The right garden decoration gives the outdoor area individual charm - simple shapes can be particularly effective. Perhaps that's why the decorative ball is enjoying ever-growing popularity - as an eye-catcher in the flower bed it sets accents, at the entrance to the house it creates a homely atmosphere together with potted plants, and next to the garden pond it quickly becomes a stylish eye-catcher. There is a wide range of designs available on the market, but with a little skill anyone can make garden balls themselves. For example, you can spice up any outdoor area in no time with old bowling balls. We present you exciting DIY projects for creative and cost-effective garden decoration. Get inspired!
Find the right location for the decorative balls
Regardless of whether you buy it or make it – if you decide on garden decorations, you have to take a few things into account. First of all, the right decoration should be weatherproof, able to withstand sun and heat in summer and frost, rain and snow in winter. The bowling ball is made of polyurethane - an extremely durable and colorfast material. Unlike wood and cement, plastic does not require winter protection. However, it is quite sensitive to direct sunlight - over time it loses its elasticity and becomes brittle. The right location for the new garden decoration is in partial shade or shade.hj
Furthermore, outdoor decoration is often exposed to strong winds. Since the weight of the different bowling balls varies between 0.500 g and 7.2 kg, you should either anchor the decoration in the ground or consider wind protection. The ball is ideally placed in a flower bed protected from the wind, between perennials and bushesunder the ornamental tree. If desired, it can be displayed on a stone pedestal.
In any case, if it is displayed in front of or on the terrace, at the entrance to the house or on the garden path, then it should also be illuminated in the evening. Otherwise there is a risk of tripping. It's worth investing in solar lights - on the one hand, they save electricity, and on the other hand, they offer a flexible alternative to ordinary lamps. This means that the bowling ball can be easily re-staged every year without any additional costs.
Small children and pets can get injured when playing with bowling balls - especially if they are decorated with broken glass. You should therefore not have access to the garden decorations.
Make your own garden balls and display them effectively
The successful garden decorationshould fit harmoniously into the overall picture. The vintage-style decorative pieces shown above, for example, spice up the country house garden. The bowling balls look particularly expressive if they are decorated with stylish drawings with nature motifs. With watercolor painting, the decorative balls can be made colorful and varied. Simply first carefully sand off the old bowling paint with sandpaper, then paint it white (buy paints that are suitable for outdoor use) and let it dry for two days. Then either decorate with colorful stickers or paint flowers and butterflies with watercolors. In any case, plastic objects cannot be decorated with napkin technology - the adhesive sticks very poorly to their surface. The finished decorative pieces can be effectively displayed in the middle of the garden, between cozy perennials, ornamental grasses and ground cover plants next to the gazebo.
Mediterranean touch to the garden landscape – decorate decorative balls with mosaic
If there is a wonderful display of flowers outside, then the decoration should be kept as simple as possible. Spheres with Mediterranean motifs are attractive - they bring an exotic touch to your own garden. Simply cover the decorative balls with plaster, then arrange the mosaic pieces stylishly on top, attach them with special glue and let them dry. The glass mosaic looks particularly attractive when the small pieces sparkle in the sun. Even in the evening, when appropriately lit, the decorative ball becomes a highlight in the outdoor area. If desired, it can even become an element of the water features in the garden or attract attention on a concrete platform. Together with clay flower pots, laurel bushes and scented plants such as lavender, it forms a charming ensemble.
Modern and stylish – make your own metal-look balls
If you want to make balls for the garden yourself, you can also opt for a modern arrangement with metal details. First sand the bowling ball with sandpaper, then apply a contrasting color and glue the metal details onto it. Finally, coat with protective varnish and allow to dry. The finished decorative ball looks particularly good in minimalist outdoor areas. The minimalist garden is laid out extremely simply - a rock garden with succulents and perennial ornamental grasses looks stylish and forms the perfect background for imaginative decoration.
Accent in the rock garden
Incidentally, more and more hobby gardeners are opting for a rock garden - it interprets the alpine landscape in a small format. The stone slabs and the gravel floor provide the perfect conditions for the rapid growth of the robust and easy-care plants from the mountain regions. By the way, a rock garden can be easily created even in an allotment - it is well structured and planted sparingly, so it can take up little space. Especially when there is order in the outdoor area, it can seem a bit boring.
A bowling ball covered with shattered glass can create an exciting play of light and shadow in the rock garden, highlight certain plants better and set accents in the stone bed. Simply apply special adhesive for glass to the bowling ball and then carefully stick on the shattered glass. Then let it dry for a day and then, if necessary, carefully sand down any sharp edges and apply glue to the joints between the individual pieces of glass. Here, good planning and quick and precise work are crucial for the end result. If you don't feel confident enough, you can spray the ball with metallic paint instead.
Make decorations out of concrete
Shady locations with ivy or gazebos with climbing plants are absolute eye-catchers in the garden. In this case, the round bowling ball can be transformed into a sophisticated garden sculpture with a concrete look. In fact, the design shown above can be quickly replicated. The right protective clothing – a blouse with long sleeves and gloves protect the skin from irritation, and safety glasses protect the eyes from splashes. Only then can work begin. Carefully add water to the finished mixture and stir well for about 5-6 minutes. If the finished concrete has a dough consistency, it can be applied to the previously thoroughly cleaned and primed bowling ball with a spatula. Allow to dry for several hours and then, if desired, carefully sand the edges and corners with sandpaper. Incidentally, concrete cannot tolerate temperature fluctuations well, which is why the material is only partially winterproof - cracks can form on the surface in spring. So that the beautiful garden decoration lasts for a long time, it can be stored in the garden house from the end of October.
Natural stone and wood form an attractive ensemble in the garden. Together with the shade-loving fern plants, even the most inconspicuous small niche becomes an important element of the garden design. The garden decorations are better displayed on a stone platform and the house facade protects them from wind and rain. Good planning is crucial, especially when the garden decoration is staged on a limited area in the middle of a flower bed. Because the flowers often wither in spring and then the garden figure is left alone in the bed. Things look different when ferns come into play - some wintergreen fern species fascinate with their sculptural leaves from April to November.
Copper decoration in the front garden
If you want to make your own garden balls, you can let your imagination run wild. Because bowling balls prove to be all-round talents. The next example is causing a sensation in the front garden, right next to the covered terrace. Because it is covered with bronze coins - the end result is a decorative element that looks good among the summer flowers. Colorful flower beds are difficult to decorate. Too many colors and shapes leave little freedom of design. Rust-look decorations offer an alternative to garden gnomes, statues and birdhouses. They subtly add the finishing touch while always remaining in the background. Only their attractive color and slightly sparkling surface attract attention.
Marble the bowling ball
Hard to believe, but true - with the same technologyMarbled Easter eggsthe balls can be decorated for the garden. Simply fill an old but clean plant pot with lukewarm water, then select the colors and add 8-10 drops of each color to the water. Then use a chopstick to draw different patterns on the surface of the water. At the end, carefully dip the bowling ball into the water or turn a brush in the water and then carefully spray the bowling ball with it.
Attach the balls correctly
The beautiful design really comes into its own on a concrete podium. By the way, bowling balls have holes in which ground spikes can be inserted. This way the ball can be attached and will not fall in strong winds or storms. If you dare and have enough mosaic tiles available, you can also decorate the pedestal. The craft project pictured above was completed in one weekend - what is needed here is patience. It's worth first trying out different patterns, creating a sketch of the project and then dividing the garden sculpture into several areas. This will make sticking much easier - and at the same time you will never lose track. Adhesives usually stick very quickly, so all materials and tools should be close by. Since the sculpture can ultimately weigh around 10 kilograms, it is best to assemble it on site.
Paint the bowling ball imaginatively
If you like to experiment, you can make Spiderman balls for the garden yourself. First carefully sand off the old ball paint, then paint the bowling ball red and let it dry. Then paint the cobweb and the mask with a special waterproof marker and let it dry. The new protector for the outdoor area is ready.
A caterpillar can be put together from several bowling balls - first paint all the balls in grass green and let them dry. Then paint the pink-orange-purple circles with different colors. At the end, draw the face and make the antennas out of wire - done. The imaginative design can also serve as a flower border - the caterpillar proves to be a practical addition to the design, especially along the garden gate or garden path.
A ladycage made from an old bowling ball and mosaic remains can be displayed next to the potted plants. By the way, garden decorations in strong colors can attract insects such as bees, so they are a useful addition to the garden. The relatively low weight also allows for design flexibility - the beautiful design can easily change location as needed. This allows the hobby gardener to experiment and find the best possible location.
The next garden sculpture appears puristically elegant next to the flowering bushes - if there is simply no space for water features in the garden, then the look can simply be faked - the dark blue ball on the concrete platform looks like an ornamental fountain.
Several decorative balls can be arranged, especially in large gardens - two or three designs can be combined to create attractive contrasts. Glitter stones, concrete look, metal details or various drawings can give the ensemble character. Each decorative piece is practically unique and gives the outdoor area an individual touch. The right location - ideally in partial shade and protected from wind - guarantees that the lovingly crafted garden decoration will last for a long time. Stylish garden lamps also show them off better in the evening. Blooming flowers, green perennials and bushes form the perfect background for your effective appearance. A uniform garden concept guarantees that it fits harmoniously into the overall picture. You can find more examples of successful craft ideas in the photo gallery below. Get inspired and try out one of our suggestions for outdoor decoration!