From materials to colors to shapes – nature runs through them like a common threadDecoration trends of the year.According to the designer, interest in green plants and especially houseplants with large leaves and unusual leaf patterns has increased. And no wonder, decorating with plants is the easiest way to make a room look more lively. And if you want to achieve a big effect, you should rely on large houseplants. This means you can also create your own indoor jungle! We'll give you some tips on how to properly care for large houseplants and skillfully showcase them in your home.
Large houseplants create a tropical jungle feeling
Although a flowerpot with miniature violets can be fascinating, large specimens have a more positive effect on our psyche and the indoor climate. The green plants can not only improve air quality immensely, but also provide a feeling of stability, calm and security. So you can really relax in your little tropical paradise.
When buying plants for home, we usually don't think about it and choose small or medium-sized plants that would fit well on a sideboard or on the windowsill in the bedroom. Unfortunately, many such specimens are not very robust and die quickly. Large houseplants, on the other hand, are considered almost indestructible and can accompany us for many years. One can become so accustomed to these green residents that they even treat them like a dog or cat. The plants presented in today's article are well suited for this role. They adapt well to home conditions and require little care.
Set accents with large ornamental leaf plants
To decorate spacious rooms, interior designers often turn to beautiful plants with large leaves that sometimes even reach the ceiling. Such species create an unusually cozy atmosphere in entrance halls, waiting rooms, hallways, etc. Even a long, dark hallway can be beautified with shade-loving houseplants.
In most cases, large houseplants are used as focal points. They either stand alone and attract attention or are part of a group. When several large plants are grouped together, a beautiful green oasis is created in the room. Create dynamism in the composition by choosing green plants of different heights and leaf colors.
With large plants you can bring an urban jungle feeling into your home. Although they look good on wide window sills and in front of large windows, they usually stand on the floor. To avoid moisture on the floor, use a suitable planter or base. Also note that many plants do not tolerate drafts and sudden temperature changes.
Divide the room into areas with the XL plants
XL plants take up a certain amount of floor space, but are a real eye-catcher. They are ideal for difficult corners that would otherwise be difficult to fill beautifully and functionally. They not only look good next to the furniture, but also impress with their height. The XL plants can also be used to divide a large room into different areas and to create smaller spatial zones in large areas.
You should also know that an adult plant is difficult to adapt to a new location. A large, healthy specimen from the hardware store that feels perfectly comfortable in the greenhouse would most likely not like the new conditions in your home. However, if the plant has grown large indoors from cuttings or seeds, it will be much less demanding. Alternatively, you can buy a young plant that can get used to the conditions in your home. It will take a lot of time before it grows into a big tree, but you know the saying: Patience is the key to contentment.
When choosing the right houseplant, it's important to answer three basic questions:
1. What conditions are required for its growth?
2. How fast does it grow?
3. Do you know how to properly care for this plant variety?
Large houseplants are easier to care for than those in small pots. In large planters, the soil doesn't dry out as quickly, so you don't have to water often. You also don't need to fertilize the plants too intensively because it's better that they don't grow too much. Yellowing of leaves and excessive dieback of shoots can be a sign of nutrient deficiency.
Nothing is as refreshing as the sight of healthy, green houseplants! And it's equally depressing to be surrounded by dried plants with yellow leaves. Choose plants that can adapt to the prevailing lighting conditions.
The growth rate of plants also varies: some take several years to reach a certain height, others can reach the ceiling in one year and need to be cut back regularly. The dragon tree, for example, grows very slowly, no more than 10 cm per year.
Leaf care for large houseplants
The leaves of large houseplants need to be cleaned of dust every now and then. Large, thick leaves can be wiped with a sponge or damp cloth. Smaller plants can be showered in the tub or shower with lukewarm water. However, if the water is hard or hard, white spots will remain on the leaves.
Potted plants usually lean toward the window. In order for these to grow straight, you have to rotate the pot every month so that the light falls on different sides. The use of plant supports is also recommended.
Large specimens do not need to be repotted as often as the small ones. It is enough to provide them with fertilizer regularly and add some fresh substrate to the pot in the spring. A root cut is recommended every 3-4 years: Use a knife to cut off about 1/3 of the root ball along the outside of the container wall and then plant it again in the same pot with new substrate.
A beautiful, large houseplant deserves an elegant pot. A good solution is to plant the plant in a regular pot and then place it in a waterproof planter that matches the decor style in the room. A woven storage basket or a chunky burlap bag works just as well.
Place a layer of pebbles at the bottom of the planter. This prevents root rot caused by excessive watering and also increases the stability of the tall container. Plant trolleys and stands prove to be particularly practical because they can be easily moved, for example during cleaning.
Spring is a good time for pruning. This is particularly useful for plants that branch heavily, like the birch fig. Then the crowns will be beautiful and dense. This treatment is recommended for Yucca and Dracaena palms, among others. You can also grow new plants using the cuttings.
Below we have put together some of the most popular houseplants that reach a certain height and are very robust.
Ficus – the genus of figs
These monstrously growing plants have been decorating our homes for years. TheRubber tree (Ficus elastica)for example, our grandmothers' favorite potted tree. This extremely robust plant grows quickly, but does not tolerate cold drafts. It is also very popular as a houseplantBirch fig(Ficus Benjamina). This variety is characterized by a woody trunk that can also be beautifully woven. Its leaves are much smaller than those of the rubber tree. After 5-6 years it can reach a height of approx. 2 meters. There is also a very close relativethe violin fig (Ficus Lyrata). It is a particularly striking type of Ficus and has large, wavy leaves that are reminiscent of the shape of a violin.
The palm species
The different types of palm treesare also very popular as houseplants. They are fairly easy to care for and thrive well in partial shade. They will also forgive you for a few days without watering. Their large feather or fan leaves are a great element in the interior design. At home, palm trees can reach a height of up to 5 meters. However, they grow quite slowly. A date palm, for example, that has grown from a stone does not produce its first real feather leaf until the third year. Palm species that are particularly easy to care for at home are: the Kentia palms (Howea), the Yucca palms, the Livistonias (Livistona rotundifolia) and the mountain palms (Chamaedorea).
Fensterblatt Monstera
The window leafhas particularly showy leaves and is often used to decorate homes, offices and public spaces. It is a fast-growing climbing plant that can grow upwards, grab hold of a climbing aid or climb horizontally along the wall. The most widespread species in our country is the delicious window leaf (Monstera deliciosa). Monstera produces aerial roots that extend outward. That's why the bucket has to be wide enough.
Zamioculcas (Zamioculcas zamiifolia)
In recent years, the Zamie has not only established itself in numerous households. This popular potted plant is also becoming increasingly common in offices. As a rule, it reaches a height of 40 to 60 centimeters. However, some plants can grow well over a meter. The Zamioculcas needs little light and even accepts dark corners in the room.
Room aralia
Fatsia japonica is its botanical name. The indoor aralia reaches a height of 1.5 meters and impresses with its impressively divided leaves, which are up to 35 cm wide. It prefers well-lit, cool rooms, but can also be adapted to almost any conditions.
The Schefflera, also known as the small radiant aralia, also belongs to the Aralia family. In nature it is a low tree, reaching a height of up to 2 meters. When grown as a houseplant, it usually develops into a large shrub. The leaves are similar to those of the indoor aralia, only smaller. The Schefflera requires bright, indirect light, frequent spraying and abundant watering.
Die Dieffenbachie
Dieffenbachia is one of the most popular houseplants in the world. The large, elongated, elliptical leaves are beautifully patterned and look very decorative. Dieffenbachias are available in countless color variations and leaf patterns. Dieffenbachia seguine, Dieffenbachia maculata, Dieffenbachia Exotica and Dieffenbachia X bausei are particularly attractive.
Croton (Codaium)
The croton is a beautiful foliage plant. Its leaves have yellow, orange or red fibers that contrast beautifully with the dark green background. It is interesting that young leaves often differ in color. The plant is quite easy to care for, loves bright indirect light, does not tolerate dry air. A lot of pretty robust hybrids have appeared on the market recently.
Euphorbia trigona
The Triangular Spurge is an excellent choice for fans ofunusual houseplants. This compact, cactus-like tree grows very slowly, but can reach heights of up to 1.8 meters. It is absolutely easy to care for and prefers a bright location. Growing tall and beautifully slender, the cactus spurge is well suited to a small footprint.