If you only have the opportunity to buy a small piece of land, you may also have doubts about whether you cansmall gardenThe amount of space you have left after the house is built will also have enough space. Maybe you've already built a house and realized that there wasn't as much space left for the garden as expected. Don't despair, because today we have some practical tips for the little oneGarten, which allow you to make full use of the limited space.
The seemingly unusable areas in the small garden
Take advantage of seemingly unusable areas in thesmall gardenand play with the materials.TheLack of garden spaceoften requires the owners to make simpler and more functional choices for shaping the beds. You can get inspiration from well-known designers who present their work every year at the annual garden exhibition in Chelsea.
Decorative things in the small garden
When planning the garden, don't forget the small, narrower areas that are between your house and, for example, the neighbor's garage. These seemingly useless areas can be used to plant a flower bed or shrubs. You can also create an area there to relax and decorate it with pretty flowers. When designing this area insmall gardenExisting concrete or brick walls or decorative fences can be used to enclose less attractive areas. If they are given a light plaster or painted with a special color, they become a great background for the plants and small figures. They also determine the color nuances of the flowers, the garden paths and solid areas, as well as the overall mood that the beds create.
Design of the small garden
To create such a garden, the designers used pink as the base color, which is complemented by light brown gravel and light tiles for the pond. The colorful flower beds also go perfectly with the combination of colorful, paved areas with a small, rectangular pond, as the landscape style achieved by the plants emphasizes the straight lines of thesmall gardenblur. The strong green colors of the plants in turn emphasize the strong, olive and purple roses, as well as the flowers of poppies, peonies, fire sage and dahlias. The dark branches of the simple quince stand out from the elegant design of the garden and add the necessary accent. A series of snowballs repeat the rhythm of the thin openings between the fence slats.
Modern accents in the small garden
The alternation of smooth stone and natural wood also looks interesting. This makes the whole area in the small garden seem larger. The small waterfall that seems to spring from the wall also plays an important role, as does the combination of different textures. The monotonously smooth surfaces of the walls create a relaxed atmosphere through the wooden fence and the natural stone gives the small garden a natural expression. The black chairs, which are rough on the outside, turn out to be smooth on the inside. Naturally beautiful and modern.
Design the small garden using flower pots
Another complicated area is the one shared by the front yard and the garage. The place in front of the garage is usually intended to provide space for two cars and is therefore difficult to use for a flower bed. Especially on smaller properties, there is little space for the front garden due to the space-saving way in which the buildings have been distributed. And yet you don't have to miss out on giving it an individual style. Simply use flower pots with pretty flowers. Those made of shiny terracotta, for example, in which you can plant chrysanthemums, pelargoniums, hydrangeas or eucalyptus, bring any small garden to life. Some houseplants, such as fuchsias, are also suitable for this. But in winter you should bring all these plants indoors.
Choice of flowers
You can also create a small rock garden in a larger pot or bowl. You can choose plants that are typical and suitable for a rock garden. For example, ornamental garlic, houseleek and gloxinia are suitable for this. Simply decorate the area between the individual plants with colorful stones.
Fresh spices and salads
Which housewife doesn't want to be able to serve fresh vegetables and dishes with fresh spices from her own garden. You can also have a stylish, decorative vegetable garden insmall gardenby connecting it, for example, to the relaxation area.
Vegetable patch in the small garden
In this bed insmall gardenyou can plant both vegetables and spices. Basil, parsley, lavender, coriander, oregano and dill can be combined with each other. Among the larger representatives of the vegetable garden, sorrel and green and red-leaf lettuce varieties are suitable for living together. Since the range of varieties is very large, you can experiment freely in your small garden. You can place loungers above the vegetable patch where you can relax and sunbathe. In this way, the area, which is only a few square meters in size, is used twice over the two floors. The resulting combination ends with a decoratively shaped boxwood, which provides a passage to the loungers. Privet and sour thorn are also suitable for this.
Model garden
In the model garden, however, it turns out that there is...small gardenthere is another level. This represents a channel that runs through a well-designed crack between the tiles. It starts at the fountain with a waterfall. The water falls carefully onto the sand and then continues to flow between the loungers and the hedge.
Stairs in the small garden
In addition, the retaining wall that holds the higher terrace adds comfort. The terrace can be reached via a few steps to the right. Such functional structures, i.e. stairs and steps, are not normally used as part of the garden. They can also be designed effectively. Decorate the wall and the few steps with a few light ceramic pots in which you plant miscanthus and fescue. The cozy atmosphere in this small garden is further thanks to the warm brown tiles that decorate the backyard and the stairs. The fragrant, green grasses and the boxwood fencing have a particularly calming effect.
Straight lines
Another way to design a small garden was presented in a project in Great Britain. There the basic idea is to use contrasts. These give the small garden an extremely expressive look. The colorful variant with straight lines gave the designers the opportunity to lavishly design the used area. The walls were decorated with wooden panels in black and gray. Their images refer to the floor, which itself consists of black slabs of ash wood and stone.
An area of relaxation
At the end of the garden, on a higher level, is the relaxation area. This can be reached via stairs on both sides. The strictly formal flower beds also fit this architecture. These run directly along the wall, and in the middle they are close to the relaxation area. The white flowers of the coneflowers, foxgloves, irises, as well as the dark purple irises continue the black and white theme. The strong green colors of the leaves provide a bit of variety in the small garden amidst the simple choice of colors. Such an approach of the designers, that is, choosing as the main element a theme that is repeated in various elements, as well as the use of unusual, remarkable elements, leads to the design of the area for relaxation becoming unique.
Modern terrace
An effective decoration in the small garden or on the terrace is the unusual fountain, rectangular, modern and stylish, through which the slightly blurred images on the walls can be seen. The water flows down and collects in a long rectangular pool that is positioned horizontally. This imitates the smooth surface of water, in which, like a natural lake, the sky and green plants are reflected. If you look closely, you can notice the decorative plants from the small garden floating inside. The display shows the stored image of the sky. The water that appears to flow into it actually runs into a special channel and is directed back to the beginning of the fountain. The technological water is tempered by some plants that spread across its rectangular shape. This unique combination of modern technology and nature is made possible thanks to the imagination and talent of the designers.
Airways in the small garden
Many people who have a small garden know the problem of wanting to create an area to relax near the house, a body of water in the small garden or a flower bed, but are prevented from doing so by the little space left, perhaps 3 to 5 square meters become. But even there you can create an excellent two-story garden. This consists of four areas that seemingly flow into one another: a lawn, a body of water, a small terrace for relaxing and a metal ramp that is intended to act as a path. This runs over the stony part of the garden to the semicircular meadow on the lower level. At the other end of the ramp there is a round terrace from which you have a great view of the entire small garden. This distribution of different areas on different levels makes it possible for you to implement all your ideas in a small area.
Design a flower bed
In front of you is a view of an unusually shaped bed that you can create near the front garden. The structure of the small garden is created by the 16 posts made of blue glass, each about 1 meter high and at an equal distance from each other. Between them, paths were created, formed with the help of nets. This orderly architecture of the garden is complemented by geometric lines in which the flowers have been planted. The glass posts sink into pretty grasses. The rich, dark green of the sweetheart lilies blends into the emerald leaves of the hornbeam and hydrangea at the garden's borders. The combination of the semi-transparent blue glass with the tall, delicate purple irises and the strong white flowers of the dragon root creates an interesting optical effect. Their reflections in the sides of the glass posts create a three-dimensional flower bed in the small garden.
The greenhouse
The ability to design a small garden on several levels makes an infinite number of variations possible. In one of the example gardens, the garden literally grows upwards. There, a greenhouse resembling a giant lantern was added to the bridge that crosses the pond. In it you can grow heat-loving, exotic plants such as the birch fig, the lemon tree and the date palm. The greenhouse appears to be made of wood, but in reality processed plastic was used. On the outside, however, it can hardly be distinguished from real wood. The great thing about this material is that it cannot be destroyed by water and sunlight.
A chapel
Another designer implemented the idea of multifunctional levels in a different way. He managed to fit the seemingly impossible into a small area. He combined in one place a pond with water lilies, an extraordinary waterfall, the small garden and a terrace for relaxing with an interesting shape. All of this was connected using a spiral path in an area of just a few square meters. This leads to the middle of the terrace, which is partially submerged in water, supported by metal posts. This adds a special flair to the overall design and is reminiscent of a bridge. For greater safety, this area is surrounded by a high railing.
Flowers in the small garden
Flowers and plants of various types have been planted around the terrace. The pink, white and purple flowers, as well as the thin grasses and irises create a calming and airy atmosphere. The flower boxes, which are scattered around the terrace, offer the opportunity to customize them where there is no natural soil for planting.
Techno garden
You can also use this variant to decorate the roof of an underground garage and turn it into a small garden or simply choose an exposed area. To do this, simply use a structure that you can easily disassemble or fold up and store or move around. In another example garden, perennial plants were added to the wall, which consists of ceramic pipes and long cuts through which water flows. The downward-growing leaves are reminiscent of a waterfall. Stone and gypsum herbs are best suited for such an effect. Pots with plants were placed in the side concrete pockets. A horizontal block of unpainted, corrugated metal pipes, resembling bamboo stalks, imitates a body of water.
Cube shapes
During the warmer months of the year, most of the day is spent outdoors. For this very reason, there should be an area in the small garden that is used for relaxation and where the family can gather and welcome guests. For such a project, the designers chose the shape of the square and cube as the basic idea. This theme is repeated in the terrace, the flower beds, the shape of the treetops and even in the furniture, which are light wooden stools. The two “entrances” on either side of the raised terrace make the path for walks through the small garden more varied.
The area itself represents a flat platform covered with blue-gray tiles and framed with elongated flower beds, which, together with the absence of walls, represents an open space. In the middle of each flower bed an ordinary hornbeam has been planted, the crowns of which are again in the shape of a cube. The green atmosphere thus obtained with the help of parasols protects the terrace from direct sunlight and supports the effect of a room in a small garden without the use of dense materials. In this way, the flower beds made of forest lilies also receive enough light.