When the sun starts to warm up again after a long winter and the days get longer, we usually feel like being active. But the hormonal change that occurs in spring due to increased serotonin production comes at a price in the form of spring fatigue. This refers to a state of listlessness, exhaustion and lethargy that usually lasts a few weeks. It is all the more important not to give in to passivity at this time of year - spring is far too beautiful for that! The following tips will help you discover your inner sources of strength and start the warm season more actively.
In our hectic times, relaxation is often simply neglected. Even after a strenuous day at work, there are still various things on the to-do list that need to be done. But a life full of appointmentsmakes you tired in the long run. Sometimes exhaustion is not only a reaction to the change from winter to summer, but also a sign from the body to slow down. Therefore, it is the perfect time to learn to switch off and get into the habit ofto regenerate after work. The human body is not a machine. Listen to your needs and use tiredness as an opportunity to actually give yourself a break more often.
The interval fast
Spring is traditionally the time of fasting. There are a variety of methods to detoxify the body and free yourself from old burdens. Some people swear by classic therapeutic fasting in the spring - oneMethod according to the doctor Otto Buchinger. This involves completely abstaining from any form of food for a certain period of time. Therapeutic fasting is intended to remove waste products and toxins from the body, which should lead to more energy being released and the body then feeling lighter and fresher.
Similar effects can be achieved with intermittent fasting. This is much easier to integrate into everyday life and can also be carried out in the long term. The best known method is fasting according to the 16:8 model. You consume all of the food for the day within eight hours - for example between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. You then fast for 16 hours. These shorter fasting intervals can also ensure that the body can cleanse itself and activate its self-healing powers. In addition, advocates of intermittent fasting report that - after a short period of change - they have an incredible amount of energy during the fasting periods in the morning. There is also a feeling of mental clarity and a renewed zest for action.
Exercise gets the circulation going and revives tired minds. Even though sport initially costs energy, it gives us more energy back in the long run. In fact, exercise and intermittent fasting can tooeffectively combined with each otherbecome. If you haven't exercised much over the winter and feel out of shape, start slowly. Take longer walks or ride your bike to work. Take the stairs instead of the elevator more often and walk around the block or through the park during your lunch break. You will notice: Over time, your life forces will return little by little. The more you move, the more your body will crave more movement.