We'll show you 27 painting techniques and Easter craft ideas that you can use to color Easter eggs. Maybe you'll find a technique you'd like to try!
If you simply need the eggs as decoration and are not going to eat them, you can blow them out first and then dye them. You prefer to buy white eggs, so any “marbling” color technique can be achieved without any problems. Special sets are sold - making marbling child's play. Our tip – experiment with strong colors for a cheerful table decoration or with subtle pastel tones for a purist-style decoration. While the eggs are freshly colored and still warm, you can decorate them with chocolate or packaging foil.
Simply decorate imaginatively
But you don't necessarily have to dye or paint the Easter eggs - you can decorate them creatively with some stickers, bows, dried flowers or adhesive tape. You can draw faces with a pencil, or just withbeautiful glitter stonesstick on. Tie dried flowers to the eggs with a bow. Cover them with decorative tape and spray them with glitter spray. Of course the children can help with the crafts! You will surely have fun!
Cover with paper garland
Blown out Easter eggs