Want to naturally liven up your living spaces by adding popular houseplants with blooms & greenery? Discover some of the best variants below!
There are numerous popular houseplants that can be a great addition to any home and add to the beautiful and cozy atmosphere. In addition, the indoor air can be improved easily and cost-effectively without additional devices. The lush green leaves of palm trees and other plants, as well as the colorful flowers, fit perfectly into almost any interior. This gives living rooms a touch of sophistication and sets colorful or fragrant accents in otherwise unsightly and empty corners. The following examples and tips can help you choose.
What popular indoor plants to choose large or small?
Depending on the space available, bromeliads or giant plant leaves are a great way to add some greenery and visual interest. Even small species such as succulents would be perfect these days in work areas such as home offices with desks or for bedside tables. Slightly larger varieties such as single-leaf (peace lilies) can be placed in a pot directly on the ground to add greenery to empty living areas. Another important factor when choosing is other family members who may have allergies. Also atpets in your homeYou should choose plant species that do not pose a threat to you. In fact, the next suggestions are a suitable choice for most households in terms of plant care and toxicity.
Growing porcelain flower (Hoya) at home
Also known as waxflower, this is a favorite plant species that once grew in the Duke of Northumberland's greenhouses. The porcelain flower owes its name to the famous gardener Thomas Hoya, who, together with the Duke, made a major contribution to botany. It is an evergreen shrub that can reach a length of 10 meters in the wild. Its broad plant leaves appear to be made of wax, which is why the plant was named that way. From spring to fall, you can enjoy white, pink, purple or yellow flowers in the right lighting conditions. If you consider the following guidelines, you can look forward to some easy-care and popular houseplants of this type:
- Water the plants more intensively from March to October and do not let the potting soil dry out. In the winter months you can reduce watering.
- Provide sufficient indirect light and keep the plant at room temperatures between 16 and 25 degrees in west or east facing locations.
- As for humidity, you can occasionally mist the plant leaves with water during hot summer months.
- Protect the porcelain flower from mold growth and pests such as scale insects by using a pot with drainage and occasionally treating it with garlic or soapy water.
Choosing palm lilies (yucca palm) as popular houseplants
The so-called Yucca has its origins in Central America and is an easy-care and robust plant species. The palm lily logically resembles a palm tree, but has a shorter and thick trunk and dark green foliage with rough and uneven edges. The plant blooms in white, with its flowers forming clusters with pleasantly scented bells. In addition, yucca palms are popular houseplants and are also suitable for inexperienced hobby gardeners because they are easy to cultivate. Furthermore, their stems can be easily shortened to adapt the size to the appropriate living space. As for plant care, you can consider the following:
- The palm lily thrives at an optimal temperature between 14 and 24 degrees, although this should not fall below 10 degrees in winter.
- The plant does not tolerate overwatering and requires regular watering from spring to fall.
- Make sure that the potting soil always remains slightly moist and permeable to prevent waterlogging and plant diseases.
- Prefer yucca palmsPots made of ceramic or stone instead of plastic, where you can grow several plants of different heights.
Choose thick-leaved plants (crassuaceae) such as the money tree
Because of the characteristic shape of the plant's leaves, which look like coins, this species is called a penny tree or a money tree. This type of plant is very popular and many people also grow it in their homes. In addition, it is considered a good luck charm in the East and, according to myths, can replace negative energy with positive energy in a home. The plant species, which is considered a succulent and also called the lucky tree, requires the following conditions:
- It is best to keep money trees on a south-facing windowsill or in living areas with direct sunlight.
- Since it requires little water, you can water the plant occasionally and water it once a week during the summer months.
- Use a wide pot with drainage for this, as the roots of the penny tree tend to spread horizontally.
- The optimal room temperature should be between 10 and 25 degrees so that the flowers can develop.
- Prune the tree canopy in the winter months when the money tree is not blooming, allowing you to propagate the young shoots.
Decorate living spaces with dwarf trees such as bonsai as popular houseplants
As you probably already know, bonsai in Japanese means the art of growing dwarf trees found in nature. This would be a great way to grow such plants in small format between your own four walls as they look great. In addition, the eye-catching miniatures can be used to embellish any living area in a natural way. Although these types of plants might be a bit pretentious, if you follow the following basic rules you will not have any problems with them:
- Bonsai is usually a moisture-loving plant species, although you should be careful with watering. To do this, you can keep the pot slightly cooler than the ambient temperature by submerging it in water. Depending on the location and species, the water requirement varies, which is why you should focus on the room conditions.
- In addition, indoor bonsai of the tropical and subtropical type thrive at temperatures between 10 and 16 and 18 and 25 degrees.
- Also make sure that the tree gets enough indirect daylight without exposing it to strong drafts.
- The best way to repot bonsai is also in spring by cutting off part of its root system.
- Also cut back dry branches and leaves to give the tree crown a nice shape and make it more translucent.
Also read:Planting and caring for lucky bamboo: Use these tips to ensure a healthy houseplant!