Houseplants improve the air quality in your apartment and beautify your home. They can also elevate mood and bring hours of enjoyment to your living space. But for all the benefits that potted plants bring, they also require a bit of work. Keeping them healthy is a challenge that most people take on without hesitation. However, at some point you will probably have to deal with pests attacking the potted plants. Luckily, a small infestation isn't the end of the world. Find out here how you can identify and combat pests on houseplants!
Pests on potted plants – recognizing spider mites
Spider mites are so tiny you may not even see them. They look like dark spots on the leaves, but you'll probably first notice their white, silky webs in the leaf axils or along the leaf veins. The mites suck the sap from the leaves, causing them to discolor and fall off. Among their preferred hostsinclude kite building, ivy, hibiscus and schefflera.
- How to fight spider mites
A mite infestation is difficult to combat. For plants with smooth leaves, you can wipe the leaves thoroughly in the early stages of the infestation. This move should reduce populations quickly. Repeat this process every few days for a few weeks to eliminate any remaining mites. Once the initial mite population is under control, you should follow up with neem oil to ensure that any remaining spider mites are destroyed.
White pests on houseplants – mealybugs
Mealybugs look like cotton or white powder and are also called mealybugs. They are sapsuckers, have a waxy coating and form dew. Signs of an infestation may include waxy deposits on the plant, black, sooty mold growing on the honeydew produced by these insects, and (depending on the severity of the pest infestation) sometimes yellowing and dying leaves and distorted or stunted plant growth. The female mealybugs produce a white, cotton-like material in which they lay their eggs, which then hatch into crawlers. Wax flowers, gardenias, poinsettiasand money treeare particularly susceptible to mealybugs.
- How to combat mealybugs
Use a cotton swab soaked in rubbing alcohol to remove the mealybugs. For larger, vigorous plants, wash the leaves with a strong stream of water to drive away the pests. For severe infestations, neem oil may be the best solution.
Identifying Houseplant Pests – Whitefly
The whitefly is another sucking insect that is often found in large numbers on the underside of leaves. These flies are small, so most houseplant owners don't notice them until they see large clouds of tiny flies fly up if they touch the plant. Both the nymphs and adult flies can cause damage to plants.
- Pests on Houseplants – Getting Rid of Whitefly
Whitefly control begins with suppressing the adult population. Blasting the flies with a strong jet of water or using the yellow plates helps to reduce the number of pests. If the infestation is severe, you should use neem oil. Multiple applications may be required to kill any whitefly eggs remaining on the plant.
Fungus gnats on potted plants and in the soil
Although the tiny adult fungus gnats are more of a nuisance than harmful, the larvae feed on plant roots and can cause growth problems, especially in young plants. Fungus gnats are often a symptom of overwatering.
- Get rid of fungus gnats quickly
Allow the surface of the soil in the pots to dry between waterings and do not let the water sit in saucers. The larvae are controlled by soaking the soil with biological insecticides. Yellow plates help catch adults.
Note the following:If you want to use insecticides, consult your garden center first!
Aphids, another sap-sucking pest, also produce sticky honeydew. They can attack many different plants and particularly prefer tender, new growth, where they cause stunting and wilting. Their life cycle is short (typically two to three weeks), allowing populations to expand rapidly.
- Fighting aphids – tips
A strong jet of water will drive away most aphids. Take the plant outside to hose it down (if it's not too cold) or use neem oil sprays, which are also effective.
Recognize pest infestation – scale insects
Scale insects look like brown, light brown, grayish bumps on the leaf surface. These inconspicuous, small, soft-bodied pests resemble flat, brown slugs. Like other houseplant pests, brown scale insects feed on plant juices. They are small and difficult to detect, especially if the infestation is small.
- How to get rid of brown scale insects
One method of treating scale insects is to wipe or wash leaves and stems to remove the insects and the honeydew they leave behind. This method works well for small infestations. You can also pick or rub them individually. For larger infestations you will need to use neem or horticultural oils. You also need to check and remove the adults at least once a month.
Die Thripselook like small, black bugs and often infest your orchids. How you can fightfind out here.
More home remedies for pot plant pests
- Isolate the houseplant
If your houseplant is infected with pests, it's important to stop the spread - especially if it's in a room with other plants. Be sure to isolate the plant (for example, by moving it outdoors or to another room) and closely observe the plants in the area for signs of pests in about three to four weeks.
- Use alcohol
If you find that there are still live bugs on your houseplants, try soaking a cotton ball in alcohol and dabbing it lightly to remove them from the plant. Also, don't forget to wash the pot and planting tray with soapy water as pests can easily hide under the edge.
- Try natural herbal sprays
Keep chemicals out of your home by controlling bugs with an all-natural herbal spray. Herbs like basil, peppermint, lavender, sage, and rosemary can help drive away the annoying creatures (they don't like their strong scent). To make your own spray, chop up a handful of herbs and place them in a jar with a lid. Then add 700 ml of water, close the container and let it stand for at least 24 hours. You can then strain the water into a spray bottle and add a little mild dish soap solution. Shake the mixture before spraying and spray your plant with it once a day.