Get rid of wasps in the roof: With these natural remedies you can get rid of the insects without killing them!

Insects play an important role in our ecosystem. Wasps help control pests that can affect the growth of plants and crops. They are essential to the ecosystem, but when they start to invade and get into our homes, they can pose a real risk. If you have seen a wasp nest or black and yellow insects flying around your home, you probably have a wasp infestation. You often find a nest in the attic and need certain means to get rid of the insects naturally without killing them. Below you will discover how you can get rid of wasps in the roof.

Note the following:Since the wasps are protected, it is forbidden to destroy and remove wasp nests yourself. This is only permitted from mid or late November until the end of winter. But you need permission from the office.

Get rid of wasps with essential oils

A combination of clove, geranium, and lemongrass essential oils can successfully repel wasps: Fill a spray bottle with water and dish soap, with a few drops of each oil. Spray the solution on cracks, ledges, eaves, your roof truss, and other areas outside your home where wasps like to build nests. If you hear noises and a constant buzzing under the sloping roof, spray as large an area as possible near the wasp nest - even if direct access is not possible.

Pay attention to the areas where you have found old nests in the past, as some wasps tend to build new nests in the same places, so there is no need to treat all areas of the roof structure with essential oils.

Get rid of wasps in the roof - peppermint oil

Peppermint oil is effective in repelling wasps. You can try applying it as described above by spraying the areas of the roof where the wasps are.

Deter insects with a trick

This method works well not only on wasps, but also on many other insects, so you should try it out. Place a coin, for example a 1 euro coin, in a zip bag, fill it with water and seal it. Hang the bag in a bright place where it will catch the light. This seemsflying insectsto distribute. One theory is that they are scared off and see the bag as a spider web.

Cotton balls with oil

This is a particularly good way to deter wasps from building nests under your eaves. Soak cotton balls in essential oil (for example peppermint, cinnamon, clove or lemon) and place them in different places around your house - since wasp nests often nest under the roof of your house, on the balcony or terrace, you should have a few there Store cotton balls soaked in essential oil.

What to do if there is a wasp nest in the roof?

You can use fresh lemons and whole cloves as a natural repellent. Since wasps don't like both smells, combining both scents has a double effect. Cut a fresh lemon in half and insert about a dozen whole cloves into the cut side. Half a lemon can be placed in a place frequented by wasps. Alternatively, you can make a small string to hang near a door or window or under the roof. When the lemon has wilted and dried, you can dispose of it in the compost heap and make a new wasp repellent.

Cucumbers against wasps

You can also hang cucumber slices in places where wasps often hang out. It seems that the acidic properties of cucumber juice deter them, so fresh cucumber slices keep them away. If the cucumber slices dry out, compost them and put new slices in their place.

Drive away wasps in the roof with hot chili peppers

If you have hot chili peppers, you can chop some and boil them in 700ml of water for about 5 minutes to get rid of wasps. Make sure the mixture cools before pouring it into a spray bottle. Use this spray anywhere you see the insectswant to keep away.

Important tip:Chilies can irritate the skin and sting the eyes. Therefore, handle the raw chilies and your spray bottle very carefully.

These plants help against wasp nests

You can plant your garden with wasp-repellent plants such as mint, thyme, eucalyptus and lemongrass. Beautify your balcony or terrace with a few potsat the same time keep the insects away from the roof. Pretty flowers such as marigolds, geraniums or pennywort also deter wasps.

Use baby powder

It has been found that baby powder can also deter wasps. You should use this harmless powder daily until there are no more insects. Remember that you should do this at night when the wasps are resting.Most insectsDon't sting if you're not bothering them. It's very likely that if you scatter strange substances around their nest, they will see it as a sign that you are trying to disrupt their lives in some way.