The eucalyptus is a real eye -catcher. However, so that the sun -loving plant comes safely through the cold months, you should consider a few tips on how to cut and overwinter eucalyptus.
The eucalyptus is an attractive, evergreen plant for the house and garden, which is valued because of its aromatic, blue -green leaves and the colorful bark. The plant based in Australia, which serves the Koala bear as food, prefers a mild climate and should therefore be properly wintered in this country. Before you prepare it for winter, it should be cut slightly in autumn. Discover our tips on how to cut and overwinter your eucalyptus, regardless of whether you grow it in the bucket or in the earth.
Eucalyptus plants are easy to care for and can be drawn in tubs, or are grown as shrub or tree in the garden. There are over 600 species, but their winter hardness is different. Eucalyptus Gunii is the only way that is considered hardy and if it is already well rooted, it can survive in mild winters or in protected locations without damage. All other species, which are also known as Frosthart, should not be planted in the ground, but in tubs and definitely spend the winter in the house. What should you consider when wintering and how to get your plant correctly inAutumn, learn below.
Cut eucalyptus in autumn
When the temperatures become cooler, you should correctly prepare your eucalyptus for wintering, which not only requires a change of location, but also a slight pruning. Remember that the plant onlyCut back strongly in springshould become. Any frost damage can be removed at the same time.
Cut the shoot tips in autumn and remove all brown and dry leaves. Make sure that you cut the plant back before the first frost so that it has enough time to relax and come to rest.
Spotted eucalyptus hibernate
Eucalyptus plants thatbe grown in bucket, are sensitive to cold temperatures and can hardly survive the frost. Therefore, they should be brought inside in autumn. Place them on a veranda, a greenhouse or a room at the latest in mid -October. Make the right conditions for wintering so that the plant successfully survives the winter.
Before you bring the eucalyptus into the house, you should insulate the plant for a few weeks to ensure that it is free of pests.
After cutting the tips of the eucalyptus, place it at a bright and cool location where the temperatures are between 5 ° C and 10 ° C.
Reduce the water gifts by pouring the plant with limestone water once every two weeks. But make sure that the floor never dries out. Also set the fertilization during the winter months.
If the temperatures do not fall below -10 ° C, you can also overwinter the spotted eucalyptus outdoors by wrapping the container with cardboard or sack linen to protect the roots from the cold. It is best to place the pot on a protected, sunny location on the balcony or terrace.
As soon as the winter is over, get the potted plant back on the free by putting it on the balcony or terrace for a few hours, preferably on a cloudy day.
If you grow the eucalyptus as a houseplant, note that it is poisonous for humans and animals. Remember that the fast -growing plant should be repotted in spring.
Feel free to read: hibernate fig tree:Important tips for garden & pot
Winter -hard eucalyptus protect against frost
Eucaliptus Gunii is the only way that can be easily tolerated below -20 ° C and can also be grown in the garden. But although he has a certain frost resistance, it is recommended to protect it from low temperatures, especially in the first few years.
Make sure that the roots stay warm by putting a thick layer of straw or dead leaves around the trunk. So the eucalyptus can drive out in the summer months, even if its above -ground parts have died.
Wrap the trunk with sack linen or reed and fasten it well for the stem foot. Remove this protection temporarily on milder days to achieve ventilation and remove it completely when the risk of frost is over.
Reduce irrigation during the winter months, but make sure that the roots do not dry out.
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