Bats are important to keep the insect population in chess. But what happens when a bat flies into the house? How can you leave them outside again without harming the animal or yourself?
It is often assumed that bats only live in caves. But although we do not notice them, they are teeming with them in the cities. They live in the joints of the houses, under the window sills, in tree caves in the parks and on attics. Some bats are so small that even the holes of the bricks offer them a wonderful and comfortable accommodation. Therefore, it is normal and common for a bat in the house in late summer and autumn while looking for a new neighborhood.
Sometimes it can happen that a bat accidentally penetrates into a house. The small animals are usually not aggressive and such situations are as stressful for them as for us humans. Although bats are not dangerous, they can transmit fatal diseases, which is why they should best live outside. Find out what to do when you find a bat in the house.
Let the bat fly out
If you have noticed a bat in the house, make sure that you do not fly deeper into your house by closing the interior doors.
Bats are based on echo location and not with the eyes. Therefore, the many noises in her house can make it difficult for her to find the way. Therefore, switch on TV, air conditioning systems and all electronic devices that could unsettle the bat.
Open the outer door and window and switch off the lighting in the room and in front of the outer door and the window. When it is dark, the bat feels better and it is more likely that it will leave the house by itself.
If you cannot find them, it may be hidden behind a curtain, hanging clothes or in houseplants, since bats usually end up where they can hang up.
The bats leave their quarters every night to find food, so wait.
Etheric oils pass
Bats are very sensitive to smells. Therefore, try to deter you naturally by using essential oils such as peppermint, cinnamon or eucalyptus oil.
Mix the chosen oil with water and spray vigorously the area where the bat nests.
Catch bat in the house
However, if you want to try to capture the bat, always remember that you should wear gloves and only touch the flying animal if necessary.
Wait until the bat ends and then put a large can or bowl over the animal. Make sure that you do not hurt the animal. Push a piece of cardboard underneath and then bring the bat outside to let it fly.
Never leave a bat on the floor, put the cardboard on a shrub, tree or fence instead.
Before you take this measure, however, let the local authorities inform you whether this is legally allowed, since bats are among the endangered animal species.
Prevent bat in the house
If you have successfully helped the bat to leave your house, you should prevent you from returning.
Fill the holes and seal cracks
They should find out where the bats fly into their house. Make sure that all ventilation openings, covers, cracks in the cladding and the areas around the chimney are sealed. Remember that bats can fit through 1 cm-large holes. So they should proceed very carefully so that the winged animals do not return.
Attach bat boxes
The attachment of bat box in the garden is a good way to offer the flying animals a good shelter. If you take this safe, alternative measure, it is less likely to try to penetrate your house again.
In any case, it is important to ensure that the animals can live on when they have left the house. And they are often an enrichment for the garden by the plantsEfficiently from pestsprotect.
Use outdoor lighting
The outer lighting can be much more than a decoration. Bats are nocturnal animals and are sensitive to light.External lighting willSo keep them away, especially if you install sensitive lights.