Evergreen Candytuft: How to Grow and Care for the Iberis Sempervirens Flowering Plant Like a Pro

The evergreen candytuft (Iberis sempervirens) is a flowering plant from the Brassicaceae family that can reach a height of 30 cm and a width of 45 cm. This low-growing herbaceous plant is native to several regions of southern Europe and the Mediterranean, with the greatest diversity found on the Iberian Peninsula. The evergreen candytuft is a very popular ornamental plant, not only because of its delicate flowers, but also because it is easy to care for.

There are many different varieties, the most popular of which are “Autumn Snow,” “Purity,” “Nana,” “Snowflake,” “Autumn Beauty,” and “Pink Ice.” Read on to learn more about Iberis sempervirens and learn how to grow and care for it like a pro!

What does the evergreen candytuft need to grow

These plants are quite easy to cultivate and care for, making them suitable even for beginner gardeners. However, they need the right growing conditions and a little extra attention until they settle into their new environment.

When it comes to light, evergreen candytufts thrive best when placed in a sunny location. These flowers can also tolerate some partial shade without suffering from it in the long term. In regions with hot and harsh summers they become even a littleAppreciate shade, especially in the afternoon. Nevertheless, your plants will bloom more profusely in full sunlight.

In terms of temperatures, Iberis are generally hardy. However, in very cold areas, the leaves of these plants are only half wintergreen. That's why most gardeners who grow them in cooler climates use pine branches to help their plants get through the winter.

In its natural habitat, the evergreen candytuft prefers dry conditions. Therefore, it is advisable to place the plants in a place with dry air. If the humidity outside is too high, you can plant your Iberis sempervirens in pots and keep them indoors near a ventilation shaft.

The evergreen candytuft is generally not worried about fungal diseases and pest infestations. The only problem that can arise when growing and caring for these plants is root rot. You can easily avoid this problem by growing your flowers in suitable, well-drained soil.

Worth knowing:The evergreen candytuft (Iberis sempervirens) is not poisonous and has notoxic effects on animalsand people when touched or consumed. You can grow these flowers without worrying about the safety of your curious children or furry friends.

How often should you water the evergreen candytuft?

Watering the candytufts is child's play, especially once they have settled into their new habitat. However, in the first year of growth after planting, your flowers will need more water than usual. Water your young plants whenever the top half of the soil feels dry.

Once established, the evergreen candytuft can tolerate drought for a relatively long period of time. If these plants have developed a strong root system, they can usually get by with just watering once a week.

During the hot summer months you will need to check the soil more frequently. Water Iberis sempervirens whenever the soil is completely dry. They usually do well in the winter if you water them every two to three weeks.

Planting Iberis sempervirens – what to consider

The ideal time for planting evergreen candytufts is usually early autumn. Typically, you should space them approximately (15cm) apart to ensure good air circulation and avoid overcrowding.

To grow healthily and happily, candytufts need the type of gritty substrate found in their native habitat. In general, these plants thrive in soil that has good drainage and is fairly alkaline. If you want to grow your flowers in pots, you should only plant them in ones that have drainage holes at the bottom.

Although fertilizing your evergreen candytufts isn't strictly necessary, it can encourage profuse blooms. That's why you can treat your beloved plants to one once a year in early springProvide long-term fertilizer. Look for products that contain a combination of high phosphorus and low nitrogen levels for optimal results.

Sometimes Iberis sempervirens can become a bit leggy, giving them an unkempt appearance. But once the blooming season is over, you can cut back about a third of the top foliage to keep them nice and neat. If your plants get too small, don't worry! Regular pruning will produce new, healthy growth over time.

Worth knowing:Bitter candytufts (Iberis Amara) played a major role in traditional medicine. Although not regularly used in modern herbalism, all parts of these plants have antiarrhythmic, antiasthmatic, antirheumatic, antiscorbutic, homeopathic and tonic properties.

Flowering time of the candytuft

Generally, Iberis sempervirens bloom in the spring months. During this time they produce numerous clusters of fragrant, four-petalled flowers. Their flowers can be various shades of white, pink, purple or red. They usually have a darker, yellow or pink center. After the flowering period, the flowers bear fruit in the place where the flowers once stood. The fruits are rounded to broadly ovoid capsules containing narrow winged seeds.