Preventing wasps when building a nest: This is what you can do against a wasp nest!

For many people they are considered pests. In fact, wasps are actually useful insects that play an important role in nature. However, they are not a welcome guest on the house wall, on the tree next to the terrace or on the balcony. We explain how you can prevent wasps from building a nest and what you can do about a wasp nest.

Preventing wasps when building nests: The most important questions on the topic

The young wasp queens look for a nesting place from the beginning of May to the beginning of June. The insects can see where there were other wasp nests. Therefore, it is possible to remove the nest of a colony in the fall and then a new one to settle at the old nest site in the spring.

When do wasps build their nest?

Wasps begin building nests around mid-May. First the queen wasp builds it alone. The first workers hatch around mid-May, and after about a month they become adults and can help build the nest.

Where do wasps build their nest?

Wasps build their nests in places protected from the wind. The exact spot they choose varies from species to species. There are wasps that build their nests underground. It is possible for the insects to settle under the terrace, for example. Other species, such as the native German wasp, like to live in dark, rain-protected cavities, formwork or in the attic. They can also be found in empty birdhouses and on wooden furniture in the garden.

Contrary to what many believe, wasps and humans can actually live very well together. However, if the insects build a wasp nest right next to the outdoor seating area, if there are small children or pets in the household or if allergy sufferers live in the house, then prevention makes sense. Incidentally, the wasps die in autumn and their nest is no longer populated by new queens. However, if the nest is relocated, new wasps can settle in the same place next year.

What does a wasp nest look like at the beginning?

Initially, the wasp nest resembles a ping pong ball, is round and has smooth gray or brown walls. They protect many small honeycomb cells from the effects of the weather. The queen wasp laid her eggs in each of these cells. In this initial phase there is no colony - the queen takes care of everything related to the nest. She builds it, lays eggs, provides food for the newly hatched wasp larvae and does all the work in the first three weeks of May alone.

Can you remove a wasp nest yourself?

Removing a wasp nest is prohibited by law. Wasps are protected and may not be caught, killed or injured. Their nests can only be removed after approval by professionals - the experts know how to remove the insectscan relocate. So if you find a wasp nest in your home or garden, be sure to call the local authorities. Anyone who acts illegally often has to pay a high fine.

Wasp nest was removed in fall, but the wasps come back in spring?

It may be that new wasps choose the same nesting site. To prevent this, you must thoroughly clean the old nesting site to remove the smells of the former residents.

How do I get rid of wasps that want to build a nest? Insect-friendly methods

You had a bad experience with a wasp nest last year. Then this spring you simply have to drive the insects away so that they don't build a second nest in the same place.

Prevent wasps from building nests: remove dead wood in the garden

Wasps need dead wood to build nests. Carefully remove dead wood in the garden or at least near the nesting site to drive them away. This strategy can prove to be successful, especially at the beginning - because the queen first has to expand the wasp nest alone and also carry out other important tasks such as laying eggs and looking after the larvae. So if she doesn't find any nesting material nearby, then the whole task is too strenuous and she may sometimes relocate.

Difficult access to food sources

Wasps choose nesting sites in areas that provide food. For them, our gardens are particularly attractive - there are one or two sweets on the garden table, worms in the compost heap and of course ripe fruit on the trees. Try to make these food sources more difficult to access.

  • Wipe the garden table after each use.
  • Cover the compost pile.
  • Pests in the garden – fight beetle larvae, aphids and the like.

Close access to possible nesting sites

  • Close gaps between windows and roller shutters
  • Eliminate cracks in the masonry.
  • Insulate the attic well.
  • Remove tree trunks in the garden.

Use essential oils against wasps instead of incense sticks

For now: Incense sticks can drive away wasps - but the insects quickly find a detour to get to their desired destination. Incense sticks against wasps are therefore only recommended if you want to drive the insects away from the garden table or deck chair on the terrace.

Certain essential oils such as clove oil and tea tree oil can be much more effective at repelling insects.

Plants that repel wasps

Lavender, catnip, marigold and rosemary have a strong scent that will repel wasps. Plant these scented plants around the terrace, garden shed or in front of the window to prevent nesting.

What you can do against earth waspsfind out here.