Choose the best climbing aid for houseplants – this is how you support the plants in your home!

There are numerous ways to create your own indoor plant trellis in a sustainable way using simple and inexpensive materials. Many of the indoor plant varieties are aroids, which usually climb in their natural environment and require support. You can help them grow by making creative small-format trellises or other supports using your own supplies. Here are some ideas that you can take inspiration from and help your plants thrive.

Can you use metal or natural materials to build trellises for houseplants?

Depending on the structure of the support, almost every houseplant can be trained to be either pyramidal, spherical or other interesting shapes. You can use various natural building materials to make your...Plant with a trellis, wire or moss rod to support. This will allow the plant to develop larger and healthy leaves and to thrive with the support of climbing. This way you will enjoy young plant leaves in the long run and, with a little patience, see leaf shapes change over time.

You can also build a practical DIY climbing aid for houseplants using stainless wire and peat moss or using wood and reused plastic pipes. However, no matter what materials you use, you should make sure to insert the climbing plant supports into the pot at the time of planting. This allows your plants to grow healthily in a small space and in the rich potting soil of a room pot. With climbing aids, houseplants with long-legged stems can be easily staked out.

When should you support plants indoors?

However, rapid plant growth is not the only reason to stake houseplants. There are a variety of plants, such as the bald bougainvillea, that are naturally top-heavy. This requires the appropriate support, although other varieties than natural climbers also require a houseplant trellis to grow properly. An example of this is the philodendron, which, like ivy, jasmine and tropical plants such as window leaf, can thrive better with trellises.

Regardless of which type of trellis you choose, it is advisable to use it during the growth phase when the plant is still young and still actively looking for support. In addition, this kind of help can even be used directly when growing in a pot. This can help prevent root damage to established, mature houseplants. Depending on the type of plant you want to grow in your home, you should choose the right climbing aid. Below you can discover some of the most common variants for such supports.

Start with a simple, straight climbing aid for houseplants

This variant is the most common way to support a plant. This is perfect for single-stemmed plant varieties that are a bit top-heavy. For example, you can use existing wooden sticks to create simple straight stakes for flowering plants and use them to support those that have quickly outgrown their stems. Just be careful when tying your plant not to pull it too tightly so as not to prevent the stem from growing. This can be prevented by using, for example, an elastic rubber band or specially made plant bands.

Shape bamboo sticks like an Indian tent

You can also support the vines in your home with bamboo by placing them around the plant as a teepee. To do this, you need to stick three bamboo sticks about the same distance apart into the bottom of the pot and tie them at the top. This gives your houseplant a helpful structure so that it can grow healthily when space is limited. In addition, bamboo is durable, space-saving, lightweight and good-looking. You can therefore use it flexibly and versatilely as a climbing aid for houseplants.

Build your own U-shaped climbing aid for houseplants out of wire

There are some plant varieties, such as the porcelain flower, for which a U-shaped trellis can ensure better growth. This not only saves you space, but also allows the plant to spread without obstacles. In addition, this variant of trellis is suitable for houseplants that are bushier. Following the concept of sustainability, you can even turn a wire hanger into such a support. All you need to do is bend the wire into a loop, embedding the ends in the potting soil of the container. Otherwise, you can simply cut a longer piece of thick wire with wire cutters and shape it however you like. This means that many climbing plants can be trained to grow.

Support indoor plants with moss rods

Last but not least, the indoor plant trellis with moss poles offers the most complex but also the most reliable type of support. This variation is best for climbers who need support while holding on. Additionally, you can make your own climbing pole by filling a narrow wire tube with moist peat moss and tying the plant to the pole until it snaps into place on its own. However, this option also requires additional watering of the moss rod to keep it moist at all times. This will encourage the plant to cling to the stake. This means, for example, plant varieties such as ivy, philodendron and window leaf can be staked.