Mini orchid in a glass: With these care tips you can ensure beautiful flowers

They save space and can be creativeArrange in the glassandensure floral splendorin the house: small flowers are more in demand than ever. The mini orchid in a glass is currently on trend. These are new varieties that reach a maximum height of 20 cm. For example, they can be planted in a terrarium with substrate. However, the small orchids do well without soil because they are so-called epiphytes that can grow on branches of other plants. In the article we will tell you how to properly arrange a mini orchid in a glass and what you should pay attention to when caring for it.

Mini orchid in a glass: plant and arrange

You can find many different ones in garden centers and flower shopsVarieties of orchidsfind in small format. The most popular is called Office Orchids and is available in white, purple and hot pink. But, as I said, there are many other breeds. In some cases, the mini orchids are given special growth inhibitors so that they do not grow taller than 20 cm. However, the growth inhibitor usually only works for up to a year. Therefore, you shouldn't be surprised if the orchid grows a little taller afterwards.

Before repotting the orchid, place it in a warm, dark place overnight so that it can slowly get used to the new location. Only then can it be planted in the glass. There are a few things you should keep in mind. Inexperienced hobby gardeners are better off planting the orchid in substrate. The substrate, which is made up of bark, guarantees that the water will drain away quickly and no rot will form. First place a layer of pebbles at the bottom of the jar and then cover it with orchid soil. At the very top there is a thin layer of moss. Then form a hole in the middle of theMoss layer. Take the mini orchid out of the transport container (usually a small plastic plant pot) and plant it in the hole. Complete!

It is also important that the orchids are not watered, but rather removed from the glass and immersed in a container with fresh tap water. After 10 minutes, take the plant out and place it on paper towels. Wait until the excess water has drained off and then place the mini orchid back in the glass. By the way, you don't need to mist the mini orchid. Because the humidity is usually very high in a glass without a drain. As for fertilizing, you can give the orchid special fertilizer for orchids about every three weeks during the flowering period. You should not fertilize the flower during the dormant period.

Orchid in a glass without soil

Orchids don't actually need any soil and can easily get along without a substrate. Therefore, you can completely forego the so-called orchid soil and insteadUse moss ballsto give the plant more support in the glass. In this case, too, proper care plays a crucial role. The roots can only tolerate moisture to a limited extent. So to prevent rot from forming, allow the orchid's roots to grow out of the glass.

No matter which variant you choose, the location plays a crucial role in ensuring that your mini orchid in the glass or terrarium thrives for a long time. It should be very bright. However, the exotic flower does not tolerate direct sunlight. As far as air humidity is concerned, values ​​above 70% prove to be optimal. You can only achieve this level of humidity in the bathroom or kitchen. However, since it gets very hot very quickly in the kitchen, the bathroom with windows offers the best conditions for rapid orchid growth. North or east-facing rooms that are bright but not directly illuminated by sunlight are also suitable.

Mini orchids under a glass cover

Although the mini orchids can thrive in a glass if cared for properly, you should not place them under a glass hood. This is because the excess water can neither drain nor evaporate. The flower can tolerate high humidity for a short period of time, but over a longer period of time, rot will form. If you are expecting guests, for example, you can place the orchid under a glass hood for an hour and create a beautiful table decoration. But then you should remove the glass hood again.

Mini orchid in a glass: combination partner

The orchid is known as the queen of exotic plants. No wonder it has won the hearts of hobby gardeners worldwide. And as a true queen, she is of course often staged as a soloist. It's a shame, because orchids can be combined well with other plants. The most popular combination partners include:

  • Gesnerias - The genus of Gesneria plants is very extensive and is divided into three groups: climbing plants, plants that grow upright and ground cover plants. If you are looking for a combination partner for the mini orchid in a glass, then varieties such as Sinningia or Streptocarpus are possible. The two form very short shoots. Like orchids, they love sunlight, but cannot tolerate direct sunlight well.
  • Tilandsia: There is a wide variety of tilandsia varieties available today. But they all have one thing in common: they are small, take up little space in the glass and, like orchids, can do without soil.