Remove moss from house walls: Clean the green surface effectively with home remedies

Moss can grow anywhere under the right conditions because the spores are always present in the air. Here you will find some methods and home remedies that you can use to remove moss from house walls.

While moss is not harmful to stone or brick, it looks unsightly and can cause permanent discoloration. Find out how you can clean the green covering on the house facade.

Remove green growth with boiling water

One of the best natural methods for eliminating moss and lichen is to use boiling water.

  • First, take a pot of boiling water and slowly pour it over the damaged areas. Be careful not to pour too much at once to avoid damaging the bricks.
  • Wait a few minutes for the hot water to penetrate the moss and loosen it up.
  • Then scrub the moss with a brush or broom.
  • Repeat this process if necessaryCompletely remove moss.

Vinegar against moss and lichens on the house facade

Vinegar is an effective remedy against moss, but is prohibited by law as a weed killer. However, if you want to use it, you should first remove all garden furniture and potted plants that are near the wall of the house. Wear safety glasses to protect your eyes.

  • First spray the wall with a high-pressure hose to remove the green covering. spray,until most of the mosshas disappeared and remove the fallen pieces.
  • Fill a spray bottle with undiluted 8 percent vinegar and mist the area until it is completely saturated. Do not rinse off the vinegar as its acidity creates an unfavorable environment for the moss. Here's how you can prevent it from returning.

Remove moss from house walls with baking soda and vinegar

Combine the two home remedies to make an excellent cleaning product that will get rid of the moss easily. Vinegar and baking soda eat away at the vegetation and the liquid dish soap coats the moss and prevents it from breathing.

To do this you need:

  • 250 ml vinegar
  • 120 ml cold water
  • 2 THE Backpulver
  • 1 teaspoon liquid dish soap
  • spray bottle

Production and application:

  • Put water, vinegar, baking soda, and liquid dish soap in a spray bottle and spray all damaged surfaces to start the moss dying.
  • Repeat spraying every few days or after a rain shower.
  • The moss should disappear within a week or two.

Clean the house facade of algae and moss with cornstarch

Mix 500g cornstarch, 100g baking soda and 5L water to make a paste. Apply the mixture to the wall of the house or to the individually affected areas. Leave the pastefrom corn starchLeave on for four hours and then wash off.

For sensitive facades or sandy plaster, carefully wash the paste off with your hand. To do this, use warm water, preferably in the early afternoon, so that the facade can dry thoroughly afterwards.

Remove green growth with potassium permanganate

Potassium permanganate is actually a wound disinfectant that is available at the pharmacy and is usedRemoval of mosscan be used.

  • Put 5 liters of water in a pot and bring it to the boil.
  • Mix 500 g of cornstarch with a little water to form a paste.
  • Then remove the pot from the heat and add 100 g of baking soda, 8 g of potassium permanganate and the cornstarch slurry. Bring the mixture to a boil, stirring constantly.
  • Do not use too much potassium permanganate as it can severely stain the walls.
  • Pour the mixture into a bucket and scrub the wall of the house with it. Let it sit for four hours and then rinse it off with a garden hose or a pressure washer.

Remove moss and lichens from house walls with bleach

You can use bleach to remove all types of green growth as it works well as a herbicide and can kill them. However, it is important to use it sparingly and take precautions as it can damage skin, clothing and other plants.

Mix one part bleach and one part cold water in a spray bottle and spray the damaged areas. Repeat the process after the house wall has dried, treating daily for the next two weeks until the moss is killed.

Prevent the formation of moss on the house facade

One of the best ways to solve moss problems is to prevent moss from forming. If moss is growing on the walls of your house, it is very likely that they have somehow become wet.

If you have a sprinkler system, you should set it so that it does not hit the house facade.

Make sure there are no leaky faucets nearby.

Cut all branches of shrubsor trees back, which hang over the garden fence as they create the cool, moist and shady conditions that the moss needs to thrive.