The 2014 lunar calendar for the garden – advantages and disadvantages of the moon phases

It is good for the garden plants if you look for oneLunar calendar 2014 for gardendirect. But don't forget that plants react to our thoughts towards them. In this article you will learn how to use the ancient knowledge about theMoon phasescan be used in the garden for delicious vegetables and pretty flowers. Spring has officially begun and most people are taking advantage of the first rays of sunshine for picnics. Walks and short trips. There is a community for whom the saying “You sow what you reap” is a philosophy of life. These are the gardeners among us. Every new sunny day is a new opportunity for them because, and I'm sure you'll agree, everyone enjoys the reward of their work. Of course, the harvest time is still a long way away, but every gardening fan feels the utmost joy in watching the plants grow and is happy about every centimeter more.

The lunar calendar 2014 for garden for proper care of plants

The great thing about our earth is that it is rich in plants that not only provide nutrition, but are also pleasing to the eye. That's why we don't shy away from investing effort and money into their care. And each plant has its own characteristics and needs different care. They are also sensitive to their surroundings and the behavior of the people around them. That's why it's important that we pay attention to all the details of how they influence each other when caring for each other. This refers to both the annual changes in the seasons and the climate, as well as theLunar calendar 2014 for garden, the phases of the moon and its course through the individual signs of the zodiac.

Today we rely on modern agronomy to use the phases of the moon to care for our gardens, but thousands of years ago our ancestors learned to determine the favorable and unfavorable moments for sowing based on the path of the moon. For example, you have noticed that the days of the new moon, as well as when the moon is in the zodiac sign Aquarius, are unfavorable. They had better yields if the sowing took place when the moon was in the zodiac signs Taurus, Cancer, Libra, Scorpio, Capricorn or Pisces.

The 2014 lunar calendar for the garden – waxing moon

  • The phases of the moon for the weakened root system and its consequences

At the beginning of the lunar cycle, when the moon is waxing, plant juices flow from the roots toward the tips. This causes the leaves and fruits to grow faster. Any intervention in the life of the plant should be carried out very carefully. You should avoid cutting and repotting the plant. Cutting the roots, for example, would have an adverse effect and weaken the plant. This time is best for planting new seeds or flowers and collecting seeds from wilted flowers and overripe fruits. If you want a rich harvest of fruits, leaves and everything that grows above the ground, the best period for sowing is from the 10th or 11th day before the full moon to the full moon itself. In the very best case, this happens around the new moon around. In this way you guarantee your plants the best possible conditions for growth and development.

  • The moon phases for the ground

This period is also ideal for tilling the soil and fertilizing. As the moon waxes, the earth's attraction decreases and the plants suck the substances and microelements out of the soil. For this reason, the plants need sufficient water between the new and full moon. It helps this process.

  • Cereal plants and vegetables that grow above ground

The first phase of the waxing moon is good for sowing annual plants consisting only of leaves, as well as plants whose seeds are not edible. In this phase, grain plants, as well as vegetables such as beans, cucumbers, tomatoes, eggplants, zucchini, all types of leafy vegetables, strawberries, corn, sunflowers, fragrant grasses and aromatic plants, develop particularly well. It is the perfect time for plants that grow along with the moon and produce their fruits above the earth's surface.

  • The 2014 lunar calendar for garden, the phases of the moon and the flowers

Flower seeds should also be sown during the waxing moon phase. Then the colors of the flowers become more intense and smell stronger.

As the full moon approaches, the most active time in the plant's life begins.

The full moon

  • The moon phases for rapid growth and the perfect harvest

During this phase, the moon gives its full power to the plants. They do very well on their own and therefore you do not need to interfere with their growth. The ripe fruits grow in just a few hours. Zucchini, for example, can increase its diameter by a few centimeters in just one day. This is also interesting to observe. However, if the fruits are already fully ripe, they must be harvested. This is especially true if you want to eat them immediately. This is when they are at their juiciest and most nutritious. However, if you want to consume them later and, for example, prepare jars of compote, it is best to wait until the last phase of the moon to harvest them. Harvesting is especially fun during the full moon. It is the best time to prepare juices and wine. The fruits contain the highest possible amount of healthy substances and vitamins.

  • The 2014 lunar calendar for gardenand the phases of the moon – avoid seeding and repotting

During the full moon days, the crowns and stems of plants are full of moisture and nutrients. The roots, on the other hand, have less energy and feel a lack of potential. Now the soil around the roots should be loosened, the weeds pulled out, mulched, the seedlings cut and the branches of the trees tied down. Due to the weakened root system, sowing and repotting, especially perennial plants, is risky. If you sow plants during the full moon phase, these stems and leaves will develop well, but the roots and fruits will be weak.

  • Moon phases for pest control

In the days around the full moon, pest control is particularly beneficial.

The 2014 lunar calendar for garden – Waning Moon

The phase occurs in which the moon slowly retreats to rest. The plant juices begin to flow downward toward the roots. Accordingly, their life activity also decreases. Our help has a particularly beneficial effect on the plants. This time is good for prophylaxis and healing and you can cut and repot the plants.

  • The phases of the moon root plants

At this stage, it is best to plant plants that produce their fruits and other edible plant parts underground. These are the so-called root vegetables and include potatoes, carrots, turnips, radishes, radishes, onions and garlic. Fruit trees and decorative shrubs and trees can also be planted.

  • The 2014 lunar calendar for garden, the phases of the moon and the seedlings

Now you can also cut the roots of the seedlings and repot them, cut the tops of the plants whose growth you want to slow down, proceed with pest control and weed pulling, as well as fertilize the soil with organic fertilizer. Plants that are repotted during this time strengthen their root system and develop better.

  • The moon phases the flowers

Flowers picked at this time last longer and are more resilient during transport. As far as seeds are concerned, you should now plant the flower bulbs and repot the seedlings.

  • The phases of the moon and the harvest

If you have planted root vegetables, you should harvest the fruit in the days immediately before the new moon. This is especially true if you plan to keep them for a long time. This way you retain their nutrients and taste for longer.

  • The moon phases for the garden – the trees

In this final phase it is also good if you prune the trees and vines. Now you should also plow the soil, clean it and prepare it for the next work.

The 2014 lunar calendar for the garden – new moon

  • The 2014 lunar calendar for garden– Let the garden rest

As long as the moon cannot yet be seen at night, it is not recommended to sow new plants. The seeds will lack vitality and will have difficulty germinating. This is because all biological processes are slower at this time. You should also be particularly careful when working with pointed and sharp tools to work on the soil and plants. It's best to leave the plants alone and not interfere with their growth. As long as the moon is not there, you can remove dried branches and plants from your garden. You are also allowed to water, but only when the moon is in a zodiac sign of water.

  • The lunar and solar eclipse

On lunar or solar eclipse days, it is best to avoid all types of gardening work.

The 2014 lunar calendar for the garden – a few more tips

In addition to the phases of the moon for gardening, pay attention to your feelings toward plants. All these are the main conditions that should be adhered to for the life of plants. It is an advantage if you look for theLunar calendar 2014 for gardendirect. But don't forget that plants have the ability to respond to our thoughts towards them. Every plant lover knows that when we give love to the little stems, we get it back in the form of juicy fruits and pretty colors. If you keep this in mind, our moon tips will gain additional strength and you will be able to enjoy a rich harvest and beautiful flowers.