Are you worried about “ruining” your new mini orchids? Don't let their size and delicate appearance fool you! Caring for mini orchids is just as easy as caring for the traditional plant.
Care for mini orchids properly
Just like their larger relatives, mini orchids are hardy plants that require minimal care to thrive. Their smaller structure makes them a more versatile decorating option, and their miniature flowers are a charming addition to any home's interior design.
Difference between minis and large plants
Because they require the same growing conditions as full-grown plants, mini Phalaenopsis orchids can be successfully grouped and displayed with full-grown orchids. They even make a lovely addition in the same pot with a larger orchid if space allows.
New mini orchid owners will find that the biggest difference between mini and large plants is quantity. Since mini orchids are usually sold in smaller pots, sometimes 5 cm in diameter, they require significantly less of everything: less growing medium, less fertilizer and less water.
How often should the tender plant be watered?
Orchids should be watered every 1 to 2 weeks as needed - depending on the temperature, humidity, air circulation and lighting conditions in the apartment.
Due to the smaller pot size, the small Phalaenopsis often require less water than a traditional plant.
Like larger orchids, mini orchids can dry out a little between watering without any problems. To determine if your orchid needs water, you need to examine the soil and roots. If the roots are white or gray, it's time for a shower - after watering, you'll notice the roots turn a greenish color. Also touch the soil: when it has dried to a depth of about 5 cm, it is time to water. If the soil is still moist, you can wait.
Orchids like to be watered from below. Soak your mini plant in water for about 15 minutes and then drain it thoroughly until all the excess water has drained away. Never allow water to sit in the planter as this can lead to problems such as mold and root rot and can attract pests such as insects.
Other important care tips for the mini orchid
- Licht:Leave yoursMiniPlace the orchid in a sunny spot, but avoid direct sunlight. Place the flower in an east window that receives only moderate sun, or block some of the direct sun by placing it behind a translucent screen or screen in a south window. Supplement artificial lighting if you cannot provide enough natural light. Fluorescent tubes are the best alternative.
- Keep a comfortable climate:To ensure that your mini orchid continues to thrive and bloom, you should maintain a controlled temperature between 21°C and 27°C in the room where the mini plant is located. For this reason, mini orchids can be successfully cared for indoors. You should also ensure a certain level of humidity. To do this, you can either mist your orchid to give it a more humid atmosphere, or place a bowl of water under the pot to moisten the air around the small plant.
- Mini's floor:When purchasing mini phalaenopsis, pay attention to healthy root growth. Most growers sell mini plants in pots planted with sphagnum moss. Not only does it look attractive, but the moss also retains just the right amount of water for the tiny plants when they come into your home. Do not use the same bark mixture that you would use for a regular orchid, as the mass of bark pieces is not suitable for the size of the mini orchid.
- Fertilize:You can for your mini orchidthe same orchid fertilizerUse once a month that you would also use for a normal orchid. But here too, make sure to reduce the amount accordingly. This can mean using about three times less fertilizer for your mini orchid than the recommended dose for a full-grown plant. Use your own discretion and remember: less is more!
Tips for repotting the tiny plant
Mini orchids need to be repotted every 18 to 24 months. Or if they start to grow too big for the pot they were originally placed in. Make sure you mix fresh soil with some existing soil from the previous planter. But make sure that this soil is completely dry.
However, don't be tempted to let them get too big too quickly. Mini orchids feel more comfortable in smaller pots. Alternatively, you can use themalong with larger orchidsplace in a larger container.
Caring for mini orchids: flowering time
The flowering cycle of a mini orchid is very similar to that of a regular orchid. This means they need to be pruned after the last bloom so they can bloom again. Do not skip this step. It is essential for your orchid to bloom year after year.