Exotic living room houseplants and proper care

Plants create a wonderful atmosphere. This is probably known to everyone. Plants can help, especially in winter when the air in the room becomes too dry due to the heating. In addition, they improve the oxygen content of the air and even remove toxins from it. Would you like to create your own jungle in your apartment? Then exotic living room houseplants are exactly the right choice.

We've put together a list of popular plants that you can use to bring the tropics into your own home. We would also like to offer you some useful care tips that will ensure your plants feel comfortable. If you don't have enough confidence because you're a beginner when it comes to plants, you'll still find a suitable specimen. We have also put together exotic living room houseplants that are particularly easy to care for.

Die Guzmania

With pretty flowers and sometimes colored leaves, the Guzmania species impress as exotic living room houseplants. Like most tropical plants, it is relatively undemanding. She feels very comfortable in both the sun and the shade. It's best to water with lukewarm water because, how could it be otherwise, the pretty plant really likes the warmth. Since the roots are relatively small, it is best to add water to the rosette. There should always be water in it. The flowers can be yellow, red, orange or pink.


The mimosa tree (Albizia julibrissin) can grow up to 2 meters high in the room, grows quickly and radiates pure exoticism. Not only are the leaves particularly pretty, but they also fold up when touched and in the evening. There are also gorgeous flowers that fill the room with a pleasant scent. The tree prefers a sunny location, but also feels very comfortable in partial shade.

Cyprus grass

The Cyprus grass (Cyperus) is, as the name suggests, a type of grass that can be grown wonderfully in pots or planters. In order for it to feel comfortable, it best needs a sunny location. In summer the exotic definitely needs a lot of water. If the bucket is large enough, the grass can grow between 2 and 3 meters high.

Cobbler palm

The cobbler palm is really very undemanding (Aspidistra elatior). It comes from China and Japan and tolerates darker locations very well, as well as lower temperatures or dry air in winter. As exotic living room houseplants, palm trees should be watered regularly. But stagnant water and being watered over are not good for them.


Avocados, which you can grow from the pit, are also fairly fast-growing plants. Although it doesn't produce any fruit in our area, it is ideal for adding greenery to your home. The plant needs a lot of sun. To ensure that the avocado does not lose its leaves even in winter, the temperature must be at least 15 degrees. In winter the plant also needs a bright location.


The Gold Trumpets (Allamanda Cathartica) bloom, as the name suggests, in attractive yellow colors. They grow very quickly, especially when given the perfect conditions. This includes a very bright location, which is protected from the strong midday sun in summer. The plant likes it warm. Even during the winter break, temperatures must be between 16 and 18 degrees.

It is watered daily and if it is also sprayed, the plant will thrive perfectly, so that you will be rewarded with a splendor of flowers from May to November. Gold trumpets as exotic living room houseplants are poisonous, which is definitely worth mentioning. This applies to all parts of the plant. So if you have pets or children, you should consider this and either find an inaccessible location or forego the flower for the time being.


The Zamioculcas has very pretty, shiny leaves (Zamioculcas zamiifolia), which can be wonderfully used as exotic living room houseplants. The color of the leaves depends on the location of the plant and can therefore be determined by you. While they are light green in the sun or in a very bright location, they turn dark green in darker shade. The easy-to-care plant is perfect for beginners and can decorate any area of ​​the room.


It's not just their flowers that impress the Vriesea (Vriesea splendens) as exotic living room houseplants. The specimen also provides a blaze of color before and after flowering, in the form of light and dark green patterned leaves. Find a bright location without direct sunlight. The plant needs a lot of water, but should not be overwatered. It is perfectly watered when the top layer of potting soil can dry out slightly.

Birch fig

In a tropical room the birch fig (Ficus benjamina) are not missing. She needs a lot of light. Otherwise, the birch figs are very easy to care for as exotic living room houseplants. Waterlogging should be avoided and you will enjoy the pretty plant, which grows very large and lush.

money tree

The money tree is also exotic (Crassula ovata). This is also a great idea for superstitious hobby gardeners. The name comes from the fact that leaves resemble coins in shape. And that should also be transferred to the wallet. All this plant needs is lots of light. Whether it's a little colder or warmer doesn't matter for this plant. Exotic houseplants like these are perfect for beginners.

Delicious window leaf

It also becomes beautifully exotic with the delicious window leaf (Monstera Delicious). Since direct sunlight damages the leaves, it is best to choose a shady location that is still nice and bright. Water regularly, but always wait until the soil dries out a little. Exotic living room houseplants need sufficient humidity. Therefore, spray the leaves more often.


Of course, the orchid and more precisely the phalaenopsis should not be forgotten. Hybrid species make it very easy for even beginners to care for them. And the choice of colors and patterns is simply endless. For irrigation it is submerged for a few minutes. As is typical of true exotics, it loves moisture and will therefore be happy if you spray it with water regularly. Place it in a shady but bright place, as it can dry out quickly in the sun.

Pretty type of cactus

Cacti are known to be perfect for beginners and therefore perfect flowering plants. The so-called limbed cactus is a wonderful variant that is not only extremely easy to care for, but also blooms profusely at regular intervals. For some species this happens in spring and for others at Christmas time. Hence the other name “Christmas cactus” (Schlumbergera). Another species is called Easter cactus (Hatiora).

Christmas cactus

A great feature that these exotic houseplants have is that they have no spines. Watering is only done once every two weeks. A sunny location is best, but partial shade also works.

Shiny flask

A smaller species is the glossy cob (Aphelandra squarrosa). The plant has striped leaves and impresses with yellow flowers in autumn. She loves moisture very much. So if you are looking for a specimen that impresses with colors and patterns even after the flowering period, the shiny bulb is a perfect choice.

Arrow leaves

The situation is similar with the arrow leaves (Alocasia). The leaves are dark green, while the leaf veins are very light and therefore stand out well. The plant requires high humidity, which is best achieved with a humidifier. The soil must always be moist, but watering can be more sparing in winter.

Golden fruit palm

The attractive golden fruit palm (Dypsis lutescens) grows beautifully lush and tall and is a pretty variant. In general, palm trees should not be missing for an exotic atmosphere. Find a bright place in the room. Moisture is desirable, so the plant should not be placed next to a radiator. Regular misting makes the leaves look healthier and prettier and watering should also be plentiful during the growing phase.