Planting and caring for lucky bamboo: Use these tips to ensure a healthy houseplant!

It's not hard to see why the lucky bamboo is such a popular houseplant. It is attractive, requires little care and is said to help its owner prosper. How can you plant and care for the beautiful lucky bamboo?

The plant is a species of Dracaena calledDracaena Sanderianaand originally comes from Africa. It is said that lucky houseplants embody happiness. According to Feng Shui, an ancient Chinese teaching, the more stalks a lucky bamboo has, the more money and success you will have in your life. For optimal health and wealth, place your lucky bamboo in the east or southeast of your home. Find out more care tips for this enchanting plant below!

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For more than four thousand years, the lucky bamboo plant has symbolized prosperity in Asian societies. It has only recently gained popularity as a house plant and is easy to find outside of Asia. This houseplant can be grown in both soil and water in the apartment and house. Both novice and experienced gardeners will find it very useful.

Growing lucky bamboo in water or soil?

Growing lucky bamboo requires nutrient-rich, well-drained soil. Keep the soil moist but not waterlogged. To improve drainage, you can add perlite or sand to the soil. This prevents water from pooling around the roots, which is a common cause of fungal diseases such as root rot.

It also grows well in a vase with pebbles or water, as long as the bottom of the container is always at least 2 inches full of water with the roots submerged. The plant can react sensitively to pollutants, especially chlorine, in tap water. Therefore, it is best to use distilled, filtered water or rainwater if you want to grow the plant in water. The chlorine in tap water can also be removed by letting the water sit for 24 hours.

Choose the right pot

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The size of the container is also crucial for planting lucky bamboo in soil. If the container is too large, the soil can become overwatered and become stagnant. Choose a container that is barely larger than the root ball.


The ideal lighting for lucky bamboo is indirect sunlight. However, it is important to note that different types of lucky bamboo may have different light needs. If you notice that your plant is not growing or is turning yellow, it may be a sign that it is not receiving enough light. However, if the leaves start to brown or burn, the plant may be exposed to too much direct sunlight. However, too little light is easier for them to cope with than too much.


Hydroponics, where the plant is grown in a water medium, is the most common technique for growing lucky bamboo. If you have decided to do so,your plantTo water instead of using soil, you need to change the water at least once every two weeks. When changing the water, rinse the roots thoroughly to remove any debris and algae that may have settled on the roots. To promote development and maintain the beautiful, green color of the leaves, you can also add a few drops of liquid fertilizer to the water.

If you want to plant your lucky bamboo in soil, check the top inch of soil once a week and water it well if it appears dry. It is best not to allow water to accumulate at the base of the plant as this could promote the growth of unwanted diseases.

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Planting and caring for lucky bamboo – fertilizer

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Ifthis houseplantGrowing in soil, you should fertilize it about every two months with a very dilute fertilizer solution. Either use a few drops of a fertilizer specifically formulated for lucky bamboos or dilute a high-quality liquid houseplant fertilizer to one-tenth the recommended amount.

Pay attention to temperature

Lucky bamboo plants thrive at higher temperatures between 18 and 33 degrees Celsius. You should not place your plant in front of an air conditioner or a drafty window. Don't worry too much about increasing the humidity in your home - average humidity is acceptable for your lucky bamboo plant.

Pruning lucky bamboo plant

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If your lucky bamboo is already too big for the pot, you can cut it back. Select a spot on the leaf stem about 1 inch above a growth node and cut it with a sharp, sterilized cutting instrument. If you prune your plant, it will not grow taller but will become bushier. Never remove the main stem of a plant as this can stunt its development and lead to disease. You can also cosmetically prune away yellowed or damaged leaves.

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