Money tree loses leaves: The most common causes of leaf loss and what you can do about it

The money tree is one of the most popular decorative houseplants. It can live very long and reach a height of 1 m or more when grown indoors. Crassula ovata has thick, woody trunks and oval leaves that make it look like a miniature tree. Like any other plant, it sheds older leaves as it grows. However, if you notice that your money tree is losing several leaves, it may indicate a problem.

Why does the money tree lose its leaves?

Some leaf loss is inevitable with this plant, but it is not normal for it to lose more than one or two leaves at a time. Pay attention to the following causes to ensure your houseplant stays healthy all year round.

Incorrect watering can cause leaf loss

If you have overwatered or underwatered your plant, it may shed its leaves excessively. Being too wet or too dry can make the plant very unhappy.

If you notice your money tree's lower leaves shrivel and then fall off, then it needs more water. You should water it whenever the top 1 inch of soil has dried out. Because succulents produce new leaves in the summer, they require more water during these months.

The Crassula ovata is also sensitive to root rot and does not like it to be too wet. In this case, the leaves will yellow first and then they may shrivel before falling off. Even if you stop watering, leaf loss may continue if the roots are affected. Remove the collected water in the saucer and allow the soil to dry out completely.

If there are soft spots on the money tree's branches or trunk, you should remove it from the pot and wash away the soil from the roots. Then cut off any soft branches or roots and repot the plant in a new pot with fresh soil mix to avoid fungal infections on the roots.

The insufficient light can lead to leaf drop

If you notice that your penny tree is losing leaves in the winter, it is probably not getting enough light. In most cases, leaf loss is caused by too little light, not too much. Place the plant in a south-facing window – if it gets 4 hours of direct sunlight it will thrive and thrive.

If there is too much direct light, the edges of the leaves will turn red first. Slightly reducing the amount of light will preserve the coloring without the risk of the leaves falling off.

Check the temperature if the money tree loses leaves

The Crassula ovata does not like extreme or sudden temperature changes. If your plant is exposed to temperatures that are too high or too low, this could be the reason for leaf loss. So try not to move your plant too often. It thrives best at temperatures between 13°C and 24°C.

When winter comes, you can prevent the leaves from falling off due to the very low temperatures by bringing the plant indoors. Just make sure it is in a well-ventilated area. If you place them near the heater, the mature leaves may fall off and show weak growth.

Pests and diseases can cause leaf drop

Pests can also cause leaf loss, but these are less common than any other cause. The money tree is sensitive to mealybugs and scale insects. Infections thatby these pestscaused, make the leaves sticky and promote the growth of mold. If you notice that your plant has a pest problem, treat it by blotting the insects with a brush or cotton ball dipped in rubbing alcohol. Make sure you treat the pests daily until they are completely gone.

Money tree loses leaves: Poor soil quality

The penny tree likes light fertilization. If your plant's soil does not contain enough nutrients, it can stunt growth and cause leaf loss, although this is rarely the cause. Lack of growth and loss of color and shine are common signs of too little fertilizer.

If you add too much fertilizer at once or too often, your plant will lose leaves from the bottom up. They may turn yellow or shrivel before they despiteproper careand irrigation drop.

Natural leaf loss due to age and maturity

Finally, the money tree loses a few leaves every year as it grows. The oldest leaves on the underside become paler and fall off over time. They may shrivel a little, but the naturally lost leaves should not turn dramatically yellow or dry out completely before falling off. Watch for accelerated leaf fall as this usually indicates a problem. If you only see one or two leaves falling per month, it is probably just part of the plant's normal growth. Over time, it will develop a tree-like appearance with a bare trunk and foliage clustered at the top.