Effective plants to repel snails

Foto: Shutterstock / Stanley Dullea

Slugs are voracious pests that can attack a variety of raised bed plants.

Effective plants:

  • Garlic and onions:The intense smell has a deterrent effect on snails.
  • Thyme, chervilandHyssopalso have such an effect.

Tips for use:

  • PlantGarlic and onionsbetween the rows of vegetables.
  • Use hyssop, chervil and thyme as a natural barrier at the edges of the raised bed.

By carefully selecting and placing certain plants, pests can be effectively combated in raised beds. The mixed culture method uses the natural defense mechanisms of plants to create a healthy and productive garden environment. Try these techniques and watch your plants thrive while pests are kept away.

Ramona from Frankfurt is mother of two-year-old Kaia. Her passions are Zumba, nature and gardening, which she lives out in her backyard paradise. She is constantly looking for mommy hacks and cooking tips to make everyday life more efficient. She is also enthusiastic about creative ideas for child development and current trends in fashion and nutrition. Ramona has been writing for Deavita since 2013, always thoroughly researched and often supported by expert interviews. She studied psychology in Freiburg.