag for up to 10 days. When the apple decomposes, it releases a specific gas called ethene. Just be sure to drain any water from the bromeliad's central calyx before trying this hack.
Avoid possible mistakes and prevent pest infestation when caring for bromeliads
Although bromeliads are somewhat easy-going plants, they can be susceptible to some cultural problems. Be aware of the following issues:
- You can eliminate mealybugs and aphids by spraying the plant with a mixture of water and a few drops of dish soap. Blot scale bugs with a cotton swab dipped in rubbing alcohol.
- Always plant bromeliads in containers with drainage holes and allow water to run through the container to ensure the roots do not sit in water and develop rot. Also, never use a metal container for watering. Bromeliads are very sensitive to metal. Also avoid metal pots.
- Water with high mineral content can cause water spots on the base of the plant and in the center bowl. It is therefore best to water with demineralized water.
- Bromeliads don't have a large root system, so plant them in small, well-draining pots that don't collect a lot of water. Planting such plants in a pot that is too large without drainage can also lead to rot.