Garden and landscaping – backyard with Italian modernism

This modern and attractive garden was designed and implemented by the Italian designer Nicola Spinetto. The project was used to transform a neglected backyard into a true paradise where relaxation is guaranteed. The backyard is in an Italian town called Chiavari. The new garden and landscaping offers everything you could want from an outdoor area: a shaded terrace with dining area, pleasant and lush greenery, but also a practical pizza oven and a sink.

The design was created in collaboration with Daniele Mainetti. Together they solved the problem of the steep garden slope by designing terraces that can be accessed using wooden steps.On these terracesThere are also mature olive trees that needed to be preserved. A lot of wood was also used to design the garden. The garden terraces on the former slope are supported by wooden boards. The dining area and the small kitchen are made from untreated Douglas fir wood.

This fresh wood, which was chosen for all elements, changes its color over time to a pleasant shade of gray, which will later give the garden and landscaping a very special charm. An attractive white pleated blind provides shade in the seating area. This was stretched over three tracks and can be pulled together, pulled apart or moved as required. This means the owners can enjoy the sun or relax in the shade as they wish. Now take a look at the beautiful design and be inspired by the modern style.

Design byNicola Spinetto.