Get rid of earth wasps: All you need is this gentle and natural remedy!

If you thought earth wasps were a special species, we'll have to prove you wrong. They are the same annoying wasps that spoil breakfast on the terrace or swimming in the pool, only these wasps have built their wasp nest underground. And since they always build their wasp nest near food sources, you can assume that you will often be bothered by them, which can also be dangerous. Time to act! We have put together a few simple remedies that you can use to successfully get rid of earth wasps. Did you think that plain water could be so helpful?

Protected insects: What can you do against earth wasps?

Earth wasps are protected. As annoying as these insects are, they are a really important part of the ecosystem and are even considered beneficial. Don't you believe that? Wasps are useful because they not only eat our breakfast sausage or grilled meat, but also other annoying insects such as mosquitoes, flies orChasing aphidsand thereby help to keep populations in check. These pests are rich in proteins, which the wasps urgently need for their brood.

The law protects ground wasps in the garden and other areas and imposes fines if you kill ground wasps without good reason. However, you are allowed to relocate the earth wasps, but you need a permit and experts to carry out the whole thing. You can lend a hand yourself in the fall when the building is empty.

Drive away earth wasps and prevent nest building: dig up the earth

We don't mean that you should completely destroy the nest. However, you can loosen up the areas around it. In this way, the burrows also break down, making life more difficult for the insects, so they prefer to look for a better place for their nest. It would be better if construction was interrupted in the initial phase, before the brood has developed, so as not to affect it.

The ground wasps are also less active in the morning and evening, so it is best to choose one of these two times to dig.

Fill up empty earth wasp nests

It would be even better to wait until autumn. Then the nests are empty and you can dispose of or destroy them without directly disturbing the insects. To do this, dig up the soil well and keep it well loosened from now on or loosen it well again in late winter. The loose soil is unattractive for the wasp's nest, which means aNest building preventedbecomes.

Filling up the nests and tamping down the earth can also be effective. If the ground is too hard and solid, the soil wasps cannot dig through. Also check your garden for holes, cracks and the like that make it easier for insects to build nests.

Fragrant plants for the garden and terrace

There are aromas that wasps don't like. You can take advantage of this by either lighting aroma lamps with essential oils (for the terrace and balcony) or planting a few suitable plants throughout the garden. Undesirable scents include:

  • Burning coffee grounds
  • Citronella and lemons
  • Cloves, clovesor clove oil
  • Garlic plants/oil
  • Incense sticks of any kind
  • Teebaumöl

Danger:Vinegar not only attracts vinegar flies, but also wasps. They just love the food. For this reason you should avoid it.

Keep wasps away from the terrace

However, if you can't do anything about the nest at this time, you can instead get rid of the earth wasps by using harmless means to get them to leave. What helps against earth wasps?

How to get rid of earth wasps simply and easily: simple water as a home remedy!

Annoying wasps flying around can be gotten rid of quickly and easily with the help of a spray bottle. If you want to get rid of earth wasps with water, simply add the latter to the bottle and place it nearby or directly on the table, ready for use. As soon as the pests appear, simply spray them with the water. In contrast to other means, such as waving objects around, for example, this does not make the wasps aggressive. Instead, they think it might start to rain and they retreat to their den. Of course this worksalso with wasps, who did not build their structure in the earth but somewhere else.

Absolutely notYou should flood the earth wasp nest, especially not with sugar water, as this leads to the painful death of the insects and is a punishable offense.

Set up a non-lethal wasp trap or lure insects away

You can protect yourself from ground wasps on the patio and other areas by setting up a temporary trap. For example, a bowl of sugar water will attract the insects and keep them away from your table. Just in case, you can also temporarily put a glass or glass dome over the trap to keep the earth wasps trapped. But don't forget to release them after eating.

Another variant would be to set up treats a few meters away from the building, with the same purpose, namely to drive away the earth wasps or keep them away from the terrace.

Do you already know that one?Paper bag trick against these insects?

Repel earth wasps: are they actually dangerous?

These insects are generally peaceful. They only sting when they feel threatened. This also means that you should not go near the burrow, as the ground wasps defend it well. Anything you do to the wasp nest can result in you being attacked. Stings are quite painful, but in most cases harmless. Nevertheless, allergic reactions can occur because the wasps secrete poison. Observe the bite site so that you can act quickly if necessary.