Pizzas are one of the most popular dishes. Not only are they quick to make, but they can also be baked to suit any taste, as everyone can top the homemade pizza with whatever they want. Anyone who likes to eat pizza would certainly be happy about an authentic way to bake the pizza. The usual oven in the kitchen is certainly a good alternative, but why would you choose one of your own?Garden pizza ovensay?
Garden pizza oven – tips for construction
You can easily use this in the gardenbuildand set up. Today we would like to explain to you which variants there are and what you should pay attention to. Get a wonderful accessory that the whole family will be happy about. And you can also attract friends to your home on a regular basis, because who doesn't love pizza? Why not organize an outdoor pizza party where the oven will be put to great use and you can create an Italian atmosphere with the help of real stone oven pizzas.
Garden pizza oven in a cozy seating area
So that you don't have to stand in the rain while you bake the pizza even in bad weather, it's best to build the garden pizza oven under a roof. The terrace is a good place for thatOven, because there you have the seating or dining area nearby and can serve the pizza straight away. With a TV you can also enjoy pizza while watching a great film. The canopy not only protects you from rain, but also from the strong sun in summer. So if you want to celebrate your party during the day, this won't be a problem with the roof. Simply enjoy the pizza in the pleasant shade.
Oven separate from grill
If you have an outdoor kitchen, you can also connect the oven to it. This does not necessarily mean that the oven has to be installed directly. The oven is also useful away from home. You can also connect smaller spaces with panels to create practical shelves or storage areas, as was done here. Try to choose the same style for the pizza oven as for the rest of the kitchen so that everything looks harmonious and fits the overall style of the terrace.
Oven in the outdoor kitchen
Of course, you will get the best results if you are just planning your outdoor kitchen. Then you have the opportunityGarden pizza ovento be integrated into the kitchen so that everything is connected together in a compact manner. Countertops and a sink make preparing pizza more comfortable. This also provides enough space for other family members to help out or make their own pizza. Maybe you would also like to integrate a small refrigerator into the garden kitchen? Then you can keep the products fresh and don't always have to go into the house and carry all the little things outside.
Height of the oven
It is important that you determine the correct height of the oven. The following applies: it is better to be a little too low than too high. You should be able to put the pizza in and out of the oven without any problem. The opening should therefore be approximately at chest height. If you have a raised oven in the kitchen, you can use this as a template by measuring the height. This is usually the standard height for countertops.
Compartment for firewood
Extra storage space is always a good idea. And since the oven is on a higher level anyway, you can or should even use the space underneath to create a compartment where you can store the wood. The real pizza gets its unique taste from being baked in a fire. So make sure you have the firewood ready to hand and don't have to fetch it first. It is also protected from rain and can even be dried using the heat while baking.
Choose your oven style
Of course, you can choose any style for the garden pizza oven. This depends on your taste and the atmosphere you want to achieve outside. Here you see a classic Mediterranean style oven. You can determine the style through very specific materials, among other things. The oven can be built in a variety of ways.
On the one hand, the oven can be made of clay. With this material you can create the Mediterranean style. Clay is also great for shaping, so you can get that rounded shape too. Brick is another variant and can also be chosen for the feet, among other things, while the stone oven is also a classic. Models made of metal look more modern. These are less suitable for DIY, but can be bought ready-made or specially made. Whatever material you choose, you can then decorate the oven. Distribute any tiles in places that are not heated as much or plaster the legs of the stove.
Open or with door
Also consider a door. With their help you can increase the temperature inside the oven more quickly. But it is not a must. If you want, build the oven without a door first. After using the oven several times, you will determine for yourself whether you need them and can add them at any time. It is an advantage when there is stronger wind. This can blow the soot out of the chimney and dirty the terrace, which can be very unpleasant when you are having a pleasant time with family and friends.
Buy a pizza oven
If you don't have the time to build an oven, you also have the option of buying a ready-made one. Different styles are also offered there. If you want a model that suits your taste, hire someone who can build it for you. Here you can see a practical model made of metal on wheels. When the oven is not in use, it can easily be pushed aside. This compact model still has a compartment for firewood. Also worth mentioning is the handle on the side, which is perfect for hanging cutlery and other accessories. Overall, this oven looks very modern and elegant.
Small outdoor areas
Fortunately, a small outdoor area doesn't mean you have to do without the oven. As with the grill or the outdoor kitchen as a whole, there are great compact models that you are guaranteed to find a place for. If the oven also has wheels, the model is even more suitable. Light metals or hollow metal constructions make moving even easier and more pleasant. The shelf under the oven can also be used for dishes, spices and other practical items instead of wood. Because if you constantly move a stove, you will probably fill it with less wood and then have to take it out again before the next change.
An oven not just for pizza
A great feature of the oven is that you can not only bake the popular pizza in it. If you like homemade baked goods, try making bread with them. Tarte flambées fresh from the wood-fired oven taste just as delicious. You can try out a variety of recipes to see which ones are particularly delicious from the garden pizza oven. Experiment, what could go wrong? You will soon prefer it to the kitchen oven, at least in summer.
To make building the oven easier, you can also use ready-made kits that are available at hardware stores. Simply put these together as explained in the instructions. This idea is simple and quick to implement. On the one hand, you get a self-made model and, on the other hand, you save time and effort during construction. You decide for yourself which option is better for you. Kits are available in different sizes and variants, so that you also have the opportunity to adapt the oven to your wishes and needs and not to forget the space you have available.
Oven and grill in one
You can even use the oven as a grill at the same time, saving space on the terrace. This is not only an advantage for small outdoor areas. For this purpose, you need to add one or more joints on each side into which you can slide the grill grate. Consider multiple levels so you can raise or lower the grill grate depending on the heat. The grilled food will not taste any worse. On the contrary! Because the oven is closed all around and, if necessary, even closed with a door, the meat remains much juicier than on an open fire. The effect is the same as with grills that have a lid to close.
The right location
The location should be carefully considered. In principle, any flat surface in the garden or on the terrace is suitable. This way you save time and also work preparing the soil. However, since the oven develops a high temperature, a place near the window should be avoided. Added to this is the smoke that comes out of the chimney and quickly drifts into the house if you forget to open the window. A roof is particularly advantageous because you can protect the oven from different weather conditions and it will last longer.
If you don't want to place the oven on the terrace but have chosen another location outside, you need a solid foundation. It is best to build this out of reinforced concrete. The steel prevents the concrete from cracking in winter. Since concrete is usually not particularly attractive, you can then equip it with tiles or stone slabs that create a surface that is as flat as possible. Wood as a floor covering should be avoided as it could catch fire due to the sparks that often fly out of the oven.
Accessories for the oven
A practical accessory for the garden pizza oven is a thermometer. This way you can regularly read the temperature and determine when the right time is to put the pizza in the oven. Such thermometers are also offered for kitchen ovens, so you will quickly find a suitable one. Of course, the pizza peel shouldn't be missing either, because with its help you can turn the pizza more easily, put it in the oven and take it out of the oven. Fireplace instruments simplify cleaning and are used to stoke the fire. So everything you would get for a regular fireplace is also very useful for a pizza oven.
Pizza oven on the hillside
A slope is a great area to build a pizza oven. However, a good foundation must be created, which of course takes more time and money and can be more tedious. However, the effort is worth it. The oven can be decorated with different plants all around, which makes it look more natural. Even a small roof is possible. You can also have such a design made by an architect to ensure that the structure is stable and suitable for the terrain.
Decorate the oven
You can choose the design of the oven yourself. Would you like a simple oven or would you rather decorate it? The rustic garden pizza oven can be decorated with mosaic or pebbles. Tiles and tiles are also a great idea. Or you can plaster the oven, where you can choose any color. Let your imagination run wild and design the oven according to your taste and to match the rest of your patio and garden style.
Seating area
Use the garden pizza oven as a fireplace at the same time. Integrate benches and place chairs or other seating close to it. This means you can make wonderful use of the warmth it radiates on cool evenings. At the same time, keep an eye on the pizza so that it doesn't burn. Here you can see a modern terrace design with an oven in the center. With a metal door you can prevent sparks from escaping, so you can also set up chairs directly in front of the stove to warm yourself while having a cozy conversation.