Which hanging plants are hardy: Several beautiful species for hanging baskets on balconies and terraces

The gardening season is almost over. But even in cold weather, the balcony and terrace should under no circumstances appear dull. With the right plants, these outdoor areas become a green oasis even in autumn and winter. These popular hanging plants are hardy!

These hanging plants are hardy: species for the balcony

Hanging plants can beautify your balcony and terrace all year round. There are also suitable plants in autumn and winter that can easily withstand frost. Whether flowering or as a foliage plant - there is something to suit everyone. If you are looking for the right plants for winter planting, you should especially consider how windy the outdoor area is and whether the hanging basket is protected from rain and snow.

In contrast to summer-flowering plants, which react very sensitively to lighting conditions, in winter they canshade-loving speciesstand in the sun. This is because sunlight is less intense in the cold season than in summer. If you want to plant the flower box with several hardy hanging plants, then make sure that they have similar water and soil requirements. You can also plant the hardy species less apart than usual because they need fewer nutrients. Fertilization is completely canceled in winter, so it doesn't matter whether the plant is a heavy feeder or not.

Several flowering hanging plants that are hardy

Blue cushions for the sunny balcony with south or west orientation:This plant is not only suitable for planting in rock gardens. They also look good in hanging baskets. The flowering period begins in spring, when the blue cushion produces countless small flowers. The hanging plant is wintergreen and can easily spend the cold season outdoors. It thrives best in locations protected from wind and rain, but can usually withstand rain and snow without any problems. It also easily tolerates longer dry periods, making it the perfect hanging plants for south or west facing balconies. The blue cushion gets through the winter well even with little care. It has no special requirements for soil - ideally it should be low in nutrients and have a neutral pH value. The blue cushion can benefit from pruning just after the end of the flowering period - this promotes a second flower formation. In winter, however, the shoots are left standing because the foliage not only serves decorative purposes, but also protects the roots from frost.

Trailing fuchsia and scarlet fuchia for the north balcony(Fuchsia magellanica). The scarlet fuchsia is a hardy plant whose flower shoots protrude slightly over the edge of the hanging basket and flower box. It prefers a sunny to partially shaded location and has dark green leaves and pink-purple leaves. With good care, the flowering period extends into November. The scarlet fuchsia scores with its compact and dense growth.

Hanging cushion bellflower for the east balcony:The hanging cushion bellflower is a very hardy, runner-forming wintergreen plant. The flowering period extends until September and the nectar-rich flowers provide food for pollinating insects such as butterflies, bumblebees and bees all summer long.

Hanging decorative leaf plants for balconies and terraces

ivyBasically belongs to the climbing plants, but can also be grown as a hanging plant. Above all, Hedera Hibernica – the Irish ivy fascinates with its light green foliage with light veins. The plant is hardy, can easily be pruned and can be shaped into the desired shape.

Do it(Monilophyta): Species such as brewing striped fern, common rib fern or golden scale fern are all wintergreen. Native species such as the deer's tongue fern can also easily withstand frost and snow.

Blue periwinkleis an evergreen ground cover that forms long runners. Its light green foliage and light purple flowers make it a real eye-catcher in the hanging basket all year round.

Chinese leadwortis a creeping plant that is well suited for hanging baskets. There their shoots grow over the edge. It is moderately hardy and needs winter protection in the event of permanent frost. It is best to wrap the hanging basket with fleece so that the roots do not freeze.

Crops with overhanging shoots

It's not just foliage plants and flowering hanging plants that are hardy. There are also crops with overhanging shoots that can decorate the hanging basket in winter. Such are, for example, the hanging strawberries. They are specifically cultivated for balcony boxes and hanging baskets.

The hanging strawberriesare, as the name suggests, strawberries with hanging runners. They are hardy. When temperatures actually fall below -10° Celsius in winter, crops need frost protection. Insulate the hanging basket or balcony box with fleece to prevent the roots from freezing.

Finding the right plants for the hanging basket is not an easy task. Luckily there are several variants. Almost all climbing plants and ground cover plants are suitablePlanting in hanging basketsand will form overhanging shoots. There are also special varieties of crops that are specifically suitable for keeping on the balcony.

Also read:Hanging plants for outside: These are our 5 favorites