Planting beautiful spring flowers - a few tips

One of the beautiful sides on spring is the wonderful fragrance of spring flowers that hovers in the air. They are a gift from nature and a sign that winter is over. You can put them in a vase, plant it in a pot or in the garden. Here we explain to you how you can plant the spring flowers.

TheCrocus is a plantOne of the harbing of spring. There are over 180 types of crocuses that can be both cultivated and wild. One of them owes the expensive and aromatic spice saffron. This spring flower is a symbol of youth, joy and cheerfulness. Crocuses bloom in yellow, purple and sometimes white colors from the beginning of March to the end of May. They grow in partially shaded places with sand floors. They should be watered moderately often, otherwise there is a risk that the onion is rotting. If you want to plant these spring flowers, September is the best month for it.

Everyone knows the story of self -loving narcissus, which, looking at their own reflection in the lake, died. The beautiful daffodil then grew in the same place, which is now a symbol of resurrection and self -love. The daffodils can be in white, yellow, but also cream -colored. They mostly bloom in March and April and love sunny places with clay and sand floors. It is best to plant the onions of the spring flowers at 5-10 cm depth in autumn. Be careful when touching you because you are poisonous.

According to the Greek legend, the flower emerged from the blood of the tragically deceased hyacinth, lover of God Apollo. Today the flower is a symbol of reason and loyalty. It blooms from late March to May in various colors from light pink to light yellow, white, blue and violet. They plant these spring flowers to a place with a moderate amount of sun, fresh air and loose sandy soil. It is suitable as a houseplant for the window and the garden. The onions are planted 15 cm deep and should have a certain distance from each other. Until they germinate, they should be kept in a dark, cool place. Since the onions can cause skin problems, it should not be touched without gloves.

The tulip is a symbol of wealth, beauty and for spring. It is the emblem for Turkey and Amsterdam. In addition, the Persian symbol for perfect love is. It exists in all colors, apart from blue shades. This flower blooms from March to June. In the garden, the tulip needs warmth and light, moderately a lot of moisture and a clay floor. It is best planted in autumn, from September to October, so that she has time to get used to the new conditions. The onions should be planted at a depth of 10 cm and have sufficient distance from each other. This pretty flower can also be planted in a flowerpot.

There are different legends about the origin of this spring flower. One says that it emerged from the tears of Maria when she cried around her son. Another, in turn, says that Eva's tears arose after being chased out of paradise. The lily of the valley is a symbol of humility today. The spring flower blooms from the beginning of April to the end of May. Their beautiful, white flowers look similar to bells. It is the perfect flower for the shady places in the garden because it does not like the strong sun and prefers the cool air. The perfect floor for the lily of the valley is a mixture of sand and clay soil. Record the environment regularly for weeds, as this is a common problem. The lily of the valley is very toxic, so you should definitely wash your hands after you have touched it.

The freesia come from Africa and are one of the fragrant flowers. This spring flower can be obtained in flower transactions at the beginning of spring, but its heyday is actually only in May. FreeSie is an incredibly beautiful flower, but you should be prepared with a lot of patience and good nerves if you want to have it at home because it is very demanding. It is best to plant these spring flowers in loose soil. You should also have to fertilize and loosen them regularly. The temperature should be around 18 degrees Celsius if possible. Freesien are rather sensitive to light, which is why they should find a partially shaded place. Watch them to see if the conditions like them. But once you have managed to meet your requirements, you will thank you with pretty flowers until October.

You can find out how you can plant flower bulbs on top of each other in a bucketIn this article.